Chapter 121

Zhu Ji's striding footsteps paused for a moment.

Immediately burst out laughing.

Having said so much, after all, the old man still has some taste for going to pay homage to his adoptive mother.Therefore, reminding me so obliquely is nothing more than hoping that I can satisfy his strong possessive desire on his birthday.

To be filial and to be so fresh and refined is definitely Guorui Benrui.


Without looking back, the paused footsteps moved forward again, and the lean figure gradually receded.

Hearing this simple response, Zhu Yuanzhang stopped looking up at the distant sky, but looked at Zhu Ji's back seriously until it disappeared, and then smiled.

In fact, Zhu Yuanzhang is not a person who likes to celebrate birthdays.

Because of the poor family background in the early years, every year on my birthday, I will inevitably think of the miserable situation of several members of my family who died of famine and now I am the only one left.It was also built in the early Ming Dynasty. In order to practice frugality from top to bottom, he issued an edict in the fifth year of Hongwu not to allow courtiers to pay homage.

He has even celebrated his birthday as a vegetarian for the past few years.

For the first time this year, he held a family banquet in his bedroom, if it is not for Zhu Ji, then there is a real problem.

And Zhu Ji, who walked out of the palace, couldn't help showing a slight smile at the corner of his mouth.

To meet such an arrogant old man, it can only be said that fate is so twists and turns.

Empress Ma's birthday was before he recognized his relatives, and he was unable to enter the palace to congratulate him for various reasons, so he had to prepare carefully for the birthday that Zhu Yuanzhang had specially reminded him this time.

However, for his father's birthday, what should he give to express his heart, this really made Zhu Ji a little embarrassed.

Zhu Ji, who returned to the mansion, did not waste energy on the affairs of the bookstore. He sat in front of the table in the court hall, holding a pen soaked in ink, and kept writing and drawing on the broken gold colored paper, racking his brains to rule out one Another item.

Finally, Zhu Ji thought of an excellent gift.

Money and power are often the most invincible weapons in the world.Although the location of the bookstore and newsroom was finally changed to the entrance of the Wubei Academy because of the land price of Jingui on the bustling Sanshan Street, this matter was finally completed before Zhu Yuanzhang's birthday.

This is the first time for Zhu Ji, a man of two generations, to deal with business in person. When he personally took over the miscellaneous paper exuding the fragrance of ink presented by the craftsman, Zhu Ji greedily took a sip, and firmly remembered it with the memory of 20 years of being single. this special taste.

"Your Highness, are these articles really going to be spread?"

Although Zhu Ji typeset the miscellaneous newspaper by himself, the craftsman in front of him still asked anxiously in a low voice.

A few days ago, many important officials in the court had a debate with the prince in front of him in the court hall, which caused the prime minister Hu Weiyong to come to the door the next day to plead guilty. This incident has caused the capital to rage for several days.

If the miscellaneous newspaper in front of me is sent out again, the public opinion that has just subsided will set off a new wave.

Even though Zhu Ji was in charge here, once His Royal Highness King Yong couldn't bear the courtiers' attacks... the craftsman didn't dare to think about it any further.When that day really comes, others will say that Chen Ning, the censor who eats people without spit out bones, can crush their whole family to death with one finger.

Zhu Ji knew exactly what the craftsman was thinking.

Because the title page of the two-and-a-half-foot-long and one-foot-four-inch-wide miscellaneous newspaper that was folded in half was the "Selling Straight Talk" written by Zhu Ji himself.

It should be known that these days Hu Weiyong's reputation for inviting famous people and selling straight things has spread to Ying Tianfu, and has spread further to Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Huguang.In the eyes of outsiders, Zhu Ji clearly accepted Hu Xiang's plea, but now he is still adding fuel to the flames, as if he is going to die with Hu Weiyong.

No matter how much Zhu Ji is loved by His Majesty, he is still only one person after all.

Behind Hu Weiyong, there were Huaixi nobles with him as the core and the princelings headed by Song Lian.

This contest is not to say that it is an egg hitting a rock, but it can also be called a mantis arm.

But, will the ending really be as these craftsmen imagined with trepidation and anxiety?Zhu Ji sneered confidently.

Just as the craftsman expected, as soon as the miscellaneous newspaper in Zhu Ji's hand appeared at the gate of the Military Equipment Academy, it immediately caused an uproar.

The first thing that surprised these guys who squatted here every day to watch the excitement was the name that was written impressively on the first page of this miscellaneous newspaper.

"Know the World".

Sometimes to attract readers, all you need is a sufficiently loud name and a sufficiently arrogant profile.Miscellaneous newspapers can't write an introduction, so they can only tell everyone with an extremely arrogant name-come, let's see how I brag to

Although the original meaning of Zhu Jiqi's name is "a scholar who does not go out, knows all about the world".But the idlers who read this magazine were repeatedly conquered by the mind and spirit revealed in these three words, so that they couldn't wait to turn their attention to more content below it.

"The right to interpret all the contents of this newspaper belongs to Prince Yong's Mansion!"

If the three words just now were shocking, then this sentence is shocking now.

Who is King Yong is really a very difficult question for today's capital.

These idlers regard Zhu Ji as their confidant, the officers and soldiers everywhere in the city regard Zhu Ji as their idol, and those court officials regard Zhu Ji as their opponent or even their enemy.

But no matter who it was, no one would have thought that such a miscellaneous newspaper worth only five cents would have something to do with King Yong.No, it can't be said to be related, it came from Yongwang Mansion at all.In the eyes of these idlers, Zhu Ji is no longer doing business.

They obviously didn't know that the amazement never stopped from this moment until they finished reading the newspaper.

Whether it's "Selling Straight Lun" on the title page, or the detailed process of conquering the entire territory of Japan recorded on the closed inner pages, there are even illustrations and analysis of the war at various stages, and the founding declaration on the last page, also written by Zhu Ji, Let these idlers who are used to watching the excitement and talking about the excitement know that this capital city, no, this Ming Dynasty, has changed.

With this newspaper, they can easily learn about the important events of the court without having to wait for the mansion newspaper with delayed news.

Similarly, with this newspaper, they can also learn about the unknown quarrels in the court through analysis and speculation.

If this miscellaneous newspaper really came from the Yongwang Mansion, then it is certain that Zhu Ji will be the most respected patriarch of these idlers who like rumors in the future.

As a result, the students of the Armed Forces Academy who were fined to run circles found sadly that today they are no longer the focus of attention of idlers, and even those who specialize in recording their black history no longer ask for their names.

Everyone's eyes were burning, waiting for Zhu Ji who walked out the door to finish the bowl of tofu nao with garlic water and soy sauce as soon as possible.

 Alright, go to sleep

(End of this chapter)

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