library clerk

Chapter 479 Darkroom

Chapter 479 Darkroom
Because he couldn't see anything clearly, Wang Wenyi could only walk forward with the light of the flashlight, but in the next second he felt sparks flashing, and then his body shook uncontrollably.

When Wang Wenyi died at the beginning, he really thought that he died by accident, but it didn't take long before he saw his elder brother Wang Wenjie ask someone to seal the second basement floor that had already been dug. Something is not quite right...

Then one day a ghost came to the door and wanted to arrest the soul, but when he matched the name with Wang Wenyi, he found that the product was not the right version.

Wang Wenyi wondered in his heart that he was dead, so why did he die in someone else's name, and who was living in his own name?Of course, as long as he is not lacking in insight, he can guess that the person who lives against him can only be his elder brother Wang Wenjie who looks very similar to him.

At this point in the matter, Wang Wenyi never thought that his death was not an accident at all, and that his brother lived in place of him probably because he wanted to cheat him of the high insurance he bought abroad...Since his death is irreversible, he can do whatever Wang Wenjie wants to do. Toss it.

Unexpectedly, Yinchai's next words almost made Wang Wenyi angry. He told Wang Wenyi that because the name did not match, he could not take him to the Yin Division to report, and even if the name did match, his cause of death would not match. .

At first, Wang Wenyi didn't believe the other party's words, but after thinking about it carefully, he himself felt the strangeness... First, Wang Wenjie called himself over for no reason on the day of the accident. I haven't contacted you for two weeks, why did you suddenly ask yourself to see some villa renovation?

What's more, the electric shock itself is also very strange. It stands to reason that Wang Wenjie is the owner of the villa. He took his younger brother to see the situation in the basement. Shouldn't he walk in the front?Why do you have to direct Wang Wenyi to move forward?Afterwards, Wang Wenyi thought that all the assets under his name after his death should also be taken by his brother, so wouldn't his death completely fulfill his brother Wang Wenjie?
After thinking about these things, Wang Wenyi asked the errand if he was killed by others?Yin Cha didn't answer his question directly, but said ambiguously, "In short, your cause of death is not right..."

Wang Wenyi knew that this errand must know the real cause of his death, so he begged the other party hard, hoping that he could tell the truth, and as long as he could find his name, he would do his best to repay his kindness in the future.

Maybe it was because of seeing Wang Wenyi's pity, or maybe it was because the errand had other plans. In short, he actually agreed to Wang Wenyi's request, and gave him a "scene reenactment", allowing him to see what happened in the villa on the day of the incident. everything……

When Meng Zhe saw it, he snorted and said, "No wonder the area of ​​the basement looks smaller than the one above. It turns out that a dark room for storing goods was designed here!" He locked his eyes on those Under the shelves, it was found that the workers had actually fixed all the shelves to the ground.

Deng Kai said in puzzlement when he heard this, "Since this is the case, how can you run up to it now?"

Song Jiang asked quickly after hearing this, "No wonder what?"

After hearing this, Gu Hao went to a cabinet for a closer look, then opened the cabinet door, reached in and knocked on the back panel inside, but there was a muffled sound... The three of them immediately understood that there should be something behind this cabinet. It was empty, so they worked together to remove the cabinet and found that there was indeed a dark room behind.

"Do you see what's wrong here?" Meng Zhe said first.

Song Jiang looked at the shelves in the room full of bags of small colored pills, and couldn't help saying, "My God! This is a big case!!"

After hearing this, Wang Wenyi said in a deep voice, "Naturally, it is the reincarnation of heaven that gave me the opportunity to take revenge."

"There seem to be too many things in this room. Ordinary people's house here is at most a utility room, but this family's decoration is so cumbersome, with grids and cabinets..." Song Jiang said a little puzzled.

"No wonder..." Meng Zhe muttered softly.

The three of Song Jiang were standing in the innermost room on the basement floor, looking around at the surrounding decorations...

Gu Hao walked in first, and then touched the switch by the door. The dark room instantly became a bright room, and all the invisible things hidden inside were presented in front of the eyes of the three of them...

Knowing the whole truth, Wang Wenyi's heart was ashamed. No matter how much he disliked his eldest brother's character, he still remembered that they were siblings, and his third brother, Wang Wenzhong, couldn't possibly be ignorant of this matter.Forget about Sun Jing, after all, she and the eldest are a couple, but why does the third want to die by himself? !
The errand told Wang Wenyi before he left that he could only help him so much. As for whether he could get his name back in the future... that would depend on his own destiny.But it turns out that Wang Wenyi has been waiting for several years.

The reason why Wang Wenjie re-sealed the second basement floor that had already been dug was probably because of a guilty conscience, or because he was afraid that the soul of the second child would take his life.For this reason, he specially sought a solution from a certain master, that is, first apply a layer of cinnabar to the seal, and then seal it with cement, so that Wang Wenyi, who is trapped below, will never be able to come up. .

At this moment, Meng Zhe pointed to a hole in the ground and asked Gu Hao, "What do you see in the ground?"

After hearing this, Gu Hao leaned down and took a closer look, then straightened up and said, "It turns out that there is a layer of cinnabar on the bottom of the cement, but the previous owner destroyed the original layer of cinnabar coating on the ground in order to fix these shelves. It's..."

At this time, Meng Zhe knocked out all the packets of small pills on the shelf with a wave of his hand, and then kicked the shelf down... Then he stomped the ground vigorously and said, "This should be the lower floor At the beginning, someone must have been afraid of the ghosts taking their lives, so they sealed the entrance to the second basement floor with cinnabar, but now that the cinnabar coating has been artificially destroyed, the ghosts below will naturally come up to act as demons."

When Shao Jun received Song Jiang's call, he was stunned for half a minute before he realized it. At first he thought that the case was just to catch a few poisonous insects, but he didn't expect that there was a mystery hidden in the basement... But with Compared with these, Shao Jun is still more concerned about Zhou Ming's situation, he doesn't want his brother who has been with him for so many years to disappear inexplicably.

(End of this chapter)

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