Chang'an night watchman

Chapter 11 The opening of the dinner party, the prince is here!

Chapter 11 The opening of the dinner party, the prince is here!
"Brother Lu, you deliberately let Miss Ning away just to tell me this."

"Of course. More than that."

Lu Changge chuckled: "Tonight, there will be many ministers from the DPRK and China coming to the Ning family's banquet. You have a good relationship with Miss Ning, and you have many channels. Help me find someone."


"National teacher, Xuanyuan Zhengtian."

"What did you ask him for?"

"Naturally, it's because of the worship of the national teacher. His daily life, travel, hobbies, and personality are all good. Of course, you don't have to flatter the children of princes and nobles in order to achieve your goals. Just ask."

"I won't be flattering."

Jiang Yunji frowned and said unforgivingly: "What if I don't agree?"

Lu Changge took out a white jade bracelet from his arms and put it on the table.This is the cheap thing he bought on the street on the way here, two coins.

"This is?" Jiang Yunji tilted his head, not understanding what it meant.

"If you don't agree, I'll give it to you in front of Miss Ning."

"You are shameless!"

Jiang Yunji's eyes widened instantly, and a layer of frost could almost scrape off her pretty face.

How can you, a big man, come up with such a sinister trick, this method can be compared to those empresses in the palace!
If this is the case, how can he and Ning Qinglan get along without being embarrassed to death?

"...Okay, I promise."

At this moment, footsteps were heard outside, and Lu Changge hurriedly retracted the bracelet, pretending that nothing had happened, but it turned out that Ning Qinglan had returned, and the maid beside her was still carrying a basin of hot water.

"Sister Yun Ji, the hot water is coming."

"Okay, excuse me, Qing Lan, just now, Big Brother Lu has taken the air blower for me, and it's already a lot more comfortable."

The two pretended to fool the past, but nothing happened next.The two sisters were chatting in the room, and Lu Changge wandered around, and the sky darkened in a blink of an eye.

Dinner is the busiest moment.

The banquet was set up, food and wine were prepared on the low table, the officials and gentlemen were seated in the inner hall, and the seats of the juniors were lined up in the courtyard. These were two battlefields.

First of all, these people need to consider Ning Shanyue's attitude. After all, it is very important to stand on the side. Once the boss falls, the little ones will definitely be liquidated.

Second, the juniors would go to Ning Qinglan's place to spar with her and get close to her. These are obviously profitable.

Jiang Yunji was pulled by this sister to share the firepower. After all, she is a peerless beauty with both talent and beauty, and is missed by many young masters.

"Brother Lu, just sit here!" Jiang Yunji looked at the seat beside him, with a bit of weakness and pleading in his eyes, "We feel safe by your side, right Sister Qinglan?"

"Ha ha."

Sister Bai Lianhua has a pitiful appearance. If other men are afraid of being protective on the spot, how can Lu Changge know?
Ning Qinglan pulled her to share the firepower, why didn't she want to use herself as a shield?
However, knowing that I know that, when I met her eyes that I saw with pity, my heart softened.

Lu Changge wasn't stupid either. It would be stupid to sit here as a MT to attract hatred. He needed to think of a way to do both.

He picked up a glass of wine, smelled it and said to himself, "This wine seems good?"

After all, drink it in one gulp.

"Good wine!"

After complimenting, he immediately filled it up for himself, and actually started drinking by himself.

Pfft. Seeing this, Jiang Yunji covered his mouth and chuckled, Big Brother Lu was still smart, and his mind turned really fast.

With the passage of time, more and more guests, the nobles took their seats one after another, and the seats in the courtyard were almost full.

"This brother."

A young man in a Chinese robe came to Lu Changge, and bowed politely: "Brother, I am Qin Huai, the son of the minister of the household. I don't know if I can give you a thin face and change your position."

The person he was looking for was naturally Lu Changge, who was the third-rank servant of the Ministry of Household, but he was a high-ranking official in the court.

Lu Changge clasped his fists: "It turned out to be Brother Qin, I have long admired your name! I have long admired your name!"

Although these words were said with enthusiasm, they did not mean to get up at all. Qin Huai had to continue with a smile: "Brother, I don't know this seat."

"Brother Qin, you don't need to say more. You and I haven't seen each other for many years. We must have a drink today!" Lu Changge immediately filled a glass of wine for the son of the waiter and brought it to him.

Qin Huai was stunned, thinking who the hell are you?

Do I know you?I just want to sit with these two young ladies, can you make a seat?

But people are so enthusiastic, he is not easy to attack, so he has to take this glass of wine.

"That's right, haha."

With a glass of wine in his stomach, Qin Huai thought that this guy should give up his seat.

At this moment, Lu Changge's face was ruddy, and he raised his brows and said, "Brother Qin, you don't recognize me, do you?"

"You, you are the one."

Qin Huai tried his best to recall, but he couldn't remember seeing this face at all. It stands to reason that the people who can come to this banquet are all the famous people in Beijing. Why is he not impressed at all?

"Okay, Brother Qin, you actually forgot my brother!"

Lu Changge shook his head again and again, as if his heart was extremely cold, "Well, you punish yourself for three cups, and I will not care about today's affairs."

"Ah this."

Qin Huai's face was ugly, and he was not good at drinking. If he drank too much and slurred after drinking, wouldn't he want to make a fool of himself in public?

This Lu Changge is really smart and cheap. Jiang Yunji lightly covered her red lips and smiled until she could barely close her mouth.

In order to be able to chat with the beautiful lady, Qin Huai still drank the three cups with gritted teeth, and suddenly felt his brain swell and his blood surged.

"Brother, this, this is the head office."


Lu Changge suddenly raised the jug and said carelessly, "Brother Qin, I'm in a good mood seeing you today. How can two or three cups be satisfied? Only by carrying the jug and drinking freely is the true nature of a man!"

Damn, this person is a lunatic, how could Qin Huai dare to drink so desperately, but he couldn't get angry in front of the two girls, so he waved his sleeves and left and went to another seat.

"You, come here, fill the jug with this young master!"


The maid immediately came over and picked up the wine jug, and was about to go to fill the wine, but was stopped by the girl next to her, and Fu Er was explained a few words in the past, and then she left.

After a while, Lu Changge saw that the maid came back with the jug with a look of panic on his face, and asked, "Just now, what did the girl in the white skirt next to you explain to you?"

"Master, the lady told me to mix some white water in the jug, and the slaves dare not go against it."

"It's alright, let's go." Lu Changge waved his hand.

Unexpectedly, the girl knew that she felt sorry for her brother, but she had a heart.

"General Yuan is here!" A shout came from outside the door.

Hearing the name Lu Changge, his whole body was shocked, and he almost woke up most of the time. General Yuan also came to make friends with Lord Ning?

Wait a minute, Lord Ning still wants to go back to Beijing even though he knows that His Majesty treats him as a chess piece.

In this way, as a night watchman, he must be a "Ning Dang" or a "Yuan Dang" person.

Damn, it's a coincidence.

General Yuan, the handsome old man, passed by the courtyard, and all the younger generations saluted one after another. There is still some respect, and Lu Changge buried his head low. This is his immediate boss!

After he entered the central hall, everyone dared to whisper and discuss.

"I didn't expect General Yuan to come here, Master Ning is full of face!"

"This can be described as a powerful alliance!"

There is no doubt that this is a reassurance. The imperial court, the imperial censor, Ning Shanyue, and the night watchman, General Yuan. With these two mountains, even the cabinet and the eunuch can fight together.

"The prince is here!"

This loud shout fell like a heavy bomb, and everyone's color changed.

(End of this chapter)

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