Daming: You are really my eldest son

Chapter 110 I'm speechless

Chapter 110 I'm speechless
But any man would definitely not be able to stand Zhu Ji's ridicule like this.

Seeing the embarrassment and embarrassment on the faces of the group of people in front of him, Zhu Ji stretched his neck and swallowed the noodle cake in his mouth, and then put the finger that took the flax cake in front of his mouth to suck a couple of mouthfuls. said:
"In the past few days, the imperial court is going to recruit soldiers from Zhili, Jiangsu and Zhejiang to defend Dongying. If you have the ability, as long as you are of the right age, you might as well try it.

In addition, if someone from a poor family cannot afford to marry a Daming girl, he can also work as a civilian husband to mine mines. Although he doesn't know how much the Ministry of Households pays, it will definitely be better than fooling around in the capital. "

Notices on conscription and conscripts Although both the household department and the military department have posted notices inside and outside the city, Zhu Ji still wants to use his own means to spread these good things that benefit the country and the people as much as possible throughout the streets and alleys of Yingtianfu .

In particular, regarding the matter of conscription, whether the many conditions promised by the court can be fulfilled, with his own explanation from Sima of the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion, his credibility is definitely much stronger than that polite notice.

"Your Highness, is it true that this conscription will not be accepted by His Majesty as a military household?"

A rough voice in the crowd instantly shouted out all the young and strong minds who were eager to try.

Looking at the young man who quickly buried his head in the crowd after shouting, Zhu Ji nodded affirmatively:
"What I personally decided, can there be a lie? If you are forced into a military household four years later, I will go to your parents as a son."

Seemingly feeling that his promise could not make the onlookers feel enough sincerity, Zhu Ji continued with a smile:
"I'm afraid you guys won't leave at that time, and His Majesty will send me to get you sticks to drive you aboard."

These people don't understand at all how happy it is to defend Japan.

The monthly fee is much higher than that of military households. The key point is that the mountains are high and the emperor is far away. The restrictions are definitely not as strict as those in the Ming Dynasty.Zhu Ji was afraid that in order to save his life, Liao Yongzhong would just sit back and do nothing, and the [-] would be doubled when he came to stop the trouble.

Thinking of all the wild thoughts that occurred after Dongpu was garrisoned in later generations, Zhu Ji couldn't help but shudder.

The capital is the most benevolent place in the Ming Dynasty, and naturally most of these people's inquiries are related to conscription.After Zhu Ji answered a few more questions, these people finally dispersed happily to every corner of the city.

Compared with the punishment of the officers and soldiers of the Armed Forces Academy today, the court policy explained by the First Prince himself is the key point.

Gently slapping the dust on his buttocks, Zhu Ji stared at all the punished officers and soldiers returning to the school in twos and threes, and then turned and left in peace.

This is the third time Zhu Ji has stepped out of the capital since he moved to Prince Yong's Mansion.

Far away from the capital city that he had been standing on the ridge of the field a year ago, it was just a fluke for him to change into a sackcloth suit after leaving behind the guards with flags and flags behind him. Farm boy Lang.

I was busy with government affairs a few days ago, and entrusted the nearby villagers to clean up the few acres of fertile land replanted in early spring.

Standing in front of the newly renovated Enyangbo cemetery again, Zhu Ji was filled with emotion when he looked at the imperial edict stone tablet which was two ends taller than himself.

In the blink of an eye, the death day of the adoptive mother came, and the wild grass outside the tomb was the same color as last year, but I was no longer the boy who was hiding in the shack with nothing to do.

Under Zhu Yuanzhang's deliberate order, the cemetery has special personnel to visit it regularly.The surface of the cemetery, which was paved with a foot-thick loess rammed surface, gradually grew moss with the frequent rains of several months, and the two tombs that had changed their appearance were even more gloomy.

Stopping the majestic guards outside the cemetery, Zhu Ji stepped into this place that made him feel a little strange, carrying a bamboo basket full of paper money and sacrifices.

Putting down the offerings on the altar and lighting the joss sticks, Zhu Ji knelt down in front of the two tombs.

There are countless words in my heart that I want to say, but when the words come to my mouth, I suddenly feel like I don't know how to say them.

Zhu Ji had to admit that after discovering his true identity, he had already lost himself in the wealth and power these days.

In just a few months, not only has he lost his cautious appearance a year ago, but even his ambitions have undergone earth-shaking changes.

In the past, he only thought about his wife and children, but now his heart is full of thousands of people and the vast China.

No wonder some capitalists in later generations said that pigs can fly when standing in the air.

Given the current environment in and out of the Ming Dynasty, I imagined myself to be that flying pig.

The fly ash of the paper money was swept up by the faint whirlwind, as if it wanted to convey Zhu Ji's heartfelt voice to the ears of old people who don't know whether they are in Biluo or Huangquan.There were also a few warm fragments that gently brushed over Zhu Ji's face, it felt like the couple caressing him back then.

A bamboo basket of paper money was burned for a long time, and Zhu Ji also knelt for a long time.

Until the embers swept up by the breeze were all annihilated in the air, Zhu Ji then knocked his head heavily to the two tombs three times.

In the future, as his courage gradually increased, even Zhu Ji himself could not be sure how many times he would have chances in the next year to abandon his current identity and experience the original simplicity and innocence like today.

In the Jinshen Hall, someone from Yiluan Division had already reported to Zhu Yuanzhang about Zhu Ji's itinerary today.

His heart is extremely contradictory.

As a father, he very much hopes that Zhu Ji can forget the memory of being raised by others.In this way, he can have the full affection of this outstanding eldest son, and he no longer needs to share the love from his eldest son with two dead people.

But as an emperor, he hoped that Zhu Ji would be as grateful to the couple as usual.

If the eldest son of his family can even forget the kindness of upbringing, then how can he, the emperor, put him in the most important position of Daming with peace of mind.

He was afraid and looking forward to the arrival of this day, but even though he was sitting on the world and rich all over the world, he couldn't control the passage of time, and this day finally came.

Just as he expected, his eldest son changed into the burlap clothes again, and went out of the city with incense sticks and paper money on his back.

It's just that it's the appearance that I hope to appear, but it makes me feel unspeakable jealousy in my heart.Zhu Yuanzhang admitted that he was a little cautious.

"That's all, let him go. If he doesn't go, I'm afraid it will be even more uncomfortable."

Reassuring himself so much, looking back at the inscriptions on the table that can prove that he owns the world, Zhu Yuanzhang finally gave up the idea of ​​working hard and forgetting sadness.Family is the heart of work.

Since this life is destined to only get half of Da'er's love, then use all of Empress Ma's love to make up for it!

Kunning Palace, let's go!

(End of this chapter)

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