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Chapter 545 Lu Jiating

Everyone has to bear the price for the mistakes they have made. Some people may be punished immediately, while others may have to wait for many years... and Hu Yuan is obviously the latter.For what happened back then, he simply attributed it to his youth and ignorance. If he hadn't met Zhao Jiayu again, he would have almost completely forgotten about it.

Many years ago, campus bullying was not taken seriously by people. In the eyes of parents and schools, it was just fighting between children. As long as there were no major incidents, it would basically not be put on the table. ...

According to Hu Yuan's own recollection, he can't remember exactly what excessive things he did to Zhao Jiayu, because when they grew up and met again, Zhao Jiayu's attitude towards him was no different from that of ordinary old classmates. So much so that he himself felt that what happened back then was just a small episode in the process of growing up... But now it seems that things are far from that simple.

At this time, Song Jiang heard that there seemed to be a loophole in Hu Yuan's words, so he asked with some doubts, "Why did you say that you and Zhao Jiayu had an unpleasant fight for a while? Does this mean that the two of you shook hands and agreed again later?" ?”

After hearing this, Hu Yuan was silent for a few seconds, and then said, "Later, the conflict between me and Zhao Jiayu intensified. I asked someone to block him several times at the school gate, but our monitor, Lu Jiating, saw it. She I felt that everyone was in the same class after all, and it would be of no benefit to anyone if we kept fighting like this, so I took the initiative to make peace between the two of us."

At that time, Hu Yuan was a little bit ignorant of Lu Jiating in adolescence, so he naturally didn't have the face of refuting Squad Leader Lu, and temporarily agreed to be friends with Zhao Jiayu... and because of this incident, Lu Jiating really became his in the end girlfriend.Of course, the boyfriend and girlfriend at that time were just like children playing house, and then a few of them went to different high schools and gradually cut off contact.

"How's the relationship between Lu Jiating and Zhao Jiayu?" Gu Hao suddenly interjected when he heard this.

Hu Yuan thought for a while and said, "It's not bad... After all, Lu Jiating is the only girl in the class who is willing to take the initiative to talk to him."

At this time, Song Jiang also smelled something strange in the relationship between the two boys and one girl. Isn't this obviously a love triangle relationship?At the darkest moment of Zhao Jiayu's life, the appearance of Lu Jiating turned everything around. If Zhao Jiayu didn't like Lu Jiating, maybe even a fool wouldn't believe it?But Lu Jiating fell in love with the bad boy Hu Yuan.

First being bullied, and then being robbed of the girl he likes by the same person?Ordinary people should remember it for a lifetime. If Zhao Jiayu hadn't lost his memory, he would never forget it easily... It would be fine if he turned his face immediately after seeing Hu Yuan when he grew up, or behaved very coldly, but he just let Hu Yuan go. People feel a little terrified.

Song Jiang thought of this and asked Hu Yuan another question, "Are you still in touch with Lu Jiating? Do you know her current situation?"

Unexpectedly, Hu Yuan shook his head and said, "I haven't been in touch since high school... I still met a classmate who went to the same high school as Lu Jiating by chance one year. Ting dropped out of school due to illness in the first half of her first year of high school, and I haven’t heard from her since then.”

Deng Kai was puzzled and said, "If you are married to Lu Jiating now... then it is reasonable for Zhao Jiayu to take revenge on you, but you haven't heard from Lu Jiating for so many years. He is so tall. What's the point of Shuiyuan's revenge?"

That's all for today...

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