Daming: You are really my eldest son

Chapter 119 Jinling's early spring water is too cold

Chapter 119 Jinling's early spring water is too cold

What is every word to punish the heart.

Unlike those previous royal families, Zhu Yuanzhang did not take his family name seriously after he became emperor.People like to eat pork, so let them eat it.If you like to call the pig in the circle, so be it.

But he is human after all.

If you seriously call yourself a pig to your own face, even if your surname is not Zhu, you will still feel angry.

What's more, this was scolded by his own son.

Whether it is tolerable or unbearable, Lord Guorui decided to use practical actions to prove that the majesty of the head of the family is inviolable.

Picking up the wooden handle with a copper hoop hanging from the incense burner on the side of his body, Zhu Yuanzhang walked around the imperial case and strode towards Zhu Ji.

The old man is going to get serious.

With a thump in his heart, Zhu Ji, who saw that something was going wrong, turned around and crossed the threshold, and looked at Zhu Yuanzhang, who was pressing every step of the way, and said anxiously:

"A gentleman uses his mouth but not his hands, old man, dear father, can we talk it over if we have something to say? If you want to be angry, you should find those who think so and do it like this. Don't take it out on me who is outspoken and admonishing me! Hey, you want to Come again, I'm going to run away..."

Seeing that his own father took a few steps forward, and if he continued to yell at him, the wooden stick would fall on him, Zhu Ji decided to be a man of his word.

Run, if you don't run, you won't be able to run away.In such a large open space behind the Fengtian Hall and in front of the Jinshen Hall, Zhu Ji did not believe that the old man could really catch up with him under the premise of emphasizing martial arts.

Just in time, we can test the results of disturbing the people in the city early in the morning with those from the Armed Forces Academy.

Therefore, when Zhu Yuanzhang raised the wooden stick, he saw Zhu Ji moving away from him as quickly as a rabbit, and then stood at a distance of tens of feet and continued to output words to him:

"Let me just say, you can't catch up. You said that in the relationship between us and my father, if there is anything you can't say well, you have to do it. It's easy to make people laugh if it spreads."

Our grandpa?Who is Grandpa?Who are the two?
The waving wooden stick stayed in the air, Zhu Yuanzhang's lips kept trembling, he was already in the preparation period for cerebral hemorrhage from the anger of this bastard.

"Little bastard, if I don't beat you up today, I will be the emperor in vain."

The slogans of being in vain were all shouted out, which shows the anger in Zhu Yuanzhang's heart.

But in the next moment, Zhu Yuanzhang knew that he would not sit in vain today.Facts have proved that Zhu Ji's brain circuit can never be easily seen through by him as a father.

Zhu Ji, who had to rely on roaring to talk, ran back quickly after he swore the oath, and even ignored the dumbfounded surrounding guards and attendant officials, and directly brought Xiudun, who had just sat in the hall, in front of Zhu Yuanzhang, and took advantage of the situation Lie down.

"let's hit."

Without the spirit of generosity and righteousness, and without the soul-stirring last words, the words plain and plain made Zhu Yuanzhang lose the momentum that he had just vowed not to give up.

The trembling lips stopped the irregular movement, and swallowed forcefully a little unnaturally. Zhu Yuanzhang put down his right hand that was raised in mid-air, looked at Zhu Ji with his butt protruding in disbelief, and asked in disbelief:
"What are you doing back here?"

"A gentleman loves the beauty of an adult. In order to make you worthy of being an emperor, I decided to let you beat me up."

This coquettish operation directly made Zhu Yuanzhang lose the interest in waving the wooden stick in his hand.

Others beat their children to educate others, and they beat their children to vent their anger.Especially in this kind of situation, even if Zhu Ji was beaten, the anger didn't seem to come out.

After thinking about it again and again, Master Guorui finally decided to let go of this evil obstacle in front of him, and let go of himself in a disguised form.

"Bring the embroidered pier, get out here for us."

Being tormented by Zhu Ji, Zhu Yuanzhang decided to let himself relax because he lacked interest in reviewing the test book.

Ask Zhu Ji to take Xiudun to a high platform with an extremely wide view. Zhu Yuanzhang sits down, looks up at the sun shining brightly in the clear sky, and looks down at the palace lock, smoke, willows, blue tiles and red walls. Unbearable words have a new understanding.

Ever since Zhu Ji returned to court, it seemed that he hadn't been out of the palace for several days.

Even if there are people from Yiluan Division reporting what happened in the city to him every day, there is still a big difference between dictation and what he saw with his own eyes.

Whether the people are doing well or not, I can only know from the reports of those courtiers and Yi Luansi.

According to the current process of government affairs, many problems have even been solved directly by Wang Guangyang and Hu Weiyong.If they don't want to let themselves know, they have cleared the relationship with Yi Luansi...

Thinking of this, Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't help but feel a chill down his back.

Although the words were rough, what my eldest son said was not wrong at all.

"Tell me, what are you going to do with this bookstore and newsroom?"

Seeing that Zhu Yuanzhang had been silent for such a long time and finally asked about his intentions, Zhu Ji suddenly squatted down like a dog and patted his broad back lightly for Zhu Yuanzhang:
"Hehe, the bookstore is naturally used to make money. As for the newspaper room, isn't this going to give the people all over the world another way to learn about the affairs of the court and the local customs?"

Daming had Mansion Newspapers, but with Mansion Newspapers' low efficiency, low sales and low coverage, it was obviously unrealistic to achieve Zhu Ji's goal.

As soon as he heard it, he knew that there was something in his eldest son's words, and Zhu Yuanzhang didn't want to bother to guess, so he simply urged:

"Say we understand."

Zhu Ji still beat his own father's back without any pause.

Regardless of what he said next, Zhu Yuanzhang, who had just felt some enjoyment, tensed up instantly.

"Don't you think that the mouthpiece of the world is controlled by less than [-]% of the scholars? I run this newspaper to publish a miscellaneous newspaper that the common people can understand. I have to let Everyone in the world knows that some things are not what those scholars say."

Zhu Yuanzhang really wanted to say, how much resentment do you have towards scholars, Daer.

If he really asked, Zhu Ji would probably answer with two words in the affirmative—very large.

In the past two days, all kinds of people appeared around the incident of burning paper in his grave, which reminded Zhu Ji of all kinds of scholars in the history of Ming Dynasty.

Among them, there are many loyal and virtuous people, but there are also many sleazy people.

Some people and things that should have been nailed to the pillar of shame, were not just those literati who mastered the mouthpiece of the world with a spring and autumn style of writing, expressing affection and understanding righteousness, and finally fooling the people who were squeezed by them .

"It's not that I said, as far as the imperial court is reporting the virtue, even if you don't let go of the reporting room now, you will still be forced to let go after you go west.

If you don't want future generations to lose even this little initiative to speak, then do whatever you want.Anyway, Hu Weiyong still admitted his mistake in front of so many people today, what I love here. "

(End of this chapter)

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