Chapter 56
Tie Jian carried Ning Xiaoxiao on his back, and Yan Zi came to a small village not far from Pingling Pass, and found that the place was empty because of the war, so he randomly found a family's thatched cottage and lived in it. go in.

After trying several times to feed Ning Xiaoxiao with medicinal pills, but the result was no success, Tie Jian finally became a little desperate. The damage to the soul does not need to be more difficult than the physical body or the dantian. It is extremely difficult to repair, and ordinary medicinal pills cannot be effective at all. .

Sitting on the edge of a simple grass bed, he raised his hand and caressed the pear vortex on Ning Xiaoxiao's cheek, recalling the past, with a dazed expression.

"The soul is incomplete. If it can't be replenished as soon as possible, I'm afraid it will continue to scatter. We have to find a way to seal up Miss Ning's body first. Otherwise, once most of the soul is lost and dissipated, the body will be rooted in decay and then really return. I'm running out of skills..." Yan Zi looked at Tie Jian's appearance and reminded her.

Tie Jian came to his senses, nodded and said, "Miss Yan, do you know where I can get thousand-year-old Xuanbing?"

"This kind of thing can be met but not sought. In the past, you can search through the contacts of the chamber of commerce. Now... I am afraid that you can only find it in the ice cellar of the palace, but now you can't quench your thirst..." Yan Zi sighed , said a little sorry.

Tie Jian fell into deep thought when he heard the words, and was about to say something.

At this moment, a flash of fire suddenly flashed in front of him, and a little red-gold man suddenly emerged from the void.

It was Tie Jian who refined the stele with different fires in the secret realm of Xuanyin, the sword spirit with the stele pattern.

After the little guy appeared, he gestured at Tie Jian in mid-air for a while, which made Yan Zi confused.

Tie Jian was relieved, and his face showed a look of relief.

"What's the matter? But is there a way to seal Miss Ning?" Yan Zi hurriedly asked after the sword spirit returned to the spirit sword.

"Well, there is a way!"

"When refining the stone tablet, most of the sealing power in the entire secret realm was sealed in the mother sword of the Tianlingzi mother sword, which can be used to seal the small flesh." Tie Jian nodded and continued.

After saying that, he flipped his wrist and took out the long sword.

The appearance of Tianling Zimu Sword is not very fancy, there is a faint silver light flashing on the body of the mother sword, the sharp red gold sword is embedded in the hilt of the mother sword, if you don't look carefully, Didn't notice at all.

Tie Jian held the long sword horizontally with one hand, and pressed his palm on the group of spirit patterns on the sword body. After chanting silently for a while, he mobilized the mana in his body and poured it into the long sword.

As the gurgling spiritual power poured into the sword, the silver light on the Tianling letter sword suddenly brightened, and a silver light shot out from the tip of the sword, covering Ning Xiaoxiao's whole body.

After the silver light fell, it turned into strands of silver threads like spring silkworms weaving cocoons, wrapping Ning Xiaoxiao up bit by bit from bottom to top, from feet to head.

Through the silver silk cocoon, you can still vaguely see Ning Xiaoxiao's appearance, Tie Jian's heart moved slightly, and he swore in his heart:

"Xiao Xiao, no matter what method I use and what price I pay, I will definitely bring you back unscathed!"

After a while, Tie Jian stood up and said to Yan Zi, "Miss Yan, I have an unkind request. Could you please help me take care of Xiao Xiao for a while?"

"Where are you going?" Yan Zi was very worried about his state at this time, and asked.

"Don't worry, I won't do anything stupid. The war between Jinyue and Yue is about to break out. With my current strength, I won't be the opponent of Feng Qingzi at all. But when I was in the secret realm, I got I have just used a little bit of superficial skills in a hurry. I need to find a place to retreat for a period of time to fully comprehend this technique. At the same time, I also have to run in with my spirit sword, and then stop it. Feng Qingzi refines the Blood Spirit Sword." Tie Jian said slowly.

"Since that's the case, don't worry. Miss Ning, I will take good care of you." Yan Zi breathed a sigh of relief when she heard this.

Tie Jian nodded, walked to the door of the hut, couldn't help but look back at Ning Xiaoxiao and Yan Zi, and then went out.


After half a month.

In a corner tower of Pingling Pass, the king of Guangliang, who was wearing a vermilion python robe and a snow-white armor, held a sword beside him with one hand, and looked at the sand table situation on the table in front of him.

Seven or eight monks accompanying the army, who were not weak in breath, also stood behind him with swords hanging from their waists, intently on guard.

The two armies confront each other, and the battle on the surface is only a part of the war, and the contest in the dark has never stopped.

Since the start of the war, monks from the two countries have secretly sneaked into the other side's military account and assassinated the other side's generals, but generally speaking, the losses are roughly the same.

As the military commander of the Yue Kingdom, King Guangliang was naturally under strict protection. After all, once he was assassinated, it would definitely be a heavy blow to the Yue Kingdom side.

On the sand table, there are tall trees in the city, but the Jin flags have already been planted under the city, which makes Guangliang King feel upset for a while.

He raised his hand and lightly rubbed his eyebrows, but he couldn't help thinking of Situ Hao.

After all, if there was a spirit sword master like Master Situ sitting in charge, maybe he wouldn't have to think about everything like this, would he?

Thinking of this, he felt some sincere admiration for Situ Hao.

If it weren't for his far-reaching strategy, he would have seen that the Jin State seemed to have been disarmed in recent years, but in fact it had the heart to annex the Yue State.I'm afraid that the State of Yue has long lost its last ounce of defense against the extravagant Jin State, and may even take the initiative to provoke a war.

After fighting this time, it was discovered that the Dajin soldiers and horses were strong, not under the Yue Kingdom, and the weapons and equipment were even above the Yue Kingdom, so they suffered a lot.

Fortunately, the Yue Kingdom has been holding sword refining conferences under the initiative of Situ Hao these years. There are a lot of magic swords stored in the treasury, and the quality is also excellent. As a reward, many sects have been attracted. The cultivators of the door and the Sanye Sanxiu joined the army and became an indispensable and important force in the army of the Yue Kingdom.

"My lord, the few waves of monks sent to assassinate Zhao Xiang failed to come back. It seems that they have already prepared for it." A middle-aged man with the appearance of a counselor stepped forward and offered King Guangliang a cup of hot water. Tea, said.

"Assassinating the enemy's general is just a speculative method. There is no need to send someone to die." King Guangliang took the teacup, sniffed it deeply, and said.

"Yes." The middle-aged adviser cupped his hands and said.

"As the commander-in-chief of the Yue Kingdom, I haven't been attacked once so far. It's really weird." King Guangliang took a sip and said with some doubts.

"It's not surprising. I think it's probably an assassin sent by the other party. Seeing that the prince is protected by so many monks, he took the initiative to retreat." The middle-aged counselor thought for a while and said.

"What you said also makes sense..." King Guangliang pondered, but he always felt that something was wrong.


At the same time, more than ten miles outside Pingling Pass, on an open plain, white tents were densely spread out, like white clouds in the sky, covering the sky and the sun, making it a magnificent sight.

In the large tent of the Chinese army at the back of the tent, a young man in a large purple robe was sitting behind a long desk, staring at the two people in front of him expressionlessly.

The man has a white face, no beard and no wrinkle on his face. He looks radiant and handsome. The purple robe he wears is embroidered with the Big Dipper and Tai Chi gossip patterns, and he wears a silver lotus crown on his head. The strange hairpin with dark blue color actually looks like a Taoist dress.

"Cough cough... I report to the national teacher, the scouts in our army have secretly planted 36 soul-breaking nails outside Pingling Pass according to your instructions." Among the two people standing in the tent, one was wearing a black Armored, a middle-aged man with a short black beard, coughed lightly, and clasped his fists together.

This person is none other than Zhao Xiang, the commander-in-chief of the Jin Army. His face is very mighty, and he looks like a hero at first glance, but in fact, before this, he has never been well-known in the Jin Army. .

Originally, for this expedition, with his qualifications and prestige in the army, it would be great to have a pioneering position, but just because the national teacher Feng Qingzi personally ordered the general, saying "this person should be used", he was logical. supported the position of the head coach.

Naturally, many meritorious veterans in the imperial court could not be convinced, but because of Feng Qingzi, the national teacher, they had to hold their noses and obey.

After the expedition, Zhao Xiang, who flew up to a branch and turned into a phoenix, was not dazed by the big pie. He really thought that if he became the commander, he could control the army and move it at will.

On the contrary, he knew very well that the reason why the national division chose him to lead the army was because he was not qualified enough to be in control. The real person at the helm of the entire army was the national division Feng Qingzi.

"You did a good job, you go down first." Sitting behind the table, Feng Qingzi said with a slightly relaxed expression.

Zhao Xiang heard the words, bowed and bowed, and stepped back out of the big tent.

Immediately after he walked out, two cultivators followed behind him and left together.

"How's it going? Is there any news about your daughter?" After she walked away, Feng Qingzi's eyes suddenly turned cold, and he asked the remaining person in the tent.

This person was wearing a ochre-yellow robe, the black silk on his head was combed meticulously, and the frosted hair on his temples looked a little frizzy and disheveled. His wrinkled face was pale, as if he had just recovered from a serious illness.

If Tie Jian was here, he would be able to recognize it at a glance. This person is none other than his master Ning Chen.

"Reporting to Master, there is no small news yet." Ning Chen looked terrified, and hurriedly bowed his head.

"Don't be so nervous, those few senior brothers of yours died so that only you two are left. Ji Wuxiang suddenly disappeared half a month ago, and even the imprint left on him by me has been erased. , I’m afraid it’s more ominous than ominous. At this time, if you are slapped to death with a slap, who will do things for me?” Feng Qingzi said with a wicked smile.

"But according to Master's orders." Ning Chen lowered his head and said respectfully.

"If Ji Wuxiang is dead, let's just die. Fortunately, the blood-inducing pillar he arranged at Pingling Pass has been completed. Three days later, as soon as noon passes, the army will launch a general attack under the instruction of this seat. The bloody battle, the big formation is in motion, I want to refine the blood spirit sword, do you know what to do?" Feng Qingzi's eyes glowed with excitement, and he turned his head and asked.

"The disciple should be the master and protector of the law, and will never let anyone or anything interfere with you." Ning Chen said immediately.

"Okay, from now on you will be the eldest disciple of this seat, and I will give you this bottle of 'Pe Yuan Pill', go and take care of your injury first." Feng Qingzi said lightly, throwing it away.

Ning Chen quickly picked it up, flattered him with gratitude, and then left the army tent.

After walking several tens of feet, he exhaled heavily, wiped off the sweat from his brow with lingering fear, tightly gripped the white porcelain bottle in his hand, and smiled wryly in his heart.

As the saying goes, accompanying a king is like accompanying a tiger, and he serves Feng Qingzi by his side, the situation is almost the same.

However, what worries him the most is not his own situation, but his daughter Ning Xiaoxiao.

(End of this chapter)

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