Chapter 66

"Forget it, Brother Lu, don't waste time on them."

"That is, let's think of other ways to go, we can't spend all the time here."

Under the persuasion of his colleagues, Lu Changge left the cell.

Back at the Thunder Hall, Song Changhu hurriedly stepped forward and asked, "Is there any gain?"

Several people shook their heads and sighed.

"I thought I was very capable, but that's what happened."

A few other colleagues became irritated by the side, and they couldn't get any clues after the trial all night. If this Lu Changge really did it, wouldn't it appear that he was incompetent?

This kind of early bird needs to be pressed hard!
Lu Changge was too lazy to argue with these people, but the two brothers, Jing Yang and Mu He, couldn't hear them, and immediately refuted a few words.

"Shut up Mother Duterte!"

Song Changhu roared angrily, and everyone fell silent.

He was not good at doing such brainy things at all, and he was very irritable. Now his subordinates are still fighting here, and his anger erupted on the spot.

Since the most crucial "prisoner" cannot ask for clues, how should the investigation be done next?

"Boss, can you give me two days for the token, and my subordinates must find clues from Ye Demon!"

"Are you sure?" Song Changhu raised his eyebrows at Lu Changge.

"If you can't, I'd like to plead guilty to General Yuan." Lu Changge's eyes were firm and his tone was firm.

He knew that this task was deliberately assigned by General Yuan to the chief, because the general trusted himself, so he could not betray his trust, and the matter had to be found out.

If it is not found within the specified time, General Yuan may be indicted by His Majesty, then the situation will be serious.

Lu Changge wanted to do his best.

Since there is no way to get the news through normal interrogation, there is only one way left, to ask about their dreams!

Looking for clues in dreams, only you can do it.

"Okay, I believe you!"

Song Changhu resolutely handed the Night Demon investigation token to Lu Changge. This trust came from the surprises he had brought before, so he simply gambled on this kid.

Those colleagues were not calm anymore, but they didn't dare to mock their boss any more, so they could only whisper beside them.

"I don't know where his confidence came from."

"Haha, maybe I don't want to lose face in front of the boss, I don't want to come down when I stand too high."

Lu Changge has collected the token, as long as he has it, he can freely enter and leave the dungeon, which is very important to facilitate the operation of dreaming.

"By the way, have the relatives of Ye Mo's family investigated it?"

"Family?" Song Changhu looked puzzled.

"Yes, maybe you can start with the family members and investigate what is unusual about these people on weekdays, and maybe you can find clues."

"Damn, why didn't I think of that!"

Song Changhu slapped his forehead fiercely, waking up like a dream.

With the target of action, there is no need to be a headless fly. He immediately shouted loudly: "Go, give Lao Tzu a good spirit, and go door to door to investigate Yemo's family. If you don't believe me, you can't find any clues!"

"It's the boss!"

Everyone followed suit with knives.

So the people divided into two groups, Song Changhu took the rest to investigate, and Lu Changge was in charge of the Night Demon in the prison.

But a new problem has arisen.

It is impossible for Night Demons to sleep. Their spirits have been in a state of high tension, and they will become more excited at night. How can they sleep?
It just so happened that tonight was the day to meet the group friends in the dream, Lu Changge decided to fool himself into helping.

Ginger House.

In the central hall, Jiang Yunji was telling his father what happened today.

Lu Changge turned defeat into victory in court, defeated the plaintiff Fan Wan's conspiracy in one fell swoop, and also contributed to the situation of dog bites dog.

"Wait, are you saying that the Confucian masters also came to help? Don't they ask about common things?" Jiang Shili expressed his doubts.

"Yeah, maybe the teacher has taken a fancy to Brother Lu's poetic talent. After all, the students in the academy are not so good!"

The sour taste in Jiang Yunji's words is almost overflowing, it is more sour than lemon juice without water.

"Not only did he get the attention of Lord Du Shi Ning, but also the favor of Mr. Confucianism. How long has this kid been in the capital?"

Jiang Shili even felt a little dreamy and couldn't believe it.

A boy who has not been in the capital for a long time, without a prominent background, he just climbed into a multi-party terrorist relationship.

"Having both talent and opportunity, he deserves to be the son of Lao Lu!"

Jiang Shili always knew that Lu Chen was Long Qian Yuyuan, not incompetent, but he didn't expect his son to be better than blue, so he was suddenly envious.
This Lu Changge is destined to be extraordinary, and he will definitely be in the whirlpool of Chang'an City in the future, which goes against his original intention.

He just wants his daughter to marry an ordinary honest person and live a stable life.

Oh, worry!

"Dad, what are you thinking? Stomping and sighing for a while."

Jiang Yunji didn't know that his father was worrying about his life-long affairs, and blinked a little puzzled.

"Uncle, Yun Ji, what are you talking about?"

Lu Changge is back.

"Talk about how beautiful you are today, the court officials are playing with the applause, Big Brother Lu is amazing!" Jiang Yunji said with a smile.

This girl is still sour, and I don't want to compete with you, so what's the hurry.

Besides, sooner or later as a family, does your teacher care more about who makes a difference?A woman with long hair and short knowledge.

"Sister Yun Ji is very praised."

After a few greetings, when it was time for dinner, the whole family came out to eat.

Recently, the city of Chang'an has a curfew. Everyone went home at dusk and closed the gate of the mansion after eating. This is for the sake of safety.

"Master, come and try this, I made it!"

At the dinner table, Bai Jasmine gave Lu Changge a piece of fish with a sweet smile.

She didn't even know about Lu Changge being put in prison, so she still had to do what she should do on weekdays, and she would go to the back kitchen to cook in her spare time.

The servant girl in the house was actually quite jealous of Bai Jasmine at first, because she was given special treatment and could have dinner with the master at the table.

But later I found out that this person has no air, he is very kind, and he is very diligent.


This is the evaluation given by Jiang Yuanyuan. Her eyes lit up after tasting it, and then she immediately began to devour it. At the same time, she carefully stared at Lu Changge's every move, like a little beast protecting her food.

"Ah hurts, mother hurts!" The little guy suddenly froze.

"Mother doesn't hurt, what are you doing eating so fast, you're stuck with a fishbone, silly boy!"


After Jiang Yunji helped remove the fishbone, the little guy found that the fish on the plate had been wiped out, not even half a piece of meat was left.


Lu Changge hiccupped contentedly and said to himself, "Wufu is good, what are fishbone? It's over after eating together."

Jiang Yunji cast a look of contempt, thinking that you are a vulgar warrior, you are not ashamed to bully children?
"Mother, I want to learn martial arts!" Jiang Yuanyuan suddenly said loudly.

"Don't be silly, you are just enlightened, if you don't read and read well, what kind of martial arts do you learn?"

"Learning martial arts and eating are great!" Jiang Yuanyuan plausibly said.

(End of this chapter)

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