library clerk

Chapter 874: Cooking raw rice into cooked rice

Chapter 874: Cooking raw rice into cooked rice

The old lady was already emotionally unstable because she had just woken up. But when she heard what Ma Hui said, she suddenly felt a burst of angina pectoris and fainted again... The others had been staring at Liu Hailong digging the soil, but Song Jiang suddenly felt Ma Hui. Hui was a little too quiet, so she quickly looked back and saw the old lady lying upright on the ground. She was immediately startled, fearing that the old lady was really dead, so she quickly pushed Gu Hao and told him to hurry up. Go over and take Ma Hui aside first.

At this time, Ma Hui's parents also felt that something was wrong, so they went to pull Ma Hui with Gu Hao. They found that Ma Hui was surprisingly strong. Both of her parents combined could not drag her away. In the end, Gu Hao put his hand on the pulse of her wrist and took her aside, but her eyes were always staring fiercely at the old lady who fainted on the ground...

When Ma Hui was taken aside, although her whole body was resisting, she couldn't escape Gu Hao's flirtatious touch, so she said in a vicious tone, "It's you again...who are you? Why are you doing this?" Harm me again and again?"

After hearing this, Gu Hao said in a deep voice, "You are no longer Liu Haifeng, you are Ma Hui."

Upon hearing this, Ma Hui sneered and said, "If I were 100% Ma Hui, why would you bring me back to this place?!"

At this time, Liu Hailong's movements suddenly stopped. He stared at the thing in the soil, his eyes looking both expectant and frightened. After hesitating for a moment, he softly called out, "Feng'er... is that you?"

Ma Hui, who was still twitching all over, suddenly stiffened. She turned her head to look at Liu Hailong in disbelief. The latter dropped the hoe in his hand, lay on the ground and started digging with bare hands until a man who had long since lost sight of the original color The snakeskin bag was exposed, but at this time Liu Hailong dared not open it and take a look.

Peng Defa was dumbfounded when he saw this. Although he didn't know what happened, it was not difficult to guess what happened just by looking at Liu Hailong's reaction. At the same time, an ominous premonition suddenly arose in his heart. Liu Haifeng came to live with his family. His mother clearly said that Sister Xiaofeng had already boarded the train, so how could she appear under the plum tree at the old village chief's house? Could it be that my mother didn't tell the truth at the beginning and that she had something to do with this matter? !

At this time, Ma Hui seemed to be unable to believe her eyes. She murmured, "Brother... is it you? Why are you so old?"

Liu Hailong looked at the snakeskin bag in the pit and then at Ma Hui, then smiled bitterly and said, "I'm fifty, how can I not be sister is still young and still looks like she did back then."

"You came to see me?" Liu Haifeng's expression was equally expectant and frightened.

When Liu Hailong heard his sister ask him this, the man of several decades actually burst into tears. He nodded desperately and said, "Well... I'm here to find you. I've been looking for you for more than thirty years, and I finally found you!" Brother will definitely take you home, mom is still waiting for us at home."

Ma Hui suddenly started struggling violently when she heard this, desperately trying to run towards Liu Hailong. When Gu Hao saw this, he loosened his grip on Ma Hui and let her go. The two immediately threw themselves together and cried. ... Gu Hao knew that this might be the last chance for the two brothers and sisters to meet. As long as the secret in the snakeskin bag came to light, Liu Haifeng would probably completely disappear from this world.

Song Jiang sighed when he saw this scene, "What should we do next?" Gu Hao looked back at the plum tree and said, "What else can we do? Call the police."

The local police rushed over quickly after receiving the alarm. They found a set of human bones in the snakeskin bag. It can be seen with the naked eye that the deceased's leg bones had been fractured during his lifetime and had never grown properly. ...As for the cause of her death, it is still unclear and can only wait for further investigation.

Facts have proved that what Gu Hao said was correct. When the forensic doctor opened the snakeskin bag, Liu Haifeng, who was hugging Liu Hailong and crying one second, closed her eyes and fell unconscious the next second, so the police again He quickly called an ambulance and sent the old lady who had fainted before and Ma Hui to the hospital... When Ma Hui woke up again in the hospital, she was completely back to normal, and even had no memory of Liu Haifeng. None.

With the help of Song Jiang and several enthusiastic tourists, the police quickly identified the owner of the yard, Zuo Manzhu, as the subject of investigation. However, because he was too frightened before, he actually ran into the nearby mountains. After several days and nights, After a thorough search, the person was captured from the mountain...

After interrogation, the police learned that Zhao Shunfang had turned her attention to her out-of-town relative Liu Haifeng because she had no money to pay tuition for her son. At that time, the old village chief wanted to find a wife for his son Zuo Manzhu, but because of his Baocun is so poor that no girl is willing to marry here and live a hard life even if she can afford the bride price.

When Liu Haifeng was fetching water from the well in the village, she lost her footing and fell into the well. She was rescued by Zuo Manzhu who happened to be passing by. Saving someone's life was supposed to be a matter of good deeds and good fortune, but Zuo Manzhu ended up doing it because of this. I fell in love with Liu Haifeng and had to marry her as my wife...

The old village chief knew that she was a city girl, so how could she marry a stupid boy from her own family? But she couldn't resist her son, so she had to go to Zhao Shunfang to discuss it. After all, he was a relative of her family. At the beginning, Zhao Shunfang said bluntly, "This is impossible. Haifeng is a girl from the city. If she wants to find her husband's family, she must go back to the city to find her. How can she marry into a small, poor village like ours?!"

As soon as the old village chief heard this, he promised Zhao Shunfang that if this matter could be accomplished, he would take care of all the expenses for her two sons' schooling. By then, the two families would become relatives again. What good thing could happen in the village without thinking of their family first? ! Zhao Shunfang was really afraid of poverty and wanted her son to live outside in the future, so she thought of a conscience-stricken way, which was to make cooked rice from raw rice.

At that time, Shangbao Village had inconvenient transportation and underdeveloped communications. The only landline phone number was at the village committee. Zhao Shunfang first coaxed Liu Haifeng to call her home and told them that she was going home for the festival, and then called her home when she returned home. The night before, he got him drunk with a farewell drink, and that night he carried him to the village chief's house.

Zhao Shunfang originally thought that when Liu Haifeng woke up the next morning, she would say that she and Zuo Manzhu accidentally slept together all night after drinking. Anyway, the man was unmarried and the woman was unmarried, so they might as well just become husband and wife... Unexpectedly After Liu Haifeng sobered up, she disagreed with anything she said, and Fei cried and said she was going to call the police. So the old village chief didn't stop and locked the person up.

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