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Chapter 552 Disguise

Chapter 552 Disguise
This incident has hurt Lu Jiating beyond control. She is like a flat boat caught in a tsunami. No matter how hard she struggles, it will be useless. She can only watch herself fall into the endless abyss and cannot save herself. ...Zhao Jiayu was the only one who knew the truth at that time. He saw the injustice that Lu Jiating encountered, and he felt very uncomfortable, but he didn't know how to help her. It felt like he had no strength , but don't know where to use the same.

At that time, the cost of spreading rumors was very low, and people didn't know how to use legal weapons to protect their own expediency. Even adults with certain work experience had no safe solution to such things... let alone Lu Jiating at that time Still a student.

This kind of encounter made Lu Jiating not interested in her studies, and in the end, she even cried for no reason during class. The school was afraid that what would happen to her if she continued, the school would be held responsible, so she quickly called Lu Jiating. parents, let them take their children to the hospital as soon as possible.

At that time, depression was very unfamiliar to ordinary people, and in the eyes of some parents, depression was even confused with emotional disturbance. Lu Jiating was undoubtedly diagnosed with severe depression, and the doctor asked her to suspend school for treatment as soon as possible. , otherwise the consequences of continuing to develop may be very serious.

At the beginning, Lu Jiating’s parents didn’t believe what the doctor said. They thought that their daughter had a cheerful personality and would never suffer from depression. Her previous behavior should be caused by the pressure of studying. She will be fine after going home for a few days and resting. ... But what happened later completely changed their minds.

It made sense for Lu Jiating not to go out when she was at home on sick leave before, because at that time she had a bad cold and it turned into pneumonia.But this time Lu Jiating didn't have any health problems, but she still didn't go out every day after returning home, so she locked herself in the room, and didn't even dare to open the curtains...

After Zhao Jiayu learned that Lu Jiating was on sick leave again, he came to see her every day, and wanted to take her out to relax, but Lu Jiating refused.She told Zhao Jiayu that she never wanted to leave the door of the room in her life, because no matter who she met outside, she felt that the other person looked at her with contempt and ridicule, and that feeling was as shameful as if she had no clothes on... She didn't know what was wrong with her, she felt that she must probably be crazy.

Although Zhao Jiayu knew that this was a heart attack, he didn't know how to help Lu Jiating. After all, he was very young at that time, and he had never encountered such a thing.After much deliberation, Zhao Jiayu finally decided to tell Lu Jiating's parents about the matter, so that at least she could get their understanding and care.

When Lu Jiating's parents learned the whole story, they were all so angry that they couldn't speak. They couldn't figure out that they were all parents. Why could Hu Yuan's mother be so shameless?Your own son doesn't like it but wants to slander someone else's daughter? !Where in the world is there such a truth?
But in the end, they had nothing to do except to make themselves half dead with anger. After all, they were ordinary people with no power, and they would only humiliate themselves if they went to each other to make a theory without any evidence... In order to make Lu Jia Ting can stay away from these bad people and bad things, Lu Jiating's parents can only help her find a new school, hoping that her daughter will change her learning environment, and her illness will gradually recover.

At that time, Zhao Jiayu's parents were preparing to return to their hometown in Nandi due to job transfer, so he suggested to Lu Jiating's parents that they should also move to Nandi. The folk customs are simple, especially suitable for Tingting to recuperate in the past...

Through the contact with Zhao Jiayu during this period of time, Lu Jiating's parents found that he is a very good boy, especially caring about Tingting's affairs. After hearing Zhao Jiayu's proposal, they also felt that his daughter was indeed They should live in a relatively simple environment for a period of time. In addition, neither of them have any formal jobs. There is no big difference where they live. The most important thing is that their daughter can stay away from those demons and return to the cheerful and optimistic before. Lu Jiating.

In this way, Lu Jiating's parents quickly completed the transfer procedures for her, and the family moved to the small place in Nandi.At the beginning, things were exactly as Lu Jiating's parents and Zhao Jiayu thought. When Lu Jiating arrived in a new environment, her mood gradually improved, and a smile gradually appeared on her face.But they didn't know that all of this was just a superficial phenomenon, and it was just a disguise made by Lu Jiating to prevent them from worrying.

On a sunny morning, Zhao Jiayu came to visit Lu Jiating with a bag of freshly baked butter bread as usual. As soon as he walked to the intersection where Lu Jiating's house was, he saw an ambulance speeding by. However, Lu Jiating's parents were sitting inside in panic... Zhao Jiayu froze in place, not even knowing when the buttered bread in his hand fell to the ground.

Lu Jiating committed suicide and left without warning. She even smiled to Zhao Jiayu the day before and told Zhao Jiayu that she really wanted to eat freshly baked butter bread. He couldn't figure out how things turned out like this? !A few days later, Zhao Jiayu received a letter from Lu Jiating before she died.

Lu Jiating said that she failed Zhao Jiayu's good intentions and was sorry for the kindness of her parents' upbringing, but she really felt that living was exhausting. She didn't dare to go out, dare not look into the eyes of strangers, even if someone smiled at her kindly. It seems to be ridicule and ridicule.She knows that she is sick, and she wants to take medicine and live a good life... But even if there is a slight disturbance, she feels that everyone is laughing at herself. She understands that she can only do this in her life, so she chooses leave.

Zhao Jiayu held tightly the letter Lu Jiating wrote to him, and was speechless for a long time. He hated himself for being cowardly and inferior. At the beginning, he obviously liked Lu Jiating, but he only dared to look at her and Hu Jiating from a distance. Being far away together, if I had been braver at that time, things might not be what they are today.

Not long after Lu Jiating passed away, Zhao Jiayu went to find Hu Yuan, and he wanted to ask him if he had any intentions?Why can you do such an excessive thing to a girl who likes you! ?But when he actually saw Hu Yuan, he didn't go forward, because he saw Hu Yuan standing with a girl talking and laughing...

From that day on, Zhao Jiayu knew that there was only one thing left to do in his life, and that was to avenge Lu Jiating.Why can the perpetrator live a life of wanton indulgence, while the victim has to bear all the suffering alone, and finally has to end all the suffering at the cost of his life.

 Today's update...

(End of this chapter)

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