library clerk

Chapter 599

At this time, Fang Jing was no longer the kind-hearted Hebo of Jinghe. He really hated Bian Dalian to the extreme, so he took her into the mountains... Fang Jing's thought at the time was that since she was dedicated to He Uncle's bride, isn't it only natural to stay with me in the mountains? !
Unexpectedly, Bian Dalian was naturally timid, and Fang Jing fell into this field because of herself. She felt ashamed in her heart, and felt ashamed in her heart after being frightened. She died of illness within a few days after going up the mountain.

Although the hatred in Fang Jing's heart became stronger after Bian Dalian's death, he did not continue to torment the people of Tancheng. Instead, he hid in the mountains lonely, and spent thousands of years in a daze. During this period, he witnessed the great world. All kinds of changes, the former Tan Cheng has completely disappeared from this world, and even Fang Jing himself is gradually forgetting the past when he was the god of the Jingshui River, if Sun Yaning hadn't secretly taken the stone in the wooden box The fish touched Fang Jing's forgotten hatred, and he might always be that donkey friend Fang Jing who wandered around in the mountains...

After Song Jiang listened to Fang Jing's story, he looked around and said, "Is this the former Tancheng?"

Fang Jing nodded and said, "It's the Tan Cheng in my memory... Jinghui, that bald donkey desperately wanted to keep it, but only persisted for a few decades after his death. It was destroyed in the war, do you think it is ridiculous?!"

"According to what you said, it was the immortal-locking talisman drawn by Monk Jinghui with his whole life of cultivation that has trapped you until now...but that talisman has been uncovered by Wang Yaning now, and the stone fish has also Having left Jingtan Temple, these two points mean that you should be able to leave this place now, how could you still be trapped in the mountains?" Song Jiang was a little puzzled.

Fang Jing said angrily when he heard it, "So I want you to blow up Jingtan Temple? As long as that broken place is still there, I will never leave here..."

Song Jiang thought about it, and felt that there were still many things that didn't make sense, but Fang Jing's demeanor didn't seem like he was lying... and Wang Yaning, why did she suddenly go to steal the stone fish in the wooden box?It stands to reason that most people would not notice the wooden box first when they enter the Temple of Fumo. After all, it is not very conspicuous either from the location or the wooden box itself. Why would Wang Yaning know that there is something he wants in it as soon as he comes up? ?
Thinking of this, Song Jiang pointed at Wang Yaning and said to Fang Jing, "Can you make her return to normal? I still have some questions to ask her... Don't you wonder why she took away the stone fish?"

Fang Jing was taken aback by Song Jiang's words. Ever since he found out that the stone fish had been taken away, he had been dominated by anger in his heart. He hadn't thought about these details at all. Thinking... It seems that there is indeed something wrong.

So Fang Jing waved at Wang Yaning lightly, and the other party regained consciousness in an instant. She first looked around in a little confusion, and then immediately shouted in panic, "Aunt Shen Han!? Aunt Shen Han, where are you?"

Seeing this, Song Jiang quickly comforted her and said, "Wang Yaning, I am Song Jiang, and he is Zhou you remember us?"

Wang Yaning calmed down after hearing the familiar name, and she said with a look of bewilderment, "Auntie Shen Han and I got separated in the mountains, I...we, where is this place?"

Song Jiang knew that the little girl must be frightened, so he quickly said to her, "Don't don't have to be afraid when we are here."

Originally, Wang Yaning's emotions had stabilized at this time, but when she accidentally looked at Fang Jing beside Song Jiang, her eyes immediately changed from confusion to panic at the beginning, and finally she pointed at the other party with a pale face and said , "You... you are not, are you that... scary guy?!"

Seeing that Wang Yaning was about to collapse again, Song Jiang immediately turned her attention to himself and said, "Don't be nervous... tell me who he is? Is it that scary man who appeared in your room?"

Wang Yaning seems to be unable to do anything except nod now, but her current expression is enough to explain everything, so Song Jiang immediately looked at Fang Jing and said, "Didn't you say that you can't leave here? Why can you appear hundreds of kilometers away?" By Wang Yaning's side?!"

Song Jiang's words seemed to have stopped Fang Jing, but then he said with certainty, "I have never been able to take half a step outside the Jingtan Temple in the past thousand years..."

"Then who will Wang Yaning see?" Song Jiang was very puzzled.

At this time, Zhou Shiwu, who had been listening by the side, asked, "Is the person you saw exactly the same as him? Is there any difference?"

At this time, Wang Yaning had already calmed down a lot, seeing her think for a while and said, " different from lips."

"Teeth and lips are different, what's the difference?" Zhou Shiwu asked.

"At that time... his teeth and mouth were black and blue." Wang Yaning said tremblingly.

Fang Jing's face changed when he heard this, and he was stunned for a few seconds before he said, "When I was just trapped, I was full of evil spirits, and I looked a little scary... At that time, Da Lian was sent to the mountain again by those Tancheng people. I was angry, so I used that ghostly look to scare her all day long. I just didn't expect her to be so scared, and she died within a few days. After she died, I regretted it in my heart. Now that I think about it, she is actually quite pitiful. That The woman at that time couldn't be her own master at all, and she should be forced to lie to me." Speaking of this, Fang Jing looked at Wang Yaning and said, "Only Da Lian saw me like that at that time, and I was useless after that. How do you know that you have frightened others with that look?"

Now Wang Yaning was questioned, she murmured for a long time but couldn't tell why, Song Jiang saw it and asked helplessly, "Did you really see it clearly at that time?"

"Of course... But now that I think about it, I must have seen it clearly, but I can't tell whether I saw it in a dream or in reality." Wang Yaning said hesitantly.

Song Jiang seemed to understand the problem, so he turned to Fang Jing and said, "What about the gemstone earrings in the stone fish?"

Fang Jing smiled wryly after hearing this, "That was what I gave Da Lian when I fell in love with her back then. It was a pair of ten thousand year red coral beads. It's a pity that my sincerity was paid by mistake after all. It was placed among the stone fish by Jinghui."

But Song Jiang shook his head and said, "The time sequence is wrong. You said that when Da Lian died, Jing Hui had already trapped your real body with the lock fairy talisman, and then died because of it...then how could he be in Da Lian?" Did Lian put those earrings into the fish's belly after Lian's death?"

Today's update...

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