Chapter 143 Why?

Song Lian had anticipated that he and Zhu Ji would definitely have such a meeting.But he didn't expect that this meeting would be delayed until now.

It stands to reason that after he accepted the post of Chief Shi of Prince Yong's Mansion that day, no matter what idea Zhu Ji had in mind, he should have contacted him as soon as possible.

What he never expected was that Zhu Ji neither urged him to go to the palace to be on duty, nor did he rush to invite him to a meeting, and he completely took the intrigue in the court hall that day as a passing memory.

Zhu Ji's attitude of not taking himself seriously made Song Lian, who was suffocating at the time, feel that his clenched fist had completely hit a ball of cotton.

After being aggrieved, he was naturally a little ashamed.Fortunately, Song Lian's skills in nourishing qi honed by the officials for many years will not cause him to get angry.It's just that the more he was left alone, the more vigilant he was towards Zhu Ji.

Having experienced several open and secret struggles, Song Lian also saw Zhu Ji's youthful methods in political struggles.

Sentimental means immature.In the officialdom, if the evaluation of the word "sentimental" hangs on his body, he is doomed to have little future.

However, if a prince like Zhu Ji with a dignified status and the emperor's bottom line had the word "sentimental" on him, it would be a disaster for the courtiers.

Because Zhu Ji, who is in a high position, can also give another meaning to "sentimental" - disrupting the situation and turning the table.

If Zhu Ji smashed a large area of ​​rice bowls every time he lifted the table, Song Lian would probably cry out with regret, but he would definitely cheer in his heart.

It is an indisputable fact that there is a shortage of talents in the Hongwu court. If Zhu Ji gets involved every time he makes a fuss, without them fighting, Zhu Yuanzhang, who is sitting on the dragon bed watching a play, will be the first to be unable to sit still.

Every time Zhu Ji makes troubles, he has a very strong purpose. He specifically grabs individual people and beats them to death.

This method is very similar to the appearance of those hooligans Song Lian saw in the countryside when they were fighting.

Song Lian couldn't help but feel a little more embarrassed that such a stubble who beat his master to death with a fist, and today he was politely passed on to others instead of relying on his power to break in without authorization.

A brat who has been in the court for less than half a year, can use grace and power so skillfully, it can only be said that he is worthy of the blood of the clan.

Perhaps it was because of this that the gang of people in the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion were so convinced by this prince who had just won the crown and had no military achievements.

Countless thoughts flashed through his mind in an instant, but Song Lian finally sighed softly, got up and stepped out of the charcoal-heated valet room, and braved the cold wind to meet Zhu Ji under the guidance of the clerk.

Outside the gate of Wenhua Palace, the first time Song Lian saw Zhu Ji, the prince in a cloak was stamping his feet indistinctly.

Needless to say, it must be cold.

Although she was dressed warmly, she couldn't stand the distance between the imperial city and the Wenhua Palace.When I was talking nonsense with the old man watching the scenery under the promenade, there was still a charcoal fire. Who knew that after leaving the stove, especially when waiting here, the chill went straight to the bone.

Zhu Ji can pat his chest to assure that it's definitely not that after a few days of being pampered and pampered, he can't bear the hardships of poor people.

The weather this year is indeed a little bit colder than usual.

When Song Lian approached and saw that his behavior that was detrimental to the royal dignity was discovered, Zhu Ji bowed to Song Lian at the same time, grinning and said:
"Why did Bachelor Song come to greet you? Just send someone to bring me in. It's cold outside and there's not much gossip. I'd better go to the Bachelor's Office to ask for a cup of hot tea to warm up before talking."

I have to admit that every time I met with Zhu Ji, regardless of the position, Song Lian felt that this Highness and the current Holy One were printed in the same mold.

Crude, yet realistic.Obviously such a big palace is his Zhu family's territory, but it will make people feel that the square inch of the value house belongs to him.

In a trance, Song Lian couldn't help following Zhu Ji's footsteps towards the house, until the clerk lifted the curtain and let him step into the warm house, Song Lian woke up.

The clerk offered warm tea to the two with winking eyes, then bent over and stepped back to leave the guard room. For a while, the room was so quiet that only the soft sound of charcoal burning and Zhu Ji's unpretentious tea drinking sound .

Zhu Ji, who didn't intend to compete with this old man in terms of composure, felt his body warmed up, so he went straight to the point and explained why he came.

"I came to pay a visit to Bachelor Song today because I have a few things to discuss."

It has always been Zhu Ji's style not to play cards according to the routine, Song Lian is not surprised by this, and he will not underestimate the prince because Zhu Ji is impatient, but bowed his hands seriously and said:

"The old minister is all ears."

"First, Hu Weiyong and Chen Ning fell into the dust through my hands, and now all the court officials have their eyes fixed on me.

I know that you are all thinking of impeaching me twice in three days, so that I will lose my holy family, so that the reserve will be stable and the court will be peaceful..."

Being exposed by Zhu Ji, although Song Lian was calm on the surface, he was somewhat panicked in embarrassment.

"Your Highness is joking, how dare we have such rebellious thoughts."

Song Lian's answer made Zhu Ji chuckle, you don't dare to think, but dare to do it.

A few days ago, he saw with his own eyes that the old man sent someone to send a basketful of memorials to impeach him to the Department of Valuable Salaries.

"I'm not here to warn you today. I just want to remind you that if you want to bring down a person, attacking them in groups is the worst strategy. In the end, it's easy to cause both sides to suffer. The best way is that you can do better than him , making him completely worthless."

"If you want me to completely lose power, use what you have learned all your life. Make Daming more prosperous and the people richer. When you can achieve the goal that the people will not starve to death or be displaced under natural disasters, your goal will be achieved. "

Healthy competition can promote the continuous development of the court in a positive direction. In Zhu Ji's eyes, these civil servants who only know how to make jokes are not worth as much as a pragmatic subordinate.

Although Zhu Ji spoke casually, but in Song Lian's eyes, he had a different attitude.

This young man who was casually drinking his tea was holding on to the great momentum, and challenged all of them openly.Anyone who puts their hopes on the conspiracy and tricks to defeat him is destined to be crushed by that momentum.

Song Lian couldn't help but took a sip of tea, and then asked in a slightly hoarse voice:
"Your Highness really intends to fight?"

Zhu Ji who had just put down the tea bowl was stunned for a moment, then realized what Song Lian was talking about, and then shook his head and laughed:
"You mean the throne, right? I get up earlier than chickens and sleep later than dogs. When I was farming outside the city, the pigs raised in the village lived more comfortably than this. Why bother?"

(End of this chapter)

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