library clerk

Chapter 133

Chapter 133
Song Jiang wanted to say something else, but he took a look at Meng Zhe's face and swallowed the words that came to his lips. It seemed that he wanted to persuade Meng Zhe to let Lagon and his wife go... obviously it would not work , now I can only take one step at a time.

Then Meng Zhe said, "I only give Lagon one morning, if he doesn't take the initiative to come to us, then we will go to him in the afternoon..."

After hearing this, Bai Ze asked curiously, "Could it be said that the Holy Monarch is not worried that the white wolf will escape? The restriction on him has been lifted."

Unexpectedly, Meng Zhe said confidently, "Don't worry, they can't least Shen Mei can't escape."

"How?" Bai Ze continued to ask.

Meng Zhe said proudly, "Because I put a restraint on Shen Mei's body, she can get out physically but not her soul, so Lagon either demolishes the house or takes away Shen Mei's body... In short, her soul and Like that errand, he will be trapped in that dilapidated factory forever."

After hearing this, Bai Ze nodded and said, "The Holy Monarch is really brilliant!"

After hearing this, Song Jiang despised Bai Ze's flattering behavior in his heart, but he didn't say anything, because he was really worried about the Lagon couple in his heart, although he didn't know whether it was right for him to do so , but I always feel that if I really ignore it, I may regret it in the future...

The morning time passed quickly, and Lagon's figure did not appear for a long time. After Meng Zhe exhausted his last bit of patience, he took Song Jiang and Bai Ze to look for it.To his surprise, Lagon didn't panic at all when he saw the three of them. On the contrary, he seemed to be waiting for them at the door early.

"Three honored guests who came from afar come to the humble house, it's really disappointing to welcome them!" Lagon said with a smile on his face.

After hearing this, Bai Ze took the lead and said, "Should we get to know each other again? Although we can't see your real body yet, you must not be an ordinary human..."

Lagon smiled and said, "What is Professor Bai talking about... I am actually an ordinary herdsman who can no longer be ordinary. I can live in this old factory building or I have been taken care of by Wu Hui. I don't know if the three of you today What's the use of a sudden visit?"

At this time, Bai Ze looked behind Lagon and said, "Actually, we don't need to waste each other's time. The Holy Monarch has imposed restrictions on Shen Mei. You will definitely not be able to take her away today unless you demolish the house. But in this way, you will also release that ghost guard who has been trapped here by you for more than ten years."

Lagon nodded, sighed helplessly, then looked directly at Meng Zhe and said, "The Lord White Tiger... I have admired your name for a long time. I never thought that one day I would be planted in your hands."

Hearing that the other party directly called out Meng Zhe's real body, two of the three of them except Song Jiang were a little surprised, and Meng Zhe, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly said, "What the hell are you? Now that you know With my real body, you should know that you can't make it today."

Lagon smiled and said, "Actually, my real body had a relationship with you once before, and I should have left here after all the karma is over..." He looked slightly sideways at this point and said, "I'm afraid there will be no more fateful love, so it is inevitable to cherish it."

Before Meng Zhe could speak, Lagon jumped up into the air, turned around and landed, and turned into a huge white snow wolf...

Meng Zhe and Bai Ze's faces changed when they saw it, because they never thought that the Lagon who had been leading them on the snow mountain was actually Harisan, the patriarch of the Rihan clan who turned into a snow wolf! !
"It turned out to be you! Have you ever thought about the consequences of showing your true body in front of me?!" Meng Zhe said with a grim expression.

White Wolf said helplessly, "Of course I thought about it... But everyone has someone who wants to protect, Lord Baihu, if you can let me and Shen Mei go today, I will definitely build a monument and a temple for you, so that you can live forever." Enjoy the fireworks in the world!"

But Meng Zhe was unmoved and said, "Do you think this gentleman would care about these things? You had the opportunity to re-enter reincarnation and be a human being...but you chose to stay, so don't blame this gentleman for being ruthless." gone."

"It's good to be reincarnated as a human being, but I really don't want to part with the one I love. If Shen Mei and I both go to the Yin Division, then the next life will naturally be bridge to bridge, road to road, and there will be no intersection at all! Lord White Tiger, look For the sake of saving Song Jiang, can you let us go today?"

"No... But for the sake of saving him, I can send you to the underworld to be reincarnated. This is already the greatest favor I have given you. Don't be greedy in everything, otherwise you will be beaten and nothing will be left. Yes." Meng Zhe said coldly.

Seeing that Meng Zhe was determined not to let him go, White Wolf nodded with a smile and said, "Okay, if that's the case...then I will risk my life today and take Meizi away!"

After the white wolf finished speaking, he bumped his head against the outer wall of the old factory building, and the red brick wall collapsed, creating a big hole, and the white wolf got in without saying a word... Meng Zhe and Bai Ze wanted to go in after seeing each other However, the white wolf quickly got out again, but this time there was an extra woman on its back.

When Bai Ze saw it, he exclaimed, "He really demolished the house! No, he's going to run away with Shen Mei!"

After hearing this, Meng Zhe sneered, "Do you think that this gentleman is here... Is it possible for such a thing to happen?!"

Maybe she was frightened by the scene in front of her. Shen Mei, who was on the back of the wolf, looked extremely pale. She tightly grasped the white wolf's fur with both hands, and there was an indescribable sadness in her eyes...

After Song Jiang saw this scene, his heart was slightly touched, and he realized that if he didn't help them today, they might both die here... So he turned his heart and took the sweat soaked in the palm of his hand. The relic was thrown into the mouth.

Song Jiang thought that the thing was like a big black honey pill after chewing a few mouthfuls before he could swallow it, but who knew that the "black chestnut" burrowed into Song Jiang's throat as soon as he took it, as if he had grown legs. Any chance of repentance.

In an instant, Song Jiang felt his throat was scorching hot, as if what he had just swallowed was not a basalt relic, but a red-hot coal... At the same time, Meng Zhe, who was about to chase the white wolf, suddenly died. Startled, and then looked at Song Jiang next to him in disbelief.

Lagon's prediction at the beginning was very accurate. The moment Song Jiang swallowed the relic, Meng Zhe had already felt the aura of Xuanwu, and he looked at Song Jiang with wide eyes and said, "You...why do you have the aura of Xuanwu on your body? !"

 Today's update...

(End of this chapter)

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