library clerk

Chapter 140 The skylight opened

Chapter 140 The skylight opened

Meng Zhe nodded at him when he saw it, saying that it was nothing serious. Seeing this, Song Jiang patted his chest and said, "Don't worry, we will take care of it for you! You don't have to worry about them pestering you anymore. .”

Although Jin Zhaokai didn't know the true identities of the two people in front of him, he had an inexplicable sense of trust in his heart, as if as long as the man who had been sullen had promised, he would definitely be able to do it...

The first thing Meng Zhe needs to solve is the problem that Jin Zhaokai can see ghosts. It stands to reason that if he saw ghosts because of his physical weakness caused by an injury a while ago, then he is already in good health now, plus a young man in his early twenties He is already full of firepower and yang energy, so he shouldn't go to hell, right? !
Thinking of this, Meng Zhe walked up to Jin Zhaokai, looked him up, down, left, and right, but he didn't find the reason why he saw the hell. It wasn't until he walked around behind Jin Zhaokai that he saw the back of this guy's head. There is a faint leak of yang energy...

"Where is your injured part?" Meng Zhe asked in a deep voice.

Jin Zhaokai thought for a while, then raised his finger and pointed to the position above the back of his head, and said, "At that time, the brick fell on this place at an angle, and the doctor said that I had a fortune teller. If I hit it harder, I might not be able to save it." came back."

After hearing this, Meng Zhe stretched out his hand and pressed lightly on his injured area, and then said thoughtfully, "It turns out that there is a crack in the door. No wonder you can see ghosts?!"

Song Jiang on the side asked in surprise, "What is Lumen?!"

Meng Zhe pointed to the two positions on the front and back of Jin Zhaokai's head and said, "When a person is just born, there is a boneless area in each of these two positions. Ordinary people will close themselves when they are about one and a half years old. It is said that babies can see ghosts before the blind door is closed. The reason why it is said is because the babies at that time were not yet mentally sound, so they had no way to tell adults what they saw. This kid can see ghosts. The ghost should be a crack in the position of the rear door, just find a way to mend it."

"Fix... mend it? How to mend it? Is it easy to stick it with the two brothers? This is a human head, you think it is a car tire?" Song Jiang said a little funny.

But Meng Zhe said solemnly, "The mountain man has his own tricks. Anyway, this Lumen must be sealed, otherwise he will not only see grieving ghosts at the level of starving ghosts in the future."

When Jin Zhaokai heard that there was still a seam on his head, he immediately said nervously, "Then, do I need to go to the hospital and ask the doctor to help remove the seam?"

Meng Zhe shook his head and said, "Everything the doctor can do has been done, you go back first, don't go out casually these few nights, wait for our call at home."

Song Jiang looked at Jin Zhaokai's back, turned his head to look at Meng Zhe and said, "What should we do next? Are we still looking for those starving ghosts?"

Meng Zhe sighed after hearing this, "The problem is not with them. Although it is really abhorrent that they scare Jin Zhaokai into buying food for them, they are all poor people in life, and no one pays homage to them after death. ...Let Lao Xu contact Li Meng tomorrow and let her find a way to save these grieving ghosts."

Song Jiang smiled and said nothing after hearing this. Although Meng Zhe sometimes looked ferocious and unreasonable, in fact, there was a very soft side hidden deep in his heart...

Song Jiang originally thought that his catastrophe today should be due to the incident of throwing away food. Unexpectedly, as soon as the two of them walked downstairs to Song Jiang's house, they saw black smoke billowing from the windows of the upstairs house.

"That...isn't it your window?" Meng Zhe's usually calm face showed a hint of surprise.

Song Jiang counted from the bottom to the top, and then from the top to the bottom and said, "'s the upstairs of my house!"

While the two were talking, a fire truck came galloping from outside the community. The firefighters jumped out of the car and started spraying water at the windows of the burning house without saying a word...

After a long time, Song Jiang looked up at Meng Zhe who was beside him and said, "Could this be the doom you're talking about!?"

Meng Zhe shrugged and said, "It's very likely..."

The fire was finally extinguished by the firefighters. It is said that the child upstairs was playing with scented candles at home. Later, he was called by his classmates to go downstairs to play and forgot to extinguish the candles. As a result, the tablecloth on the coffee table was ignited... and Song Jiang’s home Although it was not poisoned by the fire, it was soaked in the fire fighting water, and it was temporarily impossible to live.

So Song Jiang had no choice but to follow Meng Zhe back to his house in shame. His previous toiletries were still there.At first, Song Jiang thought that he would never return to Meng Zhe's house again. Unexpectedly, less than a month later, he moved back again.

"By the way, what happened to those ice corpses in Gatang County?" Song Jiang asked after seeing Meng Zhe sitting on the sofa in the living room swiping his phone after washing.

Meng Zhe put down his phone and said, "What else can I do? In the end, I sent a report saying that those ice corpses were eaten away by a cold-loving bacterium while they were frozen at a low temperature."

"Ah, isn't this a lie?" Song Jiang said while wiping the water off his head.

Meng Zhe sighed after hearing this, "Actually, the reason why Wu Hui and the others want Bai Ze to stay is just to give the outside world a seemingly reasonable answer, because not all truths can be accepted by people. They are frightened when they know the truth, so they might as well tell everyone an answer that everyone can accept."

When it comes to ice corpses, it is inevitable to think of Lagon and Shen Mei, so Song Jiang looked at Meng Zhe cautiously and said, "How should we deal with Lagon? Can we still find him?!"

Meng Zhe shook his head and said, "The sea of ​​people is vast... Where can I find someone who wants to hide? Forget it, anyway, it is the Yin Division's business to escape the ghost. As long as that Lagon doesn't hurt people's lives, I will Don’t bother with him as a little wolf anymore. And this matter is not without any benefits, at least the connection between you and me is broken. Even if there is no such thing as Xuanwu relic, I will find a way to disconnect of."

Thinking of Meng Zhe's suffering, Song Jiang said guiltily, "I really didn't expect to make you suffer so much, it's all my fault..."

"Okay, let's not stop, why are you so hypocritical every day?!" Meng Zhe said impatiently.

Song Jiang laughed awkwardly when he heard it, "Then what should we do about Jin Zhaokai? Can the crack on his head be mended?"

Meng Zhe smiled and said, "Those who are difficult will not, those who meet are not difficult, professional things need to be done by professional people..."

 Today's update...

(End of this chapter)

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