Daming: You are really my eldest son

Chapter 114 Completely Shameless

Chapter 114 Completely Shameless
There was a sudden chaos in Fengtian Hall.

The two big men who fainted on the ground were enough to make them flustered, not to mention that there was a more troublesome King Yong striding out of the Meridian Gate at this time.

In the future, how dare those officials who are as big as sesame seeds and mung beans dare to block Zhu Ji's way.

On the front foot, several trembling subordinates were brought in to help Hu Weiyong and Song Lian to the imperial hospital, and on the back foot, these gray-faced high-ranking officials hurriedly ran after Zhu Ji who was about to disappear.

No one dared to imagine that once Zhu Ji stepped out of the Meridian Gate and turned to Chang'an Avenue in the southwest direction, whether these people would still be able to walk on the street openly and aboveboard in the future.

After a while, several panting officials stopped and retreated.

The intense panting made it impossible for them to say a single word to Zhu Ji, but without exception, their eyes were full of joy and anticipation.

I am glad that I have fulfilled the entrustment of several elders, and I look forward to the coming of the next few important ministers who are too young and unable to act.

They never imagined that King Yong, who always liked to take a nap in the court, would have such a strong oppressive force.

It's not that they didn't think about gritting their teeth to directly stop Zhu Ji's progress, but when they met Zhu Ji's cold gaze, they subconsciously felt afraid and flinched.If it weren't for the face of all of them today, they definitely wouldn't have the courage to stand in a stalemate with Zhu Ji for so long.

It's not that Zhu Ji has tried to bypass these people.

However, once these scholars become ashamed, they are no different from that brown candy.

It is to stick, to drag.

Until Zhu Ji's patience was completely exhausted, he simply stopped walking in three steps, looked at the people in front of him with contemptuous eyes, and said mockingly:

"Co-author, a self-proclaimed scholar will also block people's way?"

After his breathing calmed down a bit, he saw that Wang Guangyang, Yan Xizhe and others were not far away, and they were obviously shrinking and walking and retreating just now, but at this moment, their faces were suddenly full of sadness and grandeur, as if they were looking at death as if they were at home.

If Zhu Ji thought these people were interesting just now, then he was completely overwhelmed by their actor-like acting skills at this time.

"Why is your Highness so aggressive?"

With a seemingly powerless sigh, Zhu Ji suddenly laughed angrily.

Although Hu Weiyong, Song Lian, and Chen Ning were the only ones who argued with him during the whole incident, but these guys who kept silent the whole time, weren't they their aggressive confidence?
In this Fengtian Temple, if it wasn't for those people standing at the forefront and their mediocre people to put pressure on Zhu Yuanzhang, how could it be possible that the one sitting on the dragon chair could not even make a decision with one word.

"Blocking my way and saying that I am aggressive, as expected, I have two official words, and I am the best at confusing right and wrong.

I am officially warning you now, and then I will bypass you and continue on. If you dare to continue to stand in front of me, don't blame me for thinking that you are causing trouble. "

It is not good to sell directly to name.

Zhu Ji, who was already full of anger, became murderous for the second time in his life.

His eyes stayed coldly on the faces of these people for a moment, and after remembering the faces of these people, Zhu Ji turned around and walked to the other side.

Just as they were about to move on, the voices of Wang Guangyang and others were not far away.

Zhu Ji ignored it, but how could they know that the few people whom Zhu Ji had warned just now blatantly ignored Zhu Ji's killing intent, and actually threw themselves around Zhu Ji and knelt down on the ground, even blocking the direction in which he turned around to choose his way? died.

"Good, good, very good."

Zhu Ji laughed.

He never regarded the civil and military of Daming as slaves of the old Zhu's family, but these people always put the imperial power in their opposite position.

At this time, Zhu Ji had fully understood why Zhu Yuanzhang held up the butcher's knife and used two large-scale hooks to clean the Ming Dynasty Hall.

Because, due to the lack of talents these years, he has given these civil and military people too much preferential treatment and indulgence.So much so that now they completely forget that Lao Zhu's family is the greatest etiquette they should abide by.

Several people tried their best to stop him, but Wang Guangyang and others finally caught up with Zhu Ji.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Wang Guangyang frowned, but he still scolded in a low voice:

"If it's so unreasonable to block His Highness's way out, get the hell out of here."

He is old and refined, how can he not see that Zhu Ji is angry at this moment.He wanted to save a few people through this kind of severe reprimand, but Zhu Ji had already seen his intention clearly.

"Don't be in a hurry to leave. I'd like to introduce you to Mr. Wang. These talented people have their surnames and their official positions. When I leave this school, I can promote their honesty for these good students."

"Your Highness laughed at me, they are all mediocre people, how can there be any loyalty. It's just that the old minister has a few words from the bottom of his heart that he wants to say to His Highness, so these few use this rogue behavior to block His Highness's way out, and I hope His Highness will forgive me."

Wang Guangyang naturally wanted to protect these people.

If it wasn't for them, Zhu Ji would have walked out of the Meridian Gate by now.

Taking the initiative to take the reason for blocking Zhu Ji on himself, Wang Guangyang originally thought that Zhu Ji would give him, the emperor's confidant, some face.But he would never have thought that His Highness would not give face to anyone today.

"I have heard for a long time that Wang Xiang is deeply supported by the government and the people. I saw him today, and it really deserves the name. But you, old man, have found the wrong person. Now I disregard the national system and the cholera court. I am a person who is immoral in the country and family. I should not let Wang Xiang reveal his heart." .”

Zhu Ji didn't intend to get entangled with whoever caught whoever.

If I can't occupy the right to speak about today's affairs in the first place, then with the pens of these literati, I might discredit myself in front of the world.

A little bit of fame is fine, but when it comes to the royal family and his deceased adoptive parents, he absolutely can't let these guys who don't have the slightest sense of propriety and shame succeed.

"If Wang Xiang is willing to tell the truth about the names of these people, then let's continue talking. If not, then I will leave."

Everyone has selfishness.

As far as Wang Guangyang is concerned, Hu Weiyong and Song Lian are the two people who are arguing about today's affairs.Now that a huge hole has been made, the two masters are lying comfortably in the hospital, but he is required to clean up the mess.

He definitely couldn't betray those officials who blocked Zhu Ji's way.

If he really wanted to do this, Wang Guangyang would completely become a lonely minister in the future.Even if he is still a prime minister who is under one person and over ten thousand people, if the courtiers don't listen to what he says, it is no different from farting.

So in the face of Zhu Ji's merciless persecution, Wang Guangyang finally chose to remain silent.

Thus, the baton to retain Zhu Ji fell on Yan Xizhe, Minister of the Household Department.

"Your Highness, what Hu Xiang said today is unreasonable, but it has nothing to do with scholars in this world. I waited to come here, just hoping that His Highness can leave a bit of incense for the scholars in the world. Don't ruin the imperial court's selection of scholars because of a moment of anger. foundation."

(End of this chapter)

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