Daming: You are really my eldest son

Chapter 129 My son, you have narrowed the road

Chapter 129 My son, you have narrowed the road

Faced with Zhu Ji's sudden sigh and inquiry, Zhu Yuanzhang fell silent.

He couldn't explain the heavy burden unknowingly placed on Zhu Ji by saying that the heaven will send a great responsibility to the people.

Because some burdens should not be borne by him.

For example, the matter of Zhu Xiongying.

No matter how to ensure that his attitude towards Zhu Ji will be consistent in the future, Zhu Yuanzhang must admit that the birth of Zhu Xiongying has a great influence on Zhu Ji.

The princelings formed by those old officials of Song Lian will hold together more closely, and all Zhu Ji's actions in the future will be repeatedly considered by them.Once there is any deed that threatens Zhu Biao's status as Prince Zhu, it is bound to usher in stronger and more stubborn attacks than before.

With Zhu Ji's wisdom, he probably knows this very well.

Even so, my eldest son still thinks about Zhu Xiongying's future life.Even in Zhu Ji's sigh, Zhu Yuanzhang heard some determination and pressure.

Come to think of it, what I heard just now was nothing but details to ensure Zhu Xiongying's smooth growth.The most important thing, after all, has to be exchanged for at a heavy price.

If Zhu Ji knew what the old man thought in his heart, he would definitely scoff at him unceremoniously.

He was clearly just worried that before Zhu Xiongying had a problem, he might not be able to get a suitable reward from the dog system.

The father and son were relatively silent for a long time. After all, it was Zhu Yuanzhang who looked at Zhu Ji with emotion, as if he was promising, but also as if he was explaining:
"As the clan of the Ming Dynasty, you have to bear more responsibilities than others. From now on, we won't send you around at will. If you have time, do something you want to do."

This completely insincere promise caused Zhu Ji to laugh again in disdain.

"Old man, you can just be fooling around. I don't have any free time from getting up until it's time to light the lamp every day. If you really want me to live a stable life for a few days, get rid of me, Sima, the governor of the capital."

The most time-consuming task Zhu Ji has now is the Sima of the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion.

Daming now has hundreds of guards, and dozens of pond newspapers are sent from all over the place every day.Although it was distributed to various divisions for disposal due to different contents, in the end it was completed only after Zhu Ji, the Sima, signed and stamped instead of Zhu Yuanzhang.

Out of a responsible attitude, Zhu Ji has always read the contents of the Tang newspaper and the results of the disposal before printing it. Some disposals that he thinks need to be changed will be discussed again.

After going back and forth, Zhu Ji's military self-cultivation has been greatly improved in a short period of time, but because of this, it is difficult to have leisure time.

This Sima who wanted to come here by himself, now Zhu Ji really doesn't want to be there anymore.

It's just that Zhu Yuanzhang can't know what Zhu Ji knows?
Ever since Zhu Ji took over the Governor's Mansion, he has really relaxed a lot.

There is no need to light lamps and boil oil every day, and even have time to patrol the palace during the day.Moreover, from the test books sent by the generals from all over the country, they are full of praise for the professionalism and efficiency of the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion, which is different from the Ministry of War.

Zhu Yuanzhang didn't want to go back to the rhythm of life that sleeps later than a dog and wakes up earlier than a chicken, and the generals leading troops from all over the country are even less willing to change the head of the Metropolitan Government.

Therefore, this errand, which has suffered a lot, still has to be thrown on Zhu Ji's head.

Even if he clearly promised well just now, Zhu Yuanzhang would rather pretend to be confused with his understanding:
"Haha, we have to discuss this matter with Xu Da and the other coaches outside. These people appreciate your way of handling things very much. If you change it easily, I'm afraid they won't accept it."

It's an exaggeration to say it's not convincing, but it's true if you don't get used to it.

After saying this excuse in his mouth, Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't help but feel a little proud.

I don't know how much effort I have spent all these years in order to control this army of millions.Unexpectedly, in the hands of his elder son, in just three months, there were several baskets filled with letters of praise from the guards all over the place.

"Besides, the reform of the military system has not yet been implemented, and many ideas you mentioned to us before have not been completed. Once you leave the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion, can we find someone who can do better than you?"

In order to make Zhu Ji, a compliant donkey, no longer pick on the pick, Zhu Yuanzhang gritted his teeth and finally decided to realize Zhu Ji's original wish first.

"Now that the Northland has been blocked by heavy snow, we are going to call Xu Da back and give you a marriage as soon as possible. In addition, the maids of these two families are still young, so let's find a concubine for you first, so that Uncle Enyang can marry you." There is a future."

As a rule, the children born before Zuo and Xu's girls could not be named in the genealogy. It happened that Zhu Ji also had the wish to adopt the children under the names of the adoptive parents, so Zhu Yuanzhang decided to be a good person to the end.

This time Zhu Ji did not object.

There is one thing he has to admit, money and power can indeed severely corrode a person's willpower.The education we were proud of before now seems to be just an excuse for poverty.

Considering that there are still seven or eight years before the girl from the Xu family reaches the marriageable age she has identified, and if the two actually get married for several years, the girl from the Xu family has nothing to say, not to mention affecting the relationship between the three families. It will send words to those courtiers who have always had trouble with him.

Hehe, Zhu Ji despises himself for thinking so grandly.

To put it bluntly, it is loneliness, and I just want to get out of the order.

There is an egg relationship with those courtiers who owe scolding.

"You can find a concubine, but you must be over [-] years old, either talented or good-looking, or educated and courteous, it doesn't matter if you come from a good background or not."

In fact, Zhu Yuanzhang originally wanted to find another family with Wenchen.

After all, Zhu Ji's shortcomings are obvious now. The civil servants have no help except Liu Bowen, and the previous few confrontations with the courtiers have caused public outrage.

It would be the best if the relationship between Zhu Ji and civil servants could be eased in this way, and at the same time, the courtiers who were gradually clumping together could be divided.

As if sensing the dangerous thoughts of his own father, Zhu Ji hastily added:
"Old man, don't make any more marriages for me. I have already told you very clearly. If you give me any more, be careful, I will just find a mountain gate to become a monk and practice."

Seeing that his eldest son took the road narrower and narrower, Lord Guorui expressed great regret.

On the issue of wanting the eldest son or the minister, he chose the eldest son very wisely.There is a saying in the art of war, if you save people and lose land, all people and land will survive; if you save land and lose people, all people and land will be lost.

He didn't believe it, he refused this time, and he could refuse the next time.

In his lifetime, Zhu Guorui is willing to change his name to Yuanzhang if he is not allowed to use up his quota of concubines.

Zhu Ji, who didn't know that his father used him like a stallion in his heart, still stared at Zhu Yuanzhang with a serious expression, and when the old man dared to say no, he would break up.

(End of this chapter)

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