refining sword

Chapter 9 Watching Sword Refinement

Chapter 9 Watching Sword Refinement
"The underground fire vein that passes through Yuejing is just a branch of the fire vein under the nearby Huoyun Mountains. Due to the tide of the fire vein, it is not very stable." Yao Bin explained somewhat carelessly.

Tie Jian nodded, knowing that the tide of fire pulse actually refers to the cycle of profit and loss of the underground fire pulse.

These charcoal, probably comes in handy at this time.

"Chu Fei, Jianpu can't compare to a commercial bank or Yan's mansion. There are not many comfortable houses. Master likes quietness. It is enough for the two of us to live in the small building. You should live here first." Outside the door, he said slowly.

Tie Jian was stunned when he heard the words. Apart from the sundries, there were no other things in this room. There was no such thing as a bed, table and chairs, so how could one live in it?
"I will instruct someone to bring the bed, table and chairs, so you don't have to worry about that." Yao Bin added as if he had guessed what Tie Jian was thinking.

"It's work." Tie Jian nodded in response after pondering for a moment.

If it was placed before, he was still the son of the prefect, or the young genius with extraordinary aptitude for cultivation and sword refining, and perhaps he would be a little grumpy about everything in front of him.But the various experiences in this period of time have made Tie Jian's mind mature rapidly.

About half an hour later, the Jianpu guys brought Tie Jian the bed, table and chairs, and helped clean it for a long time before finally tidying up the place barely enough for people to live in.

However, those clutter were still not removed.

According to Yao Bin, these scraps are also the resources of Yan's Sword Shop and cannot be disposed of at will.

In this regard, Tie Jian was completely indifferent. All he was thinking about now was how to quickly recover from his injuries and improve his cultivation, so that he could find news of his family as soon as possible.

In the evening, Tie Jian went out of Yan's Sword Shop and visited almost all the shops selling medicinal pills in the market.

He found that most of the pills sold in the market were for improving his cultivation and assisting his cultivation. There was only one pill that could help him repair his dantian and restore his mana.

Its name is "Ben Yuan Dan", and the price is surprisingly expensive, almost comparable to the price of a middle-grade magic sword.

In Tie Jian's current embarrassed state of poverty, it is impossible to buy.

At night, Tie Jian was lying on the bed in the side hall, with one hand behind his head and the other on his chest, gently rubbing the sword-shaped sachet, sniffing the faint lingering fragrance in it, and fell into contemplation. .After a while, he suddenly turned over and sat up, clenching the sachet in his hand, and secretly made a decision in his heart.


The next morning.

Today, Master Chen Guang is going to start the furnace and make swords, Tie Jian got up early and waited at the entrance of the main hall.

Not long after, Yao Bin walked out of the garden and was obviously stunned when he saw Tie Jian, then he nodded slightly, and walked over to open the main hall door as if nothing had happened.

The two came to the Sword Refinement Hall and waited for a while, when they saw Chen Guang, who had changed into a short-sleeved brown coat, walk in from outside the hall.

He glanced at Tie Jian, who still had long sleeves in his robe, and a look of displeasure flashed in his eyes.

When Yao Bin heard this, he just glanced at Tie Jian, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and he did not speak.

"The manor didn't prepare it before, and I came in a hurry, so I didn't have any clothes to change." Tie Jian looked down and smiled bitterly.

"Then let's watch from the sidelines today, and don't need to help. If you have any doubts, wait until later to ask Yao Bin." Chen Guang said calmly.

"Yes." Tie Jian responded immediately.

Chen Guang heard the words, stopped looking at him, and nodded to Yao Bin.

The latter immediately turned around and walked towards the fire pit, picked up a long iron hook from the side, hooked the circular iron plate in the fire pit, and pulled it to the side.

With the sound of friction, a heat wave visible to the naked eye suddenly rushed out from the bottom of the fire pond.

Chen Guang walked to the fire pit, first stretched out his palm to feel the temperature, then took out a red square box from the wooden frame, grabbed some fire essence powder from it, weighed the weight, and threw it towards the fire pit.

Just hear the "Boom"!

An even hotter air wave rose into the sky, and then a red light lit up from the fire pond.

Tie Jian took a few steps to look, and saw billowing red magma spurting out of the fire well and flowing into the fire pool.

No more, no less, just filled the fire pit, but there will never be any overflow.

At this time, Yao Bin had already fastened the stone cup of the smelting material with iron clamps and placed it on the fire pit.

Chen Guang began to measure various materials from the wooden frame and put them into the stone cup. His eyes were bright and his expression was focused, just like the situation when the sword was carved and the spirit opened.

The three of them only focused on refining their swords, and soon half a day passed.

"Clang! Dang! Dang..." In the hall, Yao Bin was sweating profusely holding a thick sword-shaped iron embryo, and placed it on the forging table, while Chen Guang, who was beside him, held a black sledgehammer, continuously hit the ground on it.

The clothes on his body have also been soaked, and the whole figure seems to have just been fished out of the water.

Tie Jian stood aside, just watching, but also looked at the middle-aged swordsman in front of him with admiration.

Judging from the mana fluctuations on Chen Guang's body, he should at least be a cultivator of the sixth level or above in the Qi Refining stage, and his cultivation might even reach the seventh or even eighth level of Qi Refining.

Speaking of which, Tie Jian himself was only a fifth-level Qi-refining stage, so naturally he couldn't judge accurately.

According to ordinary swordsmen, the sword embryo at this moment has reached a usable level, and there is no need to continue beating at all, but Chen Guang is different, he is obsessed with finding the best level of tempering, and still refuses to stop.

At this moment, Tie Jian's eyes suddenly jumped, and a crisp "pop" sounded in his ears!
The formed sword embryo was finally broken due to excessive tempering.

Seeing this, Yao Bin panicked, his hands trembled, and his eyes were full of pity.

"Turn off the furnace."

Chen Guang's expression remained unchanged, he picked up the broken sword embryo and put it in front of him to examine it carefully.

"The amount of mixed crystal powder is still a little less, and the toughness is not enough. Even if the spirit is reluctantly opened, I am afraid that it will be difficult to reach the level of the middle-grade magic sword." He looked at the lines at the fracture and muttered to himself.

Then, he took out a cyan pen and a charcoal pen from his arms, and wrote on the forging table.

"Okay, pack up." After a while, Chen Guang put away the pen and said to Yao Bin.

After saying that, he turned around and walked out of the main hall to the direction of the small building.

Tie Jian came to the ebony frame to help pack up the remaining materials, but just as his hand touched the box containing the fire essence, Yao Bin sternly stopped him.

"Don't move! Just go and clean up the ashes in the fire pond. I'll collect those things." After Yao Bin finished speaking, he shook his body and blocked Tie Jian aside, not letting him touch the boxes at all.

Tie Jian smiled indifferently, picked up an iron drill beside the fire pond, and cleaned up the cooled and bonded magma residue on the four walls of the pond.

After the cleaning was completed, Yao Bin also packed up the materials.

"Bring the sword embryo that has been used up to your house." Yao Bin glanced at Tie Jian and instructed.

Tie Jian picked up the two truncated embryos, placed them in the iron bucket on one side, and followed Yao Bin out of the hall.

As soon as the two of them went out, Yao Bin immediately turned around and locked the door of the hall, turned and walked towards the side hall of the warehouse.

Tie Jian glanced at him, shook his head, and then turned and walked towards the side hall where he lived.


This is the case every day, and more than a month has passed.

Tie Jian's injury has fully recovered, but Dantian's condition has not improved in the slightest.

During this period, Chen Guang also opened the furnace to refine the sword several times. Due to the previous things, Chen Guang’s impression of Tie Jian seemed to be not very good. In addition, Yao Bin was already in the door before Tie Jian, so every time he made a sword, he still let him go. Yao Bin is the main assistant, and Tie Jian is rarely involved.

Tie Jian didn't care much about this, instead, when he was watching intently, he spent more time reflecting on his own shortcomings in the past.

After comparing, he discovered that what he thought was technical in the past was actually useless for sword-making.

In the process of refining swords, he often thinks more about how to make refining easier to succeed, but Chen Guang is not. More tough and durable in the middle, sharper and more convenient.

For this reason, he will even design the length and weight of the magic sword suitable for him according to the different people who come to the sword shop to ask for the sword. , which is most suitable for the person in use.

It is precisely because of this that the success rate of Chen Guang's magic sword is not high, even much lower than Tie Jian himself.

But even so, the people who came to Yan's Sword Shop to ask for swords were still in an endless stream.

Since Chen Guang doesn't take Tie Jian seriously, and Yao Bin is somewhat hostile to him, he has no chance to come into contact with those sword-making materials, whether during or after the sword-making process. .

On the other hand, this little girl called Abacus had visited him several times and brought him a lot of clothes and supplies.

Xiao Abacus was very dissatisfied with Tie Jian's living environment, and even had a big quarrel with Yao Bin about this, but it was Tie Jian who came out to persuade him to give up.

The end result was that Yao Bin's eyes when he looked at Tie Jian became more and more gloomy, almost eliminating all opportunities for him to contact the sword-making materials and the fire well.

And the original plan of refining a few magic swords in exchange for medicinal herbs to repair the dantian has never been able to be completed.

On this day, after Chen Guang failed to refine the sword again, Tie Jian returned to his room with the two broken sword embryos, and threw them on the pile of sword embryo waste.

"Clang" sounded.

The two sword embryos smashed on the scrap-like scrap, fell down about a foot, and stopped.

Tie Jian heard this voice, his heart suddenly moved, he hurriedly walked over, squatted down and pulled up in the waste heap.

(End of this chapter)

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