library clerk

Chapter 159 Game NPC

Chapter 159 Game NPC
"Strange person? What's so weird?" Meng Zhe asked.

Xiang Honghong tried hard to think back and said, "I don't remember clearly, I just remember that she said she wanted to leave here and asked if I could help her? Then...she left, but I couldn't get out .”

As soon as Meng Zhe heard this, he knew that this was the routine used by the other party. Once Xiang Honghong agreed softly, he would definitely be taken away by a ghost. Thinking of this, he couldn't help but start to worry about Song Jiang, because this guy's heart is not ordinary. .

At this time, Wu Lei heard that Xiang Honghong knew nothing about how he died, so he said sympathetically, "The police file said that you hanged yourself, and the cause of death is not suspicious..."

After hearing this, Xiang Honghong smiled wryly, "People like me... probably were discovered after being dead for a long time, right?"

Things were indeed as expected by Xiang Honghong. She was found by her colleagues who rushed to her home a few days after her death. Fortunately, the temperature was low at that time, otherwise the body would have already stink...

Wu Lei didn't know how to comfort Xiang Honghong, so he held back for a long time before saying, "Don't worry, your body has been taken away by your family."

After hearing this, Xiang Honghong sighed, "I'm the second child in my family. If my brother didn't study so badly, he wouldn't be able to pass the high school exam, and my parents wouldn't support me to go to college at all... I thought I could finally earn money. I raised a family, but it ended up like this.”

After hearing this, Wu Lei felt very sympathetic to Xiang Honghong, but he couldn't do anything by himself, so he turned to Meng Zhe and said, "I know you are very capable, can you help her?"

As soon as Meng Zhe heard it, he looked at the environment in the room and said, "If I'm not wrong, the other party's big money to set up this game should be to help someone survive... It's not impossible to help her, But the most important thing for us right now is to meet up with Song Jiang and the others, otherwise those two guys will be killed by each other, and they will be ruined if they borrow Yangshou to go."

After Meng Zhe finished speaking, he looked at the female ghost and said to Honghong, "I can rescue you, but I have to make it clear in advance that your Yangshou has been used by others, and it is impossible to return to the previous life after you leave here. Gone in life, so your only place to go is to report to the underworld..."

Xiang Honghong nodded quickly and said, "I am so grateful that you can help me get out of here, no matter what, it is much better than staying here to harm others... As for where I will go in the future, I can only resign myself to fate. "

Meng Zhe saw that Xiang Honghong was a girl with a transparent heart, so he didn't say anything more. He first took out a black iron lump from his pocket, and after a little luck, a dazzling sword aura shot out from the iron lump. It shot out... This black iron lump is none other than the magic weapon Zhuxian sword made by the Northern Qisu refining itself.

I saw Meng Zhe holding the Zhuxian sword and circling several places in the room, and quickly broke the barrier that can trap both people and ghosts at the same time. After he was done, he turned his head to look at the female ghost and said to Honghong , "Do you know where the remaining 6 ghosts are?"

But Xiang Honghong shook her head and said, "I haven't been out since I entered here, so I don't know where they are trapped, but it must be in these rooms on the second floor. "

After Meng Zhe heard this, he turned around and walked out of the room, then stood outside the door and said to Hong Hong, "You can come out now, but you can't get out of the castle yet, you can go to the first floor and wait, then I will I will send you 7 ghosts away together..."

After hearing this, Xiang Honghong nodded gratefully, and then walked out of the room cautiously. She couldn't help crying when she looked at the scenery in the corridor. At this time, she should be very regretful that she worked so hard. , I live so depressed every day, I just want to relax occasionally, but this kind of thing happened.

Wu Lei who walked out afterwards saw that Xiang Honghong's eyes were full of tears, so he comforted her and said, "Don't think so much, it's not your fault... When we find the mastermind behind the scenes, he will give you an explanation."

After Meng Zhe heard this, he glanced at Wu Lei, thinking that this guy would give him some work, so he rolled his eyes and walked to the next room. Seeing this, Wu Lei quickly chased after him, because in this He doesn't want to be too far away from Meng Zhe...

Then the two of them walked into the room that Song Jiang and Shao Jun had entered before, but the situation in the room was quite different from before, it looked like an ordinary hotel room.

Seeing that there was no one in the room, Wu Lei said with a look of disappointment, "It seems that Song Jiang and the others must have entered this room, let's go to the next room to have a look!"

But Meng Zhe raised his hand and said, "No... I can clearly feel Song Jiang's aura here, and he should be here right now."

After hearing this, Wu Lei said in a daze, "But this room is so big, where can they hide? I think we should go quickly..."

"Shut up! ~ Can you be quiet for a while?" Meng Zhe said impatiently.

Wu Lei was instantly dumbfounded by Meng Zhe's fierceness. He thought to himself why this person has such a "dog temper". His temper is even hotter than Shao Jun's. ?
Without Wu Lei's noise, Meng Zhe calmed down instantly. He first slowly closed his eyes, then called Song Jiang's name in the room with his mind, and soon received Song Jiang's response... The fact is just like Meng Zhe As expected, Song Jiang was indeed in this room.

When he heard that there was a kid named Alice next to Song Jiang, Meng Zhe immediately realized that there was something wrong with this kid.Because he had deduced from the information Xiang Honghong had given that the strategy of the Scary Castle was to change the lives of the seven fools who wanted nothing to do with the seven ghosts in the castle, in order to achieve some kind of evil purpose... …

But any parent with a normal mind would not let a little girl under 10 years old participate in this kind of game internal test, so Meng Zhe concluded that this kid named "Alice" should be the so-called "NPC" in the game ...And this "NPC" has only one purpose, which is to trick everyone who walked into the castle to hand over their bodies.

As the "signal" between Meng Zhe and Song Jiang was interrupted, Meng Zhe couldn't help feeling a little worried. He also tried to break the barrier between the two spaces, but to no avail. entrenched in this room, even the Zhuxian sword in Meng Zhe's hand is useless at this moment...

 One update today, it is expected to return to normal double update in June...

(End of this chapter)

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