refining sword

Chapter 30 The Invitation to the Sword Club

Chapter 30 The Invitation to the Sword Club
It was not yet bright, and the door of the main house of the small courtyard opened with a creak.

Tie Jian, who had changed into a snow-white shirt, pushed the door open, his eyes bright and his air relaxed.

The aura on his body has undergone earth-shaking changes, it is thick and deep, and there is an indescribable momentum between his gestures.

Today's Tie Jian is already a foundation-building cultivator.

After entering the foundation building period, Tie Jian could feel many obvious changes.

Last night, a lot of mud-like black oil was expelled from the pores of his body along with sweat. After cleaning it up today, he felt a lot lighter all over his body, and even the skin on his body became smoother and firmer.

According to the experience of the predecessors recorded in the pen notes, this is called "The Book of Changes to cut the marrow". Those black oils are actually the impurities stagnant in the acupoints in his body. Combat, mana operation will become more rapid.

What Tie Jian was most concerned about was that, according to the records in his pen, once he broke through to the foundation-building stage, he would be able to increase his lifespan by one hundred to two hundred years.In this way, he would have more time to study sword refining skills, and he would have a better grasp of becoming a spirit sword master in the future.

The Yan family did not publicize the fact that Tie Jian became a cultivator in the foundation-building period, only a few people knew about it.

Under Yan Zi's arrangement, they only held a banquet in a small area of ​​the mansion to celebrate for him, and then everything returned to normal.

Tie Jian returned to Yan's Sword Shop and began to study sword refining while stabilizing his realm.

However, now, he has his own exclusive sword house, which is located behind the third-floor attic where Chen Guang lives.

Originally, Tie Jian was still a little worried whether Chen Guang would be dissatisfied with this, but after listening to Yan Zi talking about it, he realized that the suggestion for Tie Jian to build another sword house was put forward by Chen Guang.

After that, Chen Guang also came to Jianlu from time to time to discuss with Tie Jian the technique of sword refining.

The two have their own strengths, and they often talk in detail and enjoy each other, but there are also conflicts of opinion, and the fight is blushing when the neck is thick.Whenever the two of them couldn't convince the other, they returned to practice their swords to test who was right and who was wrong.

Interestingly, after several tests, it was found that both of their views had limitations.Tie Jian's ideas are often too radical, while Chen Guang is more conservative.

In this kind of competition, Tie Jian's sword refining skills have advanced by leaps and bounds, and the probability of refining a high-grade magic sword is getting higher and higher. The first high-grade magic sword was refined.

Within the capital, the reputation of the Yan Family Chamber of Commerce is getting louder and louder, and the business is getting more and more prosperous.

On this day, I have been busy with the Chamber of Commerce. Yan Zi, who has not appeared at the sword shop for more than a month, hurried over from the mansion with a small abacus, and went straight to the attic where Chen Guang was when he entered the sword shop. come.

Tie Jian was originally in his own sword hut, reading a copy of "Sword Refinement Sutra" borrowed from Chen Guang, but he was also shouted out by Xiao Abacus and brought to the attic.

As soon as he entered the gate of the attic, he saw Yan Zi, dressed in snow-white clothes, sitting across the table from Chen Guang. When he saw him coming in, he beckoned him to come over and sit beside him.

Yao Bin was standing behind Chen Guang expressionlessly at the moment, as if he had never heard of Tie Jian's arrival.

"What, what happened?"

Tie Jian saw that Yan Zi and Chen Guang looked strange, and thought that there was some trouble, and his expression became a little grim.

"Why is this expression? Don't worry, it's not a bad thing, but a happy event." Seeing this, Chen Guang said with a smile.

"What's the happy event?" Tie Jian asked with a relaxed expression.

"I wonder if you've ever heard of the 'Sword Refinement Conference'?" Yan Zi asked with a smile.

"I heard about it when I was in Jin. It is said to be a grand gathering for your swordsmen from the Yue Kingdom." Tie Jian nodded and replied.

"Yes, this is indeed the grand event that our Yue country swordsmen dream of. It is usually held every five years, and only swordsmen who have received the 'Fire Cloud Order' issued by the Ministry of Industry and Manufacturing are eligible to participate." Yan Zi slowly explained.

"Could it be that Master Chen Guang was invited to participate in this meeting?" Tie Jian showed a look of joy on his face.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, he remembered something again, and hurriedly said again: "No, if I remember correctly, the last sword-making conference should have been held two years ago. Is it not time yet?"

"It was really not in time. Who would have thought that at the beginning of last month, a fire from the sky suddenly descended over the Huoyun Mountains, bringing a huge meteorite from the sky and falling on the Yuhuo Peak. The entire piece of extraterrestrial meteorite is made of 'the essence of iron mother', which is the top-quality spiritual material used to refine the spiritual sword." Chen Guang took the conversation and said slowly.

"The essence of the mother of iron... is it actually this thing?" Tie Jian exclaimed in surprise when he heard the words.

As we all know, the materials required for refining a spirit sword are very special. There are only a few materials in this world that can meet the needs, and this iron mother essence is one of them.

"Then the officials of Qin Tianjian combined with the star map of the night to check it. The above table said that this is an auspicious omen that is rare in a century. Therefore, His Majesty the Emperor was very happy, and he ordered the Department of Engineering and Manufacturing to hold a sword-making conference in advance, and the location was not the same as before. It is located in the Industrial and Manufacturing Division of the capital, but directly on the Yuhuo Peak." Chen Guang smiled and continued.

"Is there a lot of rewards for such a grand event?" Tie Jian asked.

"Yes, the winner of this sword refining conference will not only get a part of the iron mother essence in the outer meteorite as a reward, but also get personal guidance from the spirit sword master Situ Hao." Chen Guang's eyes were bright and full of expectations. look.

"Haha, then this time, we have to seize the opportunity and win." Tie Jian smiled.

"This time, it's not just Master Chen, you also have a quota, you can participate together." Yan Zi looked at Tie Jian with a smile, her eyes bright.

"Me too?" Tie Jian was slightly surprised.

Yan Zi flipped her wrist, took out a waist badge engraved with a fire cloud pattern, and handed it to Tie Jian, saying:

"Originally, a family like our Yan family and Sun family could only get one spot, but this time, Situ Ran strongly recommended it and got an extra token. He named you to participate."

"There is such a thing... By the way, if you say that, the Sun family will also participate?" Tie Jian asked.

"Yes, the Sun family will send Qiu Batian to participate in the conference." Yan Zi nodded and said.

"Hey, that guy is just Big Brother Tie's defeated general, nothing to worry about." The little abacus on the side clapped his hands and said with a smile.

"You can't say that. After all, Qiu Batian has been famous for a long time. We can't take it lightly." Tie Jian clenched Huo Yunling's palm tightly and said seriously.

"Yes, Qiu Batian's strength should not be underestimated. But this time we will face more than just his family." Chen Guang also nodded slightly and agreed.

Hearing the words, Abacus stuck out his tongue, made a face, and glanced at Yao Bin who was silent beside him. He felt a little strange in his heart. He always felt that he had been a little different since the last sword training challenge, and it was a lot duller. .

"There are still three months before the sword training conference. Master Chen, you and Big Brother Tie need to discuss the magic sword to be refined earlier, so I can prepare the materials for you in advance." Yan Zi smiled and suggested seriously. .

Chen Guang heard the words, nodded, and immediately lowered his head slightly, thinking carefully.

Tie Jian's mouth twitched slightly, and he was already thinking about it.


time flies.In the early morning of this day, outside the gate of Yan Mansion, in front of the two huge stone lions, three ornately decorated awning carriages were parked. In front of them were two unusually tall horses, kicking the bricks on the street and snoring. .

Yan Zi and the others walked out of the mansion gate, and Yan Xiang and the mansion steward went out to see them off.

"Don't worry, I will leave the affairs of the house to me." Yan Xiangguang swept over Tie Jian with a smile, and said to Yan Zi.

"Then these days, the second uncle has worked hard." Yan Zi Shili replied.

"The family doesn't speak two languages, let's hit the road." Yan Xiang waved his hand and said.

Yan Zi Tiejian, Chen Guang and the others boarded the carriage, escorted by a group of knights, and slowly headed west of the city.


The Huoyun Mountains are in the west of Yuejing City, and the distance is not too far. The nearest branch is Xiyou Mountain.

As for the destination of their trip, Yuhuo Peak is relatively far away. It is located in the middle of the entire mountain range. Although it is not the main peak, it is also one of the highest peaks.

Along the way, most of the time, Tie Jian was discussing with Chen Guang the specific details of this sword refining, and occasionally Yan Zi also participated, but most of the time he listened carefully and rarely expressed his opinion.

Because the two are competing at the same time, they will not be refining the same sword, so they are helping each other to check and fill in the gaps, so as to improve the sword refining plan.

As a result, the time on the road seemed a little tight.When they arrived at Yuhuo Peak, there were only three days left before the official sword-making conference was held.

Due to the influence of this event, the Yuhuo Peak, which was originally rarely visited by people, was forcibly opened up by the Yue Kingdom in this short half year.

At the foot of the mountain, a large wooden building was also built, adjacent to each other, stretching for several miles.

Although it is not as gorgeous as the buildings in the city, it is also quite original.

At the bottom of the Yuhuo Peak, officials arranged by the Department of Engineering and Manufacturing received Yan Zi and others, and only five people, including Chen Guang and Tie Jian, were sent to the summit in a car specially arranged by the royal family, and they brought them with them. The entourage was placed at the foot of the mountain.

The scene on Yuhuo Peak was even more lively. The numerous large-scale chambers of commerce in the entire Yue Kingdom, as well as some high-level clans, all gathered here with their respective sword refiners.

The Department of Industry and Manufacturing has already been on the top of the mountain, building housing for various chambers of commerce and families.

(End of this chapter)

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