Chapter 382
The physical collision was only once, and Aguru knew that he was definitely not Josta's opponent in terms of fighting skills, so the only way to defeat him was to choose another one.

With a flick of his trembling right hand, the bullet flew out at a gallop.

The galloping light bullets were short and fast, and precisely exploded on Josta's chest.

The energy attack of the light bomb, and the shock wave generated by the explosion, all seemed to have no effect on this burly Warrior of Light.

Standing firmly in the muddy water like a pine and cypress, he didn't move at all while the muddy water rolled and flowed.

The thick, muscular arm gently brushed against the chest, and there was not even a single scar left on the strong pectoralis major muscle.


His big head was covered with countless big question marks.

Aguru was startled, a little unbelievable.

The power of small light bullets is not as powerful as the killing light, but how can hitting someone only cause a forced -1 effect?
What kind of monster's defense is this?

Aguru was in a daze, but Josta was not. His waist and arms were swaying at the same time, and in the staggered L-shaped posture, colorful lights rushed out.

And the light whip above Aguru's head also quickly extended and released as he leaned forward.

There is also no light that accumulates power, and the collision of the Metalim light guard photon smasher dissipates into light particles at the same time.

The recoiled energy wave quieted down with Josta's blow, and Aguru straightened up even though he was a little embarrassed.

"The lighting skills are good. I can even catch the Metalim light, which I'm not very good at." Josta praised Aguru with words that didn't seem like a compliment.

And Aguru didn't believe Josta's words at all.

He has personally experienced the power of the enhanced version of Metalim's light. The forward shake is short but powerful. This light is definitely a must-kill skill.

And how could nirvana be called not good at?

If the upper limit of a person's anger value is 100, the current Aguru's anger at being angered by Josta is a full 90.

But in the face of a powerful enemy that even the photon smasher can't defeat, he really has no good way.

And Josta was rather bored.

Aguru is too weak.

Whether it is the will to be influenced by others at will, even a robot can smear, or the 50-meter figure as thin as a bamboo pole.

There is no way to produce a collision of souls at all, and even the burning soul of battle cannot be ignited.

"He's handed over to you, use your fists to tell him what a real Ultra warrior is, and awaken his dream!" Josta's words spread far and wide, reaching XIG's air base.

Hongkai, Gaoshan Imeng, and Fudoken took out their transformation devices at the same time, amidst the heart-piercing roars of the three and Jugula's envious eyes.

Three thick beams of light descended from the sky.

The torrent scattered and impacted, slapping the high-rise buildings and shaking them, and the splashed crystal water droplets were also rendered red under Siao's red skin.

Except for Gaia who is slightly thinner, the rest of Sanao all present the beauty of bursting muscles.

The position where Siao landed formed a square corner and surrounded the blue Aguru.

At this time, you can tell who is the enemy just by looking at the color.

"There are so many Ultraman?!" Staff Officer Chiba couldn't control his emotions, and exclaimed in surprise.

The Mir's propulsion engines all stopped, and it was quietly suspended in mid-air. Director Di couldn't decide to pay attention for a while.

Director Di didn't think too much, and asked easily: "Commander, what should we do? Do you want to send out the Falcons?"

Akio Ishimuro, who noticed the bald head, shook his head, "Stand by and stand by, the Falcons are no longer needed."

"Ultraman exists to protect human beings, and the will of Mother Earth is definitely not to destroy human beings." Fudoken's voice was particularly loud.

"Light exists for protection, not only the earth, but also human beings!"

"The path you are on is absolutely wrong, and I want to correct your mistakes."

In the high-pitched voice, the energy fluctuations on Fudoken's red body were astonishing, and a will full of sincerity was conveyed from the searchlight.

"I will stop you, your idea is absolutely wrong." Uub also made a sound immediately.

Gaia didn't speak. Under the blush sunset that day, they had already fully told each other their will.

Words are useless now, only battles are used to tell.

Renlong was a little stunned as a whole.

What the hell is this, old mother of the earth, when did you find so many Ultraman?
Renlong who was watching the battle was a little surprised, not to mention Aguru who was wrapped in the center of the dumpling.

The guy in front of him with exaggerated pectoralis major had no idea of ​​breaking through him at all.

On the left side of the body is the sincere warrior who seems to be naive. His burly figure is almost one-of-a-kind. Although he is not as good as Josta in front, he is definitely difficult to deal with.

In other words, there are only the guy behind him and Gaia.

Aguru stepped on the ground fiercely, and the blue ripples spread, which made Aguru move faster.

The elbow went towards Gaia's chest.

The strength is not strong, but under the blessing of extreme speed, as long as Gaia is hit, Gaia will never have the ability to chase.

Gaia was taken aback by the unexpected attack, and the muscles of both arms tensed up in front of him.

Aguru didn't expect Gaoshan Womeng, a researcher, to have such an exaggerated stress response, but he had no choice but to rush when things came to an end!

Although the strength of the power is completely different from that of the human body, Gaia sensed Agur's weakness when his own power also increased.

Obviously, every time the chief of staff hits, it feels like he was hit by a tank.

This Aguru's is almost like a bicycle!

Gaia's defensive arm suddenly turned, grabbing towards Aguru's calf.

Aguru was also naturally almost stunned by himself. After seeing Gaia's actions, he suddenly condensed a lightsaber in his left hand and stabbed towards Gaia.

Gaia, who had no experience in handling a lightsaber at all, staggered a few steps in fear and backed away
Taking advantage of this moment, Aguru's speed increased several times, and he bypassed Gaia in the blink of an eye.

The tiptoes of both feet touched the ground, and in an instant there was only one star point left.

The blood in Josta's eyes became more and more intense, and he glanced at Gaoshan Gaimeng with some dissatisfaction.

"I dream, I will double the training when I go back." Josta's plain words made Gaia feel struck by lightning.

ps: Bad news, my computer is broken.The good news is that updates are not affected.

(End of this chapter)

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