Chang'an night watchman

Chapter 64 Gift Poems, Play Chess

Chapter 64 Gift Poems, Play Chess

"The old man has been in Qingyun Academy for decades, and he takes teaching and educating people as his responsibility, so he came to persuade him to learn poetry."

Si Lesheng said with a smile.

Although he made a request, he had no hope in his heart, just wanted to see how this kid would respond.

It's the same sentence, poetry, it's impossible to just write it!

Otherwise, wouldn't those literati who have been thinking for decades to write a poem become a joke?
"To persuade to learn poetry, good."

Lu Changge pondered for a moment, and already had the answer in his heart.

Yan Zhenqing's "Encouraging Learning" and Zhao Heng's "Encouraging Learning" are quite classic poems about persuading students to learn, and I have to stand on the shoulders of giants and pretend to be a saint again.

After pretending to think for a moment, Lu Changge suddenly raised his head, "Yun Ji, do you have a pen and paper?"

This guy is serious. Jiang Yunji was stunned.

Sile Sheng waved his sleeve robe, and the pen and paper immediately floated out from his sleeve. The former hovered in front of Lu Changge and the latter slipped into his hands.

Lu Changge picked up the pen and wrote, Jiang Yunji stood beside him and subconsciously read the words on the paper.

"Encouraging Learning."

"Three watch lights and five watch chickens, it's when the man is studying."

"Black hair doesn't know how to study early, and Bai Shoufang regrets studying late."

After reading it, her beautiful eyes were full of surprise.

It was actually written, and it wasn't just a random piece of work. It was definitely a rare poem to encourage learning!
Looking up, seeing the surprise and surprise in the teacher's eyes, the eyes under the gray eyebrows suddenly lit up like an old well illuminated by the moonlight.

"Good poetry, good poetry, haha."

The teacher is usually a very serious person, but today Jiang Yunji suddenly felt a little sour in his heart.

"It's really a good poem, but the words are too ugly. Hmph."

Lu Changge didn't know that she was eating lemons, so he respectfully said, "If Mr. likes it, I will give this song 'Encouraging Learning' to Mr. in return for helping us today."

"Okay, the old man will accept it!"

Si Lesheng took the paper from Jiang Yunji's hand and looked at the crooked lines on it, as if seeing a treasure.

Today's trip can be described as a fruitful harvest.

Not only did I get to know this talented young man, but I also got a poem to persuade me to learn.

After he was ready to go back, let Jiang Yunji re-copy it with a brush and mount it on the wall, always alerting the group of incompetent brats.

"Lu Changge, have you ever thought about abandoning martial arts to follow literature?" Si Lesheng asked suddenly.

"It's no idea for the time being."

"Martial Dao is difficult, every step is a natural moat, but Qi practitioners are different, it is not impossible to enter the Dao in the morning, have you thought about it?"

I don't have any talent as a literati, I copy all the poems, this is the wealth left by my predecessors.

And now that he is a night watchman, General Yuan also has the grace of knowing and encountering, so naturally it is impossible to change jobs.

"If there is a chance, Changge will definitely go to the academy to visit Mr. Lu." Lu Changge chose a tactful way of refusing.

Si Lesheng nodded, no longer persuaded.

Jiang Yunji, who was beside him, said with a smile: "Teacher, last time the night watchman came to check, didn't you say that Wufu must not step into the gate of my academy again? You also have time to change your mind."

"Uh, the old man suddenly remembered that there is still something to do in the academy."

In the blink of an eye, the great Confucian vanished from the sight of the two of them on a cloud.

"Brother Lu, what are your plans next?"

"There is still a case of Night Demon that has not been investigated. I have to go back to support the night watchman. Please help me to go back and tell Uncle Jiang."

Jiang Yunji nodded, suddenly looked aggrieved and said: "Brother Lu, you sent poems to the teacher, but you are not ready to thank my sister, it is really chilling."

It's started, are you here to play?
"The family doesn't speak two languages."

"Bah, who is your family?"

The grievances on his face disappeared completely, Jiang Yunji glared at Lu Changge angrily, turned around and left.

"Book your account first, and thank you next time."

Lu Changge is naturally very grateful, but he has no time now. What General Yuan said to him last time is definitely not groundless. He has to investigate the Yemo case himself.

With that in mind, he immediately rushed to the night watchman's yamen.

Si Lesheng did not return to the academy, but instead flew to the night watchman's yamen.

If Lu Changge knew about this, he would definitely jump, "Sir, you said earlier, take me for a ride"!
"Oh, rare guest."

On the seventh floor of Changye Pavilion, General Yuan stood by the window with his hands behind his back.

Sile Sheng rode a cloud to the sky above the seventh floor of Changye Pavilion, and stared at Yuan Jing Salamander by the window.

"Yuan Jing Salamander, long time no see."

"The great scholar in the academy, how can you come to my vulgar place with leisure."

"Want to come in and sit down, why, you're not welcome?"


In the next instant, Si Lesheng had already arrived in Changye Pavilion.

The layout on the seventh floor is simple, with bookcases, desks, and chairs being the few furnishings.

But today was different. There were two chairs in front of the desk, a chessboard in the middle, and two cups of fragrant hot tea.

"Long time no see, how about a game?" Yuan Jingzao took a seat in front of the chessboard.

"The night watchman can't protect himself now. Do you still have the time to play chess? You have a good mentality."

"The wind and rain are about to come, and this general will slash it with his sword. What's there to fear?"

Last night, the night watchmen patrolled the city intensively, but fortunately, no new night demons were found. Yuan Jing Salamander was in a good mood.

Si Lesheng held his hands and said, "The old man didn't come to play chess with you, so he said straight, is there a person named Lu Changge in your yamen?"

Yuan Jing Salamander made a gesture of invitation: "If you win me, I will give it to you."

"You expected me to ask for someone?"

Si Lesheng was surprised, looked at Yuan Jing Salamander with a smile on his face, and chose to take a seat, "Okay, I'll accompany you to a plate."

After speaking, he lifted his finger slightly, and a black piece immediately floated out of the chess stick and landed in the center.

"Ha ha."

Yuan Jing Salamander smiled and dropped the white child in his hand.

After a while, the black and white pieces were staggered all over the chessboard.

"You lost." General Yuan said.

Si Lesheng snorted coldly, waved his sleeve robe, and all the black and white pieces flew into the air, falling back to the chessboard, and the chessboard returned to its original state.

"Two wins in three games."


"Sir, do you know how to win chess?"

"Let's be honest, it's the first time I've seen this old man if you are as obsessive as you are."

"One step counts as ten steps to win. Sir, you can't count me, how do you win chess?"

Yuan Jing Salamander put down his chess pieces, "Do you remember the inspection by the night watchman a few days ago?"

Si Lesheng's raised hand suddenly froze, "You already counted it?"

Seeing that the other party didn't speak and expressed his acquiescence, Si Lesheng continued: "I heard that Your Majesty has only given you five days. You are here to talk to me so leisurely, but you have solved the case?"


Yuan Jing Salamander dropped another white seed with a smile on his face: "But the person who solved the case is already on his way back, didn't you just meet him?"


Based on Lu Changge's performance in court today, it may be possible to solve the case. By helping Lu Changge, he has unknowingly helped the night watchman a lot?
This old yin ratio is all counted?

This great scholar in the academy left in a hurry, why did he stay here knowing that he couldn't win the game?

Can't play him.

(End of this chapter)

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