Daming: You are really my eldest son

Chapter 112 This little brother, can deal with

Chapter 112 This little brother, can deal with

Zhu Ji, dressed in military uniform, was led by the chief of ceremonies to Fengtian Hall soon.

As the saying goes, people rely on clothes and horses rely on saddles. Against the backdrop of bright and shiny armor, Zhu Ji looks extraordinarily handsome and energetic.

As early as on the way here, someone had quietly told him the reason for being summoned this time, so after looking around, Zhu Ji finally looked at Zhu Yuanzhang who was aloof.

"I don't know if His Majesty summoned his servants, what's the matter?"

Seeing Zhu Ji's attitude of pretending to ask questions knowingly, Zhu Yuanzhang knew that this bastard was about to cheat others again.Although there is still half a pot of overturned vinegar in his heart soaking his flesh and blood, Zhu Yuanzhang still decides to cooperate with Zhu Ji to continue acting this scene.

"Today all the officials impeached you in plain clothes to pay homage to Uncle En Yang, do you have anything to explain to us?"

A word uttered instantly made many courtiers standing in front of the train frown.

It's not that Zhu Yuanzhang didn't scold Zhu Ji in a harsh tone, but they heard something unusual from the mouth of the person sitting on the dragon chair.

Zhu Ji didn't have the time to do reading comprehension about the specific meaning of his own father's words.

But as far as the current problems are concerned, Zhu Jike has a lot to say and wants to chat with these people.

"Hey, it's just such a trivial matter, why bother to mobilize so many people. I see that you are so busy with things in the yamen. If you don't leave the court, I will go to the palace and talk to you alone?"

This wave can't be said to be well coordinated, it can only be called a crooked attack.

Lao Tzu hinted that the courtiers should not meddle in their own business, but his son made it clear that he did not want to tell the officials about it.

At a deeper level, Zhu Yuanzhang told the courtiers that the right to interpret this matter was in his hands.But Zhu Ji ridiculed the people standing beside him for holding on to him because they had nothing to do.

Song Lian was fine, but Hu Weiyong was always a small-minded person, so he was so angry that his mouth was crooked and his nose was crooked.

"Your Majesty, the matter of King Yong is called a family matter, and it is really harmful to the state. If His Highness cannot win the trust of the court, how can I appease the people after I go back. If the people will make trouble because of this, I really can't afford it."

The core of governing the country with Confucianism is to determine the status and majesty of filial piety. Zhu Ji's approach seems to many people to dig the foundation of Ming Dynasty.

During this period of time, he bowed his knees and said a lot of good things in front of Li Shanchang, and Hu Weiyong, who had regained the trust of his mentor, gradually felt a bit of flavor from his analysis.

The big reason for his loss of power in the court was because of the eldest prince.

If Zhu Ji can't take this opportunity to suffer some hardships today, his life will be even more difficult in the future.

Watching Hu Weiyong go up to Chen in pain, Zhu Ji's eyes were full of amusement.

How could he not understand the intention of this prime minister whose power has been divided by half to suppress him? Even thinking about it on a deeper level, Hu Weiyong might not have the intention to suppress the imperial power.

After all, his current image outside is that of a prince who is more favored than the prince.If they can take the opportunity to take down themselves in the court, then if it spreads to the people, it will evolve into a joint effort of all officials to subdue the emperor.

What was lost was the face of the clan, and what was gained was the prestige of the courtiers.

If I really want to say a word of softness today, not only him, but even Zhu Yuanzhang, who is staring at me eagerly at this moment, will be considered a loser.

Before Zhu Yuanzhang could speak, Zhu Ji cast a sideways glance at Hu Weiyong, and then bowed to Zhu Yuanzhang:
"I would like to ask for advice. Prime Minister Hu said that I have harmed the state. I don't know how I have harmed the law?"

Zhu Ji told everyone clearly that he didn't recognize what Hu Weiyong said.This made it clear that Hu Weiyong and his fans were secretly delighted by the tough question.

Chen Ning, the right censor doctor who had a close personal relationship with Hu Weiyong, immediately stood out of the train with a blank face, seemingly explaining to Zhu Ji, but actually listing the crimes:
"Since your highness has returned to the imperial court, you should regard your majesty and the empress as your parents, so you should not take plain clothes and pay homage to your uncle. This is not self-cultivation, ruining the state system, and humiliating the emperor's face. Although Prime Minister Hu said Heavy, it is absolutely necessary.”

To put it bluntly, it means disregarding the national system.

This matter can be big or small, if it is dealt with, it can be confinement for a month, and the clan's mansion is severely punished.

Although these people did not dare to pursue the goal of letting Zhu Ji set himself up as the southeast branch in the clan mansion, it is not necessarily hopeless to disintegrate all the power of the once prominent His Royal Highness King Yong.

Chen Ning's explanation successfully attracted many people to nod in agreement, but the more so, the more interesting Zhu Ji found it.

His body turned slightly towards Hu Weiyong, Zhu Ji looked at Hu Weiyong's face which was trying to hide his excitement, and asked earnestly with a smile:
"What Hu Xiang means is that if the law does not work, you will commit the crime yourself?"

Hu Weiyong's smiling face suddenly became a little stiff.

In front of Zhu Yuanzhang, he dared not admit that he had this intention.I didn't see that Shang Jun who said this sentence back then fell on the road of reform and strengthening. If he admits it, if he commits some crimes in the future, will he still be alive?

Squeezing out a smile in embarrassment, Hu Weiyong carefully glanced at Zhu Yuanzhang from the corner of his eye, and after organizing his words, he said cautiously:

"The four peoples of the country have their own dignity, and the clan cannot be compared with the common people."

"Oh, if this is the case, then I don't know what is the explanation for 'Zi said: Life is done with propriety; death is buried with propriety and sacrificed with propriety'? In the "Law of the Great Ming Dynasty" of the Kingdom Dynasty, "the obedience system, cut off for three years 'What about the second clause?"

First comes the etiquette, then the law. Even Zhu Yuanzhang didn't realize when his eldest son had such good knowledge.But I have to say that when Zhu Ji asked such a question, even Hu Weiyong fell silent.

"Hu Xiang wants me to set an example for the people in the world, to recognize my father and forget my mother, to seek wealth and dislike poverty, is that what you mean?"

This is a bit too serious, Hu Weiyong looked at Zhu Yuanzhang anxiously and explained:
"Your Majesty, I definitely don't mean that. It's just a lesson learned from the Puyi dispute. I remind Your Majesty that you must be on guard."

Puyi dispute?

Zhu Ji was completely confused.

The two words he said against Hu Weiyong just now fully reflected his cultural level, and suddenly something unknown appeared, and Zhu Ji had no choice but to cast his eyes for help to Zhu Biao who stood silent on the stage.

This little brother didn't have the slightest sense of vision.I don't know if my own brother is uneducated, why don't you explain?
Facing Zhu Ji's pleading threatening eyes, Zhu Biao had to cough lightly to remind Hu Weiyong:

"Hu Xiangqie, don't talk nonsense. Pu Yi's reason is that Renzong is not Yingzong's biological father, and my eldest brother is the authentic royal family, but he was raised by Lai En's foster uncle. How can it be the same."

Although he still couldn't understand what was going on in the Puyi dispute, but seeing Hu Weiyong's face turned pale again, Zhu Ji nodded to his brother with satisfaction.

This little brother is able to deal with it, and he really does it when something happens.

(End of this chapter)

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