library clerk

Chapter 135 Escape

Chapter 135 Escape
I don't know how much time has passed. Song Jiang sat under the tree with his head in his arms. He didn't know how he would face Meng Zhe in the future, or just run away from him as Meng Zhe said before. contacts!
Although Song Jiang really wanted to go over to see how Meng Zhe was doing, his inborn evasive character made him not have the courage to go there, not even the courage to take a peek...until one lightly placed on his shoulder Only then did Song Jiang turn his head excitedly, but when he saw that the owner of his hand was Bai Ze, his eyes suddenly burst into disappointment.

"Xiao about I take you back to the hotel to rest first." Bai Ze said softly.

Song Jiang was stunned after hearing this, and then looked sideways slightly, "How is he...?"

"It's better than before. Fortunately, this old factory building is located in a remote place, and no one usually comes here. I've already placed him in Lagon's house, but... it may take some time for him to work." Bai Ze sighed Said loudly.

Song Jiang immediately stood up and said, "You don't have to send me off, I'll just go back by myself, he can't be separated from others in his current situation..."

After he finished speaking, he staggered towards the direction of the county seat. His back was somewhat pitiful, and Bai Ze shook his head helplessly... Who would have thought that Meng Zhe's muffled groan came again from the old factory building. Ze had to rush in to check the situation.

I saw that the clothes on Meng Zhezhou's body had been transformed into a beggar's outfit by the true spirits running around. He curled up on the ground with a painful expression, and his body trembled slightly from time to time.The errant who was trapped here before was standing in the corner with an embarrassed expression, neither leaving nor staying.

Seeing this, Bai Ze said to her in a deep voice, "It's your fault for not arresting Shen Mei's ghost, but we don't need to report this matter to the local city god, as long as you keep your mouth shut about what happened today."

The woman in black immediately saluted and said, "Don't worry, the big god, the little one knows what to do. If there are not two big gods helping today, the little one will be trapped for what year and month. This kindness is small. Remember Yu Xin, one day he will definitely pay it back... I will go and deal with Shen Mei's matter, and I will leave now."

After the woman in black left, Meng Zhe, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said, "What about him..."

"I thought it was pitiful for him to sit alone under the tree, so I asked him to go back to the hotel first... Shengjun, in fact, Song Jiang can't be blamed for this, after all, he doesn't know anything."

Meng Zhe sighed after hearing this, and said helplessly, "I'm almost fine, go find a piece of Lagon's clothes, let's go back to the hotel first."

Song Jiang, who walked back to the hotel one step earlier than them, met Wu Hui and Tang Zheng as soon as they entered the lobby. The latter hurriedly asked about Bai Ze's whereabouts when he saw him. , "Professor Bai is still busy... After the matter is over, he should come back."

After Song Jiang finished speaking, he turned around and was about to go back to the room, but Tang Zheng saw that Song Jiang was ambiguous, so he held him back a little unhappy and said, "Speak clearly? Where is Teacher Bai?!"

Song Jiang, who has always been easy to talk, suddenly threw Tang Zheng away, and said with gloomy eyes, "If you want to know the whereabouts of Professor Bai, ask him yourself?! As for whether he is willing to tell you... I can't decide .”

Tang Zheng was taken aback by Song Jiang. After all, he had always been a good-natured guy with no temper, but Wu Hui, who was on the side, saw that Song Jiang's mood was not right, so he asked tentatively, "Xiao Song, are you okay?" Son?!"

Song Jiang didn't answer his question, but waved at him feebly, indicating that he was fine, then turned around and walked back to his room...

Tang Zheng, who was behind him, saw it and said angrily, "What are you, you really think of yourself as a character?!"

"Okay, don't say a few words!" Wu Hui stopped Tang Zheng in time and said.

After Song Jiang returned to the room, he went to the bathroom to wash his face. Only then did he truly feel that the connection between himself and Meng Zhe had been completely disconnected. Life is in danger, let alone worry that I will always be entangled with that moody white tiger god in the future.

But at this time, Song Jiang was not happy at all. The time spent together had made him gradually accustomed to the existence of such a person. From time to time, he will meet some things that refresh the world view... But this kind of life is obviously much more interesting than before.

Song Jiang felt remorse when he thought of this, because all of this was ruined by his own stupidity, he was the one who failed Meng Zhe's trust, and betrayed him when he should not have betrayed him...

Although Bai Ze and Meng Zhe came back more than half an hour later than Song Jiang, they still missed Song Jiang perfectly... Meng Zhe looked at the empty room and understood that Song Jiang should have left by himself.

"It's still too late to chase..." Bai Ze said in a deep voice.

Meng Zhe sighed and said, "Forget it, this is his own choice... We should respect him, maybe it was really unfair to him to involve him in the first place. Now he has a chance to be a normal person, isn't it pretty okay?"

After hearing this, Bai Ze said suspiciously, "Sheng Jun, are you sure that the connection with Song Jiang has really been completely disconnected?"

Meng Zhe then closed his eyes and felt for a while, then nodded and said, "I can't feel his position anymore."

After hearing this, Bai Ze said with a regretful face, "Actually, I quite like this kid Song Jiang. I didn't expect that everyone's fate is so shallow..."

It has been more than a month since Song Jiang returned to his home. Since he fled back to Beidu from Gatang County in a panic that day, he has never seen Meng Zhe. Not only did he not go back to the library, he even put the I am too embarrassed to take the belongings in Meng Zhe's house.

For more than a month, Song Jiang has been writing behind closed doors. Although he hasn't written any shocking masterpieces, he can rely on this to support himself anyway. Besides, he doesn't eat much...

That night, Song Jiang went downstairs to pick up takeaway, but as soon as he got downstairs, his phone showed that the order was over!Song Jiang was so angry, he wondered why this delivery boy was in such a hurry?Anyway, wait until he gets the takeaway before finishing the order? !
Unexpectedly, as soon as Song Jiang walked out of the unit door, he saw a takeaway boy handing the takeaway to another man. When Song Jiang was about to look around for his own takeaway boy, he caught a glimpse of the two who were handing over. Order your own takeaway? !
(End of this chapter)

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