I'm not a dark ultra warrior

Chapter 49 Grandma: I think Ahong can be the director

Chapter 49 Grandma: I think Ah Hong can be a director (22)

When the meeting ended, it happened to be the time to get off work. Zhou Hong politely invited Director Sawai to come over to play when he was free, but he didn't expect Director Sawai to agree.

After a while, it happened to be Zhou Hong's rest day, and Director Sawai asked Dagu to bring him to visit early in the morning.

Or it could be said that Director Sawai deliberately chose such a day to visit.

Dagu carried a lot of gifts and followed behind the director, looking curiously at the house full of age.

The green bamboo and wooden houses are surrounded by high-rise buildings. This elegant house is so out of place with the surroundings.

Director Sawai and grandma were already chatting about the daily life with great relish, and Zhou Hong kept taking out all kinds of food and snacks from the house.

"Director, take a good rest when you have time, don't get tired." Zhou Hong said worriedly after making a cup of tea for Director Sawai.

Director Sawai, who came over early in the morning, had dark circles under his eyes that could not be concealed. Although the old man was holding on to his energy, he was still noticed by the sharp-eyed Zhou Hong.

Taking a sip of tea, Director Sawai smiled, "It's just that the recent incidents are a little more complicated."

"The destruction caused by monsters all over the world, as well as the disasters caused by earthquakes under the sea, let my old bones not rest at all."

"However, the TPC branches in various places are on the right track, and it will be easier for a while after that."

Zhou Hong expressed his disbelief, and when he was free, he came to see his subordinates and give some gifts. You, a handsome old man, have never been safe for a moment.

Grandma also said at this time, "When you get older, your body will not be able to bear it. You still need to exercise more reliable young people."

"When you step down in the future, you can directly hand it over to the young people."

Grandma gestured to Zhou Hong with her eyes.

This is a reliable young man, promote him a lot.

Zhou Hong could only be silent on the sidelines, expressing that grandma's ambition is really great.

Director Sawai smiled, and he nodded slightly, "Ah Hong is very good, he is already a reliable cadre without me to train him."

"Director, my position is still a member of the recruit team. I'm just a deputy captain, but I'm not a cadre." Zhou Hong said heartlessly.

"It will go up, it will go up."

Dagu was a little envious. Although he jumped into the winning team, judging from the current situation, Zhou Hong felt that Director Sawai was more pleased.

"I really hope that life can go on like this forever."

Smelling the fragrance of green tea, tasting the soft taste of Daifuku, and the fragrance of cherry blossoms in Daifuku blooming in the mouth, Director Sawai couldn't help but close his eyes with this comfortable feeling.

Grandma smiled and didn't answer, but quietly held the tea and felt the tranquility.

The green bamboo leaves swayed in the breeze and played "rustling" classical music, and the mind suddenly relaxed a lot.

PDI suddenly vibrated, breaking the tranquility.

Dagu was a little stiff, he didn't want to disturb Director Sawai at the moment, but as a member of the victory team, he also had his responsibilities.

"Dagu, a monster has appeared, please return to the base immediately." Ju Jianhui also had a somewhat helpless expression.

She was also aware of Director Sawai's appointment of Dagu as his bodyguard.

But the victorious team is too short of manpower.

Although she wanted to recruit Zhou Hong to join the Victory Team, Director Yoshioka insisted on his life and death and only allowed him to be seconded.

Director Sawai opened his eyes, "I'm sorry for bothering you today, I will come back next time when I am free."

"Dagu, let's go."

"Ah Hong, you should go back and help too." Grandma stood up and said, "If you want to take over Zejing's class, you have to work harder now."

Although he didn't have such an idea, Zhou Hong could only nod his head and follow Dagu into the car after Grandma said so.

Like Zhou Hong's racing plane, Dagu, who came out of the ground transportation unit, has special racing skills.

Sitting in the car, I didn't feel any violent shaking, but the speed of the car was extremely fast, which made people think of the AE86 loaded with tofu.

After a while, he returned to the headquarters.

"Ah Hong is here too, then please drive No. [-] plane to support and command them with Dagu." Zhou Hong and Dagu rushed to the hangar through PDI communication.

Director Sawai went to the command room of the victory team.

"How is the situation now?" Director Sawai asked before he sat down.

"The monster is still attacking the oil detection station, and the commander is already on the way. According to the speed of Brother Hong's flight, it is estimated that they will arrive at the same time as the commander." Ye Rui said the detailed information.

Ye Rui's address to Zhou Hong made director Sawai smile, but now he has quickly adjusted his state.

"Can the casualties at the oil survey station be determined?"

"Communication has been interrupted."

Director Sawai fell silent, and now all he can do is pray for less casualties.

"Ahong, I saw the monsters and commanded them." Regular exercise and the system of the Man of Light allowed Dagu to withstand the side effects of high-speed flight.

Zhou Hong didn't care about this trivial matter. He glanced at the team voice that was turned off, and his thoughts slipped.

"Dagu, you said that if the two of us crashed, would Dijia and Josta appear at the same time, would it be doubtful?"

Dagu's forehead suddenly broke out in sweat, "You are right."

As soon as Zhou Hong whistled, a more subtle smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "It seems that the plane must not crash."

Zhou Hong gave the engine a little rest, but the attack button in his hand had already been pressed.

The laser came from behind and shuttled under the No. [-] aircraft driven by Xincheng in front, sparking a lot of sparks on Reylos.

"It came so fast? Is it a fighter jet driven by Ah Hong?" With such a fast speed, Xincheng immediately thought of a certain young expert in flying planes.

"Hey, the ace pilot, it's me." Zhou Hong's teasing sounded on the communication channel, "Are we going to compare who repelled this monster?"

Hearing Zhou Hong's voice, Commander Zongfang's stern face also relaxed a little.

"You drive the No. [-] plane to drive away the monsters, and try to keep the monsters away from the oil survey station as much as possible. Feiyan No. [-] will launch a rescue."

Because they didn't know the monster's attack method, neither of the two Feiyan-[-]s lowered their altitude, and directly gave Reylos a set of laser baptism.

In the sparks, the monster let out a cry of pain, and looked up at the fighter jet in the sky.

Without any hesitation, he got into the water.

 Tomorrow night shift, it is estimated that the update will be late.Don't wait, watch it in the morning.

(End of this chapter)

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