Chang'an night watchman

Chapter 51 Lu Changge Rating Battle

Chapter 51 Lu Changge Rating Battle
The next day.

Today will be held a new night watchman classification battle.

The Night Watchman Yamen, Thunder Hall.

Lu Changge, Deng Feng, Jingyang, Muhe, and Jiaofangsi are all four swordsmen.

"Today's battle, do your best, and give Lao Tzu a good fight and show your style!"

Even Song Changhu, who has always been strict, didn't ask too much from them, because the difficulty limit of today's tiered battle is too high.

As far as the participants are concerned, the exercise is full of unofficial night watchmen, but this time is different, all yellow-level night watchmen are eligible to participate.

Unrated, rated.

Those who have been graded can be promoted.

For example, you used to be the third-class yellow character, but today you feel that you are very talented, you can take the initiative to challenge the first-class yellow character and upgrade.

There are no special rules for who challenges who.

Winning or losing is not an absolute basis for judging, it depends on how you play.Even if you lose, you still have a chance to be promoted if you play well.

Long Night Pavilion.

"General, it has been arranged."

"Okay, we'll wait and see." General Yuan stood by the window with his hands behind his back, looking at the martial arts field from afar.

"General, you value the man named Lu Changge so much, and you even let Huang Ziyi challenge him. The gap in strength is too big."

The evaluation on the first exercise is very good, but that is for newcomers.

But some Huang Ziyi have been night watchmen for many years, and their strength is extraordinary.

"Try his jin liang."

General Yuan smiled.

After 20 years, the General is very much looking forward to whether Haoran Qi can come back out of the arena.

The martial arts field was overcrowded.

There are nearly [-] yellow-letter night watchmen here, and there are two full circles inside and outside.

"Hey, have you decided who to challenge?"

"Today, I will definitely be promoted to the first class with yellow letters!"

"I don't ask too much, just pick a second-class beater."

"It's not promising, you will have a chance to be promoted to the Xuanzi level first!"

"I'm still thinking about promotion, but don't be beaten up by those newcomers, you'll be embarrassed then."

Amid the endless discussions, the competition officially kicked off, with unrated newcomers playing first.

"Boom Thunder Hall, Jing Yang."

After Jingyang came to power, the officials handed over the list, which contained the names of all the night watchmen in yellow letters, which had been sorted into ranks.


This guy has already made preparations, picked a rather weak third class Huang Zi, and the competition officially began.

After a while, unfortunately lost.

"Damn, it's almost!" Jingyang was very depressed after the end, "Almost won."

"It's indeed a hundred million points away." Lu Changge nodded.

"It's okay, Brother Jing, I see that you are not feeling well today, and you are out of shape. He is lucky." Deng Feng said seriously.

The two brothers were acting weird, only Mu He came up to comfort him honestly, "It's okay, we'll come again next time."

Mu He is not considered to be an official night watchman due to the invalidation of the exercise assessment, and he is here to observe and study today.

They played a few more rounds, and all the night watchmen who had passed the exercise last time were yellow-level night watchmen, and the opponents who challenged were all yellow-level third-class without exception.

Even so, nearly [-]% of them were defeated, and only [-]% were lucky enough to win.

It is quite difficult for the new night watchmen who have just entered the industry to overcome those who have been struggling for a long time.

It has nothing to do with talent, lack of hard power and experience.

"Next, Deng Feng!"

"Come on, Brother Deng."

In the cheers of several brothers, Deng Feng strolled to the center of the martial arts field.

It is worth mentioning that he lost the last rating battle, but this time he chose that opponent again.

According to him, in 30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi, I will always win back!
A big battle.

The two were almost tied, and there was no obvious advantage or disadvantage.

"Deng Feng, Huang Zisan and others."

The official gave a rating, indicating that he could step down.

"Beautiful play!"

"Brother Deng, why don't we invite you to Jiaofang Division tonight, and we'll celebrate for you?" Lu Changge suggested.

"Fuck you, you want to take advantage of me if you don't agree with me. We have already agreed that we must let you treat me next time. You are always in the limelight every time you are a dog."

Lu Changge: "I won't go to Jiaofang in the future."

On the east side of Yanwutai.

"Brother Xu, what's wrong, he doesn't look very good."

"I don't know. He was called away by the boss just now, and he kept putting on a bad face when he came back, as if someone owed him money."

"Hey, what about you, Lao Xu, you've already been ranked first, who are you going to challenge this time?"

Xu Zimo said with displeasure: "Just now the boss ordered me to challenge a newcomer who just passed the drill."


The two colleagues were shocked after hearing this.

Xu Zimo is the first-class yellow character of the eight classics, the eighth-rank strength, let him fight a newcomer?
"No way?"

"Did the boss take the wrong medicine?"

Both of them expressed their confusion. Isn't this a clear bully? Could it be that the boss has a grudge against the newcomer?
Xu Zimo shook his head, "Who knows, maybe the boss wants to use my hand to test his strength. Anyway, feel free to play with him, and I'll find another opponent after that."

Since it was an order from his superiors, he had no choice but to accept it, and challenge his favorite opponent after winning that person.

"Who is that person that makes the boss value him so much?"

"It's him." Xu Zimo looked at Yanwutai.

"Boom Thunder Hall, Lu Changge."


As soon as he came to the center of the Martial Arts Field, Lu Changge was greeted with cheers.

Most of them came from colleagues who watched the play last time. He was not afraid of the son of the servant, and his three sentences were concise and clear.

But many senior brothers who had just returned to the yamen disagreed, thinking that language skills and family background were nothing, and the yamen still spoke with strength.

"This person seems to be quite popular, and he has a lot of background."

"I heard that he has some literary talents."

"Are you picking papers in the night watchman's yamen? Hehe, then why doesn't he go to the literature and become a martial artist?"

"Indeed, Wu Fu's literary talent is very useful."

Lu Changge didn't care about those discussions, and looked at the roster handed over by the officials seriously, choosing his opponent.

This time, let’s choose a random rating, anyway, the first-class and third-class salaries are the same.

"Just choose."

"Lu Changge, I'll fight you!"

Just as he was about to speak, a high-pitched voice suddenly came from outside the arena.

Lu Changge saw that it was Ling Zhifeng from Wen Jiutang.

He is also a genius among the rookies, but it is a pity that he is one level lower than himself in practice, and he has always been brooding about it. Lu Changge has an impression in his heart.

Ling Zhifeng's eyes lit up and he was eager to try.

He believed that the results of the exercise could not reflect a person's strength, and his actual combat ability would certainly not be weaker than Lu Changge, so he took the initiative to seek battle at this time.

Wanting to fight Lu Changge with me so much, he looked at Song Changhu again, and nodded when he saw the boss.

"Okay, just him."

Ling Zhifeng was one of the few newcomers who won, and he had just been rated as the third-class yellow character, which meant he was eligible to be challenged.

This is his second fight.

The two stood facing each other, with a distance of less than ten meters between them. Lu Changge spread his hands: "You requested this on your own initiative. Don't blame me for bullying you for not having enough physical strength."

Ling Zhifeng pulled out the long knife from his waist: "If you lose, you will be inferior to others, come on!"

"Okay, then I'm welcome."

Seeing that the other party has such backbone, Lu Changge still appreciates it quite a lot, but after yesterday he is no longer at the same level as these people.

Let's hide the strength of the eighth rank, so as not to beat him too badly.

As soon as the words fell, Ling Zhifeng took the lead!

Ling Lie's saber slashed down head-on, Lu Changge's saber met horizontally, and the clang and roar rang in his ears.

Ling Zhifeng's offensive was like a gust of wind and rain.

Every time the knife fell, there was a burst of fire.

"So Ling Zhifeng hasn't used his full strength just now?"

"Wait, if I remember correctly, he just learned the Blizzard Sword Technique two days ago, and now he can actually put it into actual combat?"

"What a strong comprehension. Lu Changge is in trouble."

Ling Zhifeng won the victory over Huang Zisan before, and he didn't shoot with all his strength. His record is impressive.

In comparison, Lu Changge's record only beat Fang Hao some time ago, and the gap is obvious.

And at this moment, he was indeed suppressed to death, and could only be forced to defend.

"You won't lose against Lu Changge like this?" Jingyang asked in a low voice.

"It's hard to say. This time the rating is compared to a battle. It's not like you can dodge the Night Demon as before, and Brother Lu's strengths are limited." Deng Feng commented.

"Impossible, Brother Lu has beaten the eighth-order Night Demon!" Mu He, however, firmly believed in his brother's strength.

During the discussion, Lu Changge, the party involved, was ready to fight back.
At first, he was afraid that he would win too quickly, which would dampen the enthusiasm of this brother.The blood is full of battle, and the result is a few tricks to lose, and it saves people's face.
He is just a little more competitive, and has no hatred. He is a colleague, so there is no need for this.

"Lu Changge, why don't you attack?"

"Come here, pick it up!"

Taking advantage of this gap, Lu Changge concentrated the momentum of the saber, and the Overlord Saber followed the guidance of Qi to cover the blade.

"Attention, Lu Changge's breath has changed!"

"Such a fierce sword intent."

laugh!Knife light tore the air.

The first strike of Lu Changge's counterattack was caught in the air by Ling Zhifeng, but the force that followed made his face change drastically.

The blade vibrated violently, and almost let go!

Ling Zhifeng endured the pain like a tiger's mouth being torn apart, and clenched the handle of the knife again, but at this time Lu Changge's second knife came.

The long knife flew out of his hand, and the tip of the knife hovered in front of his neck, half a foot away.

After a few breaths of silence, Ling Zhifeng spoke with difficulty.

"I surrender."


"Beautiful play!"

"It turns out that the previous defense was looking for the opponent's flaws."

Amidst a burst of cheers, Lu Changge received a third-class rating from Huang Zi. He cupped his fists and said a word of acceptance before leaving the martial arts stage.

The task is finally completed.

"This kid doesn't seem to be that weak." Under the stage, the corners of Xu Zimo's mouth twitched slightly.

The colleague beside him smiled and said: "After all, he has already fought once, so don't attack too hard later, otherwise you will be said to be invincible."

"Don't worry, I'll give him time to rest."

(End of this chapter)

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