Chang'an night watchman

Chapter 37 What?you passed!

Chapter 37 What?you passed!
"Stop!" Lu Changge stopped the two of them.

"Who are you kid? Don't mind your own business!"

"Why did you beat him?"

"Do you think it should be beaten for the wine that lied to us every day?"

It's really time to fight... Lu Changge said with a good voice and reason: "Two brothers, I understand your feelings very well. It's okay to vent your anger, but it's not good to beat people to death in the street."

The two looked at each other, and then at the drunk who was beaten so hard that he couldn't lift his head.

"Forget it, I'm unlucky today, if I touch you again in the future, I'll break your leg!"

"Damn it, go for a drink!"

After saying harsh words, the two went to a wine shop not far away.

Only then did Lu Changge squat down, only to see the drunk man buried his head deeply, his clothes torn and tattered, the smell of alcohol mixed with the stench on his body, and he didn't take a bath for a long time.

"Are you okay, senior?"

As soon as the words came out, he suddenly raised his head, grinned, and took out the wine under him.


Shaking his head, he drank by himself.

Being beaten like that by two people, and still drinking like a normal person, must be a master!

"Senior, do you still remember me?"

"Hiccup." The other party hiccupped, his eyes blank.

"I was lied to by you a few days ago. You asked me to buy my daughter's red and peanuts, remember?" Lu Changge tried to help him remember.

The drunk man woke up like a dream, stared at Lu Changge for a long time, smiled and said two words: "Fool."

After others have been deceived, they can't wait to be killed on the spot when they see themselves as if they saw the enemy who killed their father.This person is good, and he keeps calling his predecessors, isn't he a fool?
Lu Changge was not annoyed, and continued: "Senior, did you leave something between my eyebrows that day? It's here."

The drunkard ignored him.

"Today's night watchman exercise, I almost died in the hands of the night devil. At the moment of crisis, a strange force suddenly erupted between the eyebrows. It was unexpectedly that he forcibly killed the night devil by leaps and bounds, and then he survived."

Lu Changge briefly talked about his experience today.

Hearing this, the drunk man's body froze for a moment, and he shook the wine jar with a smile.

"Want to know?"

Lu Changge understood in seconds. "A pot of daughter red, a plate of peanuts, right? Wait!"

In order to find out the source of this power, Lu Changge reluctantly spent the private money, and returned after a while with wine and peanuts.

The drunk man was about to reach out to pick it up, but Lu Changge avoided it skillfully, squinting and smiling: "If you want to drink, you can tell me first."

"You guessed right, I am indeed an expert in the world." The drunk man was serious.

"That power is indeed left by the seniors?"

"Ah yes yes yes, yes, there is understanding!"

The drunk nodded with a smile, and wanted to reach for the wine again, but Lu Changge avoided it again, frowning.

Damn, you are too perfunctory, really take me for a fool?
No, I have to find a way to let him show his strength.

"Senior, I can give you the wine. After drinking, I hope you can show your hands and let the juniors open their eyes."

"Okay, no problem!" The drunk readily agreed.

Lu Changge still gave the wine out, and saw that he raised his head and drank it freely, and the wine was still his daughter Hongxiang.

After a while, he drank seven, seven, eight, eight, and the amount of alcohol was really amazing.

"Cough, senior!" Lu Changge reminded aloud.

The drunk nodded, put the wine jar by his side, quickly spread his palms, stopped in front of Lu Changge's eyes, and even turned them up and down, like turning over a flower rope.

"This is?"

"Show your hands, hehe!"


Lu Changge felt that his IQ was insulted.

But he didn't explode on the spot, but turned his head and left.When he came to the restaurant, he found the two people who had just been cheated.

"Two brothers, meet again."

"Why is it you again? What, you still want justice for him!"

"No, no, I think you're taking it too lightly."

"What?" The two were dumbfounded at the same time.

Lu Changge said righteously: "This kind of liar should be punished! Whose money comes from the sky, why can he drink and eat meat without spending a penny? I think you can start with a bit more serious. "


"Why can he eat and drink for free!"

Lu Changge said in a low voice, "Just now after you left, he was still laughing behind his back, saying that these two people are stupid, and they don't have the strength to beat people. I'm afraid it's not because of bad kidneys."

"What?!" The two of them turned pale at the same time, their brows furious.

The other person rolled up his cuffs, "Damn, let's go, the two brothers will make him remember!"

The two returned immediately, punching and kicking the drunk again.

Lu Changge hid in the corner and peeked, but the picture he was looking forward to didn't appear. The drunk man still didn't fight back, and lay down on the ground.

After a while, the two of them were tired from fighting, so he got up and walked away unsteadily.

Really bad?

Lu Changge had never seen such a thoroughgoing person. He obviously had extraordinary abilities, but he couldn't fight back and scold him, and he became a street beggar.

Forget it, next time I come, I won't ask your people, just ask your dreams!
He made up his mind that Lu Changge would not stay for long.

Ginger House.

Although it was already night, the oil lamps were lit in the central hall.

Jiang Yunji's father and daughter were sitting, and Bai Jasmine paced back and forth impatiently, like an ant on a hot pot.

"Master, why hasn't he come back yet, nothing will happen!"

"Don't worry, Changge is not a reckless person. He is just going to practice today, and nothing will happen." Jiang Shili was also very concerned about this nephew, and was waiting here.

His father thought that Lu Changge was just practicing and couldn't pass the exercise, but Jiang Yunji didn't think so.She waited here just to wait for an unexpected result.

These days, Lu Changge surprised her too much, but more from his brain and talent.

But these are of no use to the Night's Watch.If you really want to be recognized in the yamen of the night watchman and become prosperous, you still need strength.

This is Wufu.

Lu Changge's martial arts talent depends on the result tonight.

At this time, footsteps suddenly came from the yard, and several people cast their eyes one after another. They saw Lu Changge walking towards him, and said with a smile, "Everyone is up? Wait for me."

"Master, you are back!"

Jiang Yunji swept his eyes and noticed that Lu Changge was covered in injuries, and suddenly had a guess in his heart.

I was injured during the exercise, and most of them failed the assessment, which is a pity.

Just as she was about to ask about the injury, Bai Mowei also noticed Lu Changge's injury, her eyes were full of distress: "Master, are you injured? Is it serious?"

"It's alright, minor injury, I came back with some medicine, and take care of it for the past two days."

Jiang Yunji took the words back to his throat and chose to stand quietly and watch, feeling a little uncomfortable for some reason.

"Changge, you child, how did you do this? How can I explain to Lao Lu if something goes wrong!"

"Uncle Xie cares, I'm fine."

"Uncle has also heard about the night watchman's exercise. Everyone has three chances. You don't have to worry too much. The future will be long." Jiang Shili patted him on the shoulder lightly and comforted him.

Bai Jasmine didn't care about the result of the exercise, she had already taken over the herbs from Chang Lu's singer and studied how to cook it.

Lu Changge smiled and said, "Uncle, in fact, I passed the exercise and will be the official night watchman of the yamen from tomorrow."


Jiang Shili opened his eyes wide.

A strange color flashed in Jiang Yunji's beautiful eyes, and he stepped forward and said, "Brother Lu is not joking for face, right?"

"How could I joke about this kind of thing with my uncle." Lu Changge shrugged.

"I heard that the night watchman exercise has four evaluations, A, B, C, and D. I don't know which Big Brother Lu is?" Jiang Yunji asked with a smile, and Qiushui's bright eyes lit up quietly.

Hey, you smelly sister, I didn't want to be so high-profile about this kind of thing, do you have to ask?

"Sir." Lu Changge replied truthfully.

The golden light in Jiang Yunji's eyes dissipated, and there was a storm in his heart.

Generally speaking, a liar will panic and tense in his heart, and this emotion can be easily seen through the bright eyes of Qiushui.On the contrary, inner peace people mostly tell the truth.

He got a top-ranking evaluation in his first exercise?

What is this concept? Although Jiang Yunji is not a martial artist, he has a rough judgment in his heart.

Martial arts genius!

"Okay, okay!" Jiang Shili was so excited, "I will write a letter to Lao Lu tomorrow, haha, I must let him know the good news too!"

After telling Lu Changge to have a good life and recover from the injury, Jiang Shili went back to the room. Bai Mowei said that she would cook the medicine and let the young master drink the medicine before going to sleep, so that the injury will heal faster.

So Jiang Yunji and Lu Changge were left in the middle hall.

"Yun Ji, can you do me a favor?"

"Brother Lu, might as well talk about it."

"Is there any way to help me get some sweat medicine and drink it?"

(End of this chapter)

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