Chapter 35
[-] words for book lovers.

Seeing this, you probably also understand Qixian's writing style, writing rhythm, and level.

There are several places I want to write about this book.

Let everyone cool when it's time to cool.

Let everyone smile when it's time to relax.

It can create a character that everyone remembers and feels kind, rather than a plot tool.

The preparation time for this book is quite long, and the results are not very satisfactory at present. The editor said that after [-] people will wait for the smart push, I don't know if there is any color.

In fact, I still feel that I have written well. If I really can't write well, I will admit it, but if I am raised to death, it is really difficult to understand.

Brothers who really like this book, and book friends who think they can read it, I hope to read it.

Follow-up reading refers to follow-up reading within 24 hours after the release of a new chapter. After reading for more than 1 minute, follow-up recommendations are based on follow-up reading.

Thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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