Chapter 17
It was Tie Jian who spoke, and the reason why Yan Zi accepted this thing was not because of anything else, but because of the dagger, which he sold to the Sun's Sword Shop after refining it.

Yan Zi was a little surprised in her heart, pondered for a moment, and then slowly said: "Since Mr. Sun is so kind, it would be unreasonable for me to refuse, so I will be disrespectful."

Hearing this, Sun Yang was a little surprised, obviously he didn't think Yan Zi would accept this thing before, after a little delay, the smile on his face grew stronger, and he presented the vermilion lacquer box as a gift.

After Yan Zi accepted it, she thanked her and handed it to Xiao Suan casually.

"Hahahaha...I see that Young Master Sun has such a sincere love for Miss Yan, why do you have to do this fight? If the two families can get married, wouldn't they all be happy? This man is talented and handsome, and it's a piece of my country crossing the country. Good story!" Situ Ran, who was sitting on the main seat, said with a loud laugh.

"Master Situ is joking. I don't know how this sword-making matter was arranged?"

Sun Yang's face showed a hint of joy, and he was about to take over the conversation and say something, but Yan Zi directly diverted the topic.

"As before, the materials are prepared, refined on the spot, and tested on the spot. But before that, both parties need to sign and sign the deed. I wonder if the two of you have any objections?" Situ Ran listened and explained solemnly. .

"The Yan family naturally has no objection." Yan Zi nodded and said.

Seeing this, Sun Yang had no choice but to swallow the words that came to his mouth, and nodded to indicate that he had no opinion.

Afterwards, the clerk in Tsing Yi who was standing behind Situ Ran immediately took out two identical deeds and gave them to Yan Zi and Sun Yang respectively.

After Yan Zi and Sun Yang respectively took over the deeds, they first checked each other, and then exchanged them for another check.

After confirming that it was correct, they each signed and stamped their private seals.

“好!既然契状已签,立时生效,不得反悔。大殿两侧的配殿之中,已经准备好了地火井,请两位大师做好准备,这就入室炼剑吧。”司徒然站Standing up, he announced with a smile.

仇霸天看了陈光一眼,站起身朝殿内左侧的一道侧门走去,左侧那排座椅上末席,立即有两个年轻人跟着站了起来,手捧着两只黑色木箱, followed.

Chen Guang also stood up and walked towards the side hall on the right with Tie Jian and Yao Bin.

On the lintel of the side hall, there is a light yellow rune paper attached to each. The rune depicted on it is a little blurry, but there is still a faint remnant of spiritual energy on it.

Tie Jian walked to the door, stopped subconsciously, and looked at Fu Zhi.

"This is the unique sword-detecting talisman of our country, to prevent us from entering with the pre-refined magic sword." Chen Guang finally spoke, but his voice was a little hoarse.

The three of them walked into the side hall and closed the door.

Yan Zi looked at the backs of the three leaving, and the worry in her beautiful eyes became more intense.

"The sword-making process won't be completed in a while. The 'Echizen Incense' from our company is good. You two might as well have a cup of tea and wait for the good news from the two masters." Situ Ran said with a smile.

Hearing the words, the brown-clothed servant behind him immediately turned around and entered the inner hall to make tea for everyone.

"Thank you very much then." Yan Zi said with a smile when she turned around, her expression had returned to normal.

With a smile on the corner of Sun Yang's mouth, he glanced at her playfully.

In the side hall on the right, the magma in an earth fire well was billowing, and soon it overflowed most of the fire pond.

陈光看了一眼火塘内的岩浆,将身上的雪白大氅脱下,露出一身适宜炼剑的短装,而后摸出一只白玉瓷瓶,从中倒出来一枚黑色弹丸,一股颇为辛辣的气味顿时Passed out.

Tie Jian was not far away, his nose wrinkled slightly, his face changed slightly, he wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't speak.

He had seen this kind of medicine pill, called "Qi Vibration Pill", and every time the commander-level guards in the Iron Mansion went out to perform a mission, they could get one.

Although this pill has the effect of temporarily suppressing the injury and boosting the essence, once the effect of the medicine wears off, it will cause more damage to the person who takes it, so no one is willing to take it until the last resort.

However, Chen Guang just frowned slightly, then raised his neck and swallowed the pill.

Looking at this scene, Tie Jian couldn't help feeling a little more respect for Chen Guang.

Soon, an abnormal flush appeared on Chen Guang's cheeks, and his energy recovered a bit, and he looked basically the same as before he was injured.

He let out a mouthful of turbid air, and clamped the smelted stone cup with iron clamps.

Tie Jian hurriedly stepped forward, took the iron clip and held it firmly in his hand.

Chen Guang glanced at Tie Jian and always felt that he seemed a little different today.But at the moment, I have to focus on sword refining, I can't be distracted, and I don't think much, I turn around to get the sword refining materials.

Yao Bin was supposed to take over, but seeing this scene, he had to stand aside.

Chen Guangxian took out a red-red spar the size of a dog's head from the black lacquered wooden box on the side, and put it into the stone cup.

Tie Jian saw this spar and secretly thought in his heart that such a large piece of red copper ore crystal has soared to a sky-high price in today's market. It seems that the Yan family has really invested in this sword-making challenge.

He moved the stone cup to the fire pond and smelted it at the temperature of the magma.

As time passed bit by bit, the stone cup in the fire pond was burnt bright red, and the cuprite crystals inside began to gradually melt.

Seeing this, Chen Guang kept grabbing all kinds of auxiliary materials in his hand and threw them into the stone cup, while keeping his eyes fixed on the fire pit to prevent accidents.

Just when all the materials began to melt and fuse, an unexpected scene appeared.

There were bursts of muffled "gurgling" sounds coming from the fire pond, and the magma gushing out of half the pond gradually sank, and there was a tendency to completely flow back.

"Oops! It's the earth fire tide, how could it be at this time?" Chen Guang's expression changed drastically, and he exclaimed in surprise.

This is the critical time to smelt and forge materials. Once the firepower is lost, the smelting will fail, and the sword will not be smelted.

Chen Guang's heart skipped a beat, and he turned around quickly. He didn't care about waste, and immediately grabbed a large handful of fire essence powder from the wooden box, and sprinkled it into the fire pit.

"Boom" with a muffled sound.

A large piece of crimson flames rose up, instantly replenishing the lack of firepower.

"Quick, add some more charcoal." Tie Jian hurriedly shouted.

Yao Bin, like a headless fly, turned around twice, only to realize that there was a pile of neatly arranged charcoal next to his feet, he quickly bent down and took out a few and threw them into the fire.

Seeing the gradually stabilized flames in the pond, Tie Jian didn't relax.

According to his experience of refining swords in the past few days and nights, this level of smelting cannot really remove the stubble and preserve the essence.

After thinking for a while, he squinted at Chen Guang and Yao Bin beside him.

Seeing the former staring intently at the stone cup, while the latter hadn't recovered from the previous dangerous situation, his mind moved slightly, and a small pale golden flame flowed out from his fingertips and merged into it. in the fire pit.

With the addition of this golden flame, the temperature in the fire pond suddenly rose, and the materials in the stone cup were completely melted.

After a while, Tie Jian poured the melt in the stone cup into the mold and waited for it to gradually cool and solidify.

After the iron embryo was condensed, Chen Guang poured it on the forging table before it cooled completely.

This time, Yao Bin immediately followed, holding the iron embryo with iron clips, causing Chen Guang to start beating.

When the iron is too strong, a few pieces of charcoal are added to the fire pond from time to time to maintain the temperature in the pond.

The three of them didn't say a word, only the sound of intermittent beating echoed in the side hall.

About three hours later, sparks splashed all over the forging platform, and a three-foot-long crimson sword embryo was basically formed.

But at this moment, the mutation protruded.

Chen Guang, who was struggling to forge the sword embryo, suddenly had an extremely abnormal flush on his face, and then, with a "poof", he spurted out a mouthful of blood.

The blood fell on the sword embryo, and a white smoke immediately rose.

His body swayed for a while, and the forging hammer in his hand almost fell.

Seeing this, Tie Jian quickly stepped forward and supported Chen Guang from behind.

"Master!" Yao Bin's expression changed, and he hurriedly called out.

Chen Guang shook his head and tried to lift the forging hammer several times, but he couldn't exert any strength at all. In the end, he could only shake his wrist and hand the forging hammer to Yao Bin.

"You come……"

Hearing this, Yao Bin hesitated.

Such an important sword refining competition, as a sword master who can only refine low-grade magic swords at most, can he really do it?
"Forget it..." Chen Guang saw that Yao Bin was hesitant and unwilling to take the hammer, and his eyes couldn't help showing disappointment and helplessness.

At this moment, a hand suddenly stretched out beside him, with five fingers closed, he firmly grasped the forging hammer.

"I'll do it." Tie Jian sighed and said in a deep voice.

He first helped Chen Guang to sit aside, then walked back to the forging table, picked up the black sledgehammer, and slammed it down under Yao Bin's surprised gaze.

There was a sound of "clang"!A large expanse of sparks suddenly scattered in all directions.

Chen Guang's expression was extremely tired, but his gaze towards Tie Jian became extremely bright.

After a while, Tie Jian's clothes were completely soaked.

Holding a three-footed sword embryo that shone with red light, he came to Chen Guang's side and handed it to him. "Master Chen, look at it, is it alright?"

Chen Guang's fingers trembled slightly, and he stroked the sword lightly, as if he was stroking the black hair of his beloved woman, his movements were extremely gentle.

"Okay! The sword pattern is fine and uniform, and the punching strength and degree are just right. It is much better than the sword embryos I have refined in the past. This sword should be matched with high-grade runes." Chen Guang said excitedly.

(End of this chapter)

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