Chang'an night watchman

Chapter 41 Lu Changge's Disposal Results

Chapter 41 Lu Changge's Disposal Results
Is it my turn?

Lu Changge suddenly realized that he acted privately yesterday, which was also a violation of the law.

Immediately stand up straight, without squinting.

A Xuan-level night watchman announced loudly: "Lu Changge, a yellow-level night watchman, acted privately during the exercise, and if he did not make a big mistake, he would be fined three months' salary! Is there any objection?"

I have become a regular now, and the monthly payment is four taels of silver. In March, it is 12 taels. My heart aches!


Lu Changge didn't intend to refute, but Mu He hurriedly opened his mouth to defend him. After all, he acted privately to save himself.

If it wasn't for him, he would have already died on the Zhenmo Mountain.

"It's none of Brother Lu's business to punish me!"

However, the bosses ignored his protest and continued to announce the result: "Muhe, the exercise was maliciously interfered with, and the assessment was invalidated. The next exercise will be re-assessed."

He was originally a D-level unqualified and lost a precious opportunity.But now the assessment is invalid, and it will be fine to come again next time, which is equivalent to a practice experience for free.

"Go down."

Seeing that Muhe refused to move, he probably still wanted to deal with it lightly, Lu Changge smiled and shook his head, "Let's go, old Mu, just treat me to a good meal later."

"Let him go down, not let you go."

Song Changhu's loud voice suddenly sounded behind him.

Lu Changge turned back immediately, only to hear him say: "In the future, if you encounter a crisis situation, you need to report to your superiors first, understand?"

"Understood the boss!"

Song Changhu chuckled, and said in a loud voice: "Lu Changge, a night watchman at the yellow level, saved his colleagues in a crisis, killed the eighth-level night demon, performed both righteousness and bravery, and rewarded 30 taels of silver!"

His voice was so loud that even the people on the outside of Changye Pavilion could hear it clearly.

"Wori is real or fake? Lu Changge is so strong!"

"That is the eighth rank, and the strength is equivalent to the eighth-rank martial artist. If I remember correctly, he just came to the yamen not long ago."

"I'm afraid you don't know, his exercise rating is top armor."

"Above?" Everyone's eyes widened again.

"Damn, this kid is a little scary!"

After listening to Lu Changge's heart, he felt very happy, and the money for the private house increased again. The night watchman really had clear rewards and punishments.

He clenched his fists and said, "Thank you!"

"Xie Laozi has done so much, this is what General Yuan meant."

"Thank you, General Yuan!" Lu Changge's voice was loud, and he didn't know if General Yuan, who was on the seventh floor, could hear it.

"Go down to receive the reward."

Changye Pavilion on the seventh floor.

"Report to General!"

The subordinates began to report what had just happened, while General Yuan listened, he casually flipped through the file in his hand, seemingly carelessly.

But when they heard Lu Changge's remarks and made everyone applaud, the movement in his hands stopped, and he raised his eyebrows and said, "How did he say it? I still remember."

"Rich and noble can't be promiscuous, the poor and the lowly can't be moved, and the mighty can't be subdued."

After a little stunned, the always calm old handsome man suddenly burst out laughing: "Well said, well said! This is the quality that my night watchman should have, and this is the spirit of a warrior."

Ning Mansion's lyricism overwhelmed the second prince, and three more golden words were released today. This kid's literary talent is too good, which is also a problem.

If this matter reaches the ears of Qingyun Academy, the great scholar in the academy is likely to grab people's minds. General Yuan knows that if Lu Changge cultivates Confucianism, Taoism and Qi, his achievements are no less than that of a martial artist.

"Send a few people to Qingyun Academy for a routine inspection."

"What does the general mean? People in the academy may be dissatisfied."

The so-called routine inspection is the duty of the night watchman, and if they suspect that there is a night demon hidden somewhere, they will gather everyone under the sun to be exposed to the sun.

Chang'an City has always been peaceful and has not been disturbed by overnight demons for decades. This is also the reason why the curfew is lifted, so the routine inspection is already a decoration, and even others may find it disturbing.

Scholars have always hated martial arts, and if their refined and refined environment is disturbed, they will only hate them even more.

"So good." General Yuan took a sip of tea, "Go ahead."

The academy hates the night watchman, so it is impossible for him to shamelessly come and dig up the wall. This is the result he wants.

When a general, they are very cherished.

Thunder Hall, several brothers gathered together.

Although Deng Feng didn't participate in the exercise, how could he not know that this matter was so uproar, "Lu Changge, you boy can do it, you can kill eighth-level night demons, it seems that I can't accept my old age."

"Damn, good luck."

"If you're lucky, you can kill the enemy by leaps and bounds, make fun of me!"

After a few words of greetings, Jing Yang winked and said, "This time I have received the reward, but I have to invite the brothers to play at the Jiaofang Division."

"That's right, I have to ask." Deng Feng felt great.

Lu Changge smiled, "Jingyang, you bastard, didn't you say that if you picked up your sister and came to the capital, you would stop fooling around, and you still want to go to the Jiaofang Division?"

"You two escaped, this is not to celebrate the last time!"

A few people chatted for a while, and suddenly saw Mu He came out with a bag of bulging money, and said with a look of embarrassment: "I have to return this, but I don't know who to give it to, what should I do?"

Lu Changge immediately understood, "Is this what they used to bribe you?"

Muhe nodded.

"That's still a piece of shit, there's no reason for the money sent out to come back? If he dares to come to you again, he will report my name directly. I think Brother Qin will give him this face."

Lu Changge immediately opened the purse, "Oh, it's quite a lot! You keep Mu He, and we'll share the rest for you. After all, the money is not clean, so it needs to be spent soon."

"Thank you Brother Lu." Mu He nodded honestly.

"Hey, don't you have the money to go to Jiaofang to play?"

Deng Feng and Jing Yang looked at each other and gave Lu Changge a thumbs up, "High, really high!"

"Brothers, see you tonight, Jiaofang!"

"Whoever doesn't come is a dog."

Seeing that the big guy was in high spirits, Mu He was a little embarrassed: "But my injury hasn't healed yet, so I'm not suitable to go to that kind of place."

"Your leg is also injured?" Deng Feng asked.


"The third leg we're talking about."



Lu Changge returned to Jiang's Mansion, finished drinking the soup under the supervision of Bai Mowei, changed into an expensive robe, and prepared to go out.

"Master, where are you going so late? Isn't it Huo Mu today?"

"Jasmine, young master, I have two pieces of news here, one good news and one bad news, you can choose."

"Say it first!"

Lu Changge said with a smile: "Now I have become an official night watchman, and my salary has changed from two taels of silver to four taels of silver."

"Wow! Young master is amazing."

Hearing that the silver suddenly increased so much, Bai Mowei's eyes were bright like stars, but she immediately came back to her senses: "What about the bad news?"

"Well, because I violated the night watchman's law, I was fined three months' salary."


Bai Jasmine's expression experienced a two-fold reversal from joy to sadness, and her small mouth was shriveled.

Gritting his silver teeth, he murmured, "That's a whole 12 taels of silver. Damn the yamen, they fined so much!"

Seeing his maid's sad face, Lu Changge decided to conceal the news of his reward in good faith.

The back and forth of emotions is not good for the heart, he is thinking of Bai Jasmine's body.

"It's okay, I can earn it back later. Today, I made an appointment with a few colleagues to celebrate. Socializing is essential."

"Okay, Master, be careful on the road, remember to come back early."

"Understood, no need to send."

"By the way, young master, isn't it your treat?"

"Of course not, I'm white, uh AA system!"

"Huh?" The maid tilted her head dumbly and blinked her big eyes, indicating that she could not understand this strange new word.

"It just means spending our money together, don't worry, the young master is not the kind of person who suffers."

Lu Changge sent away the cute maid, and just turned the corner when he went out, he met a scheming little sister.

Jiang Yunji probably just came back from the academy, and his dress was a little different from usual. It was no longer the long skirt that made people think it was white moonlight when he saw it, but the white clothes of the academy.

A simple black thread runs through the neckline and cuffs, three thousand blue silks are tied into a bun, and a black hairpin passes through the crown, without any extra hair covering it. You can have a panoramic view of the delicate face, slender willow eyebrows, and a pair of clear and bright eyes.

In this dress, there is less of a woman's weakness, but a little more heroic, but good-looking people look good no matter what they wear.

"Yun Ji, just came back."

"Well, where is Big Brother Lu going?"

"Damn, my colleagues insisted on celebrating me, but I couldn't refuse, so I had to go and drink with me."


Jiang Yunji suddenly remembered what Bai Mowei said last time, that Lu Changge is actually a playboy who likes to go out and spend time drinking and drinking, and is especially interested in the Jingcheng Jiaofang Division.

"Big Brother Lu is going to Jiaofang Division to entertain?"

While asking this question, a dim golden light quietly lit up in her eyes, and she chose to ask Lu Changge's heart directly.

The words of this dog man are unbelievable.

In fact, when Lu Changge encountered Jiang Yunji, he was extremely vigilant in his heart. This girl was much more difficult to deal with than his own maid.

In terms of Xinchengfu, it is the deepest of all the women he has ever seen!

What's even more frightening is that she can also use Confucian magic, especially her eyes are hard to guard against, and she will be discovered by this smart woman if she is not careful.

"Haha, sister Yun Ji thinks I'm such a person?"

Lu Changge sneered: "Since I entered Beijing, I, Lu Changge, have never spent more than half a tael in Jiaofang. If I lie, I will be struck by lightning!"

Peace of mind, not like lying
After accepting the supernatural power, Jiang Yunji smiled slightly: "Big Brother Lu is naturally not such a person, my sister just asked casually."

Hehe, I believe it.

A woman's mouth, a liar!
"By the way, this is for you." Jiang Yunji suddenly took out a khaki medicine bag from his body, about half the size of his palm, "The sweat medicine you want."

It's very fast to do things. If you are not so smart, you must be a good wife. Lu Changge expresses her gratitude: "Thank you, feel free to contact me in the future, Big Brother Lu is bound to."

Jiang Yunji blinked, "What are you going to use it for, aren't you going to tell me?"

"Keep it a secret for now." Lu Changge smiled mysteriously.

"Hmph, I ask someone to do things without telling the story, but there's no next time!" Jiang Yunji was a little unhappy, and he agreed to discuss something together. He obviously didn't trust himself.

"Okay, if you go out with me tonight, I'll tell you."


Jiang Yunji blushed, ignored the disciple, and entered the gate of Jiang Mansion.

(End of this chapter)

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