Chapter 81

(The chapter name is wrong, it doesn't matter)

The next day.

Lu Changge wore a black robe and went out early.

Under the black robe, it is naturally the official uniform. What he has to do is to pretend to be a member of the court and enter the prison of the Ministry of Punishment.

When he came to the Xingbu Yamen, he found an inconspicuous place and waited.

When Lu Changge waited until the end of the time, he saw officials from the three divisions come to the Ministry of Punishment to pick up people, accompanied by dozens of guards, and even escorted by vigorous warriors.

Really strict.

Dr. Song's wife and daughter were brought out by handcuffs and bracelets. They were all wearing prison uniforms. There were no obvious wounds on their bodies. It seemed that they had not been severely tortured for the time being.

The tribunal of the three divisions officially started at the end of noon, and Lu Changge only had one hour.

The important prisoner was taken away, and the guards in the prison were suddenly reduced by half, and he did not dare to waste any more time.

He took off his black robe, put his hands behind his back, and walked towards the gate of the Ministry of Punishment.

Bluffing, happens to be what he does best.

There are four yamen guards at the gate of the Ministry of Punishment. When they see someone coming, one person immediately stops them and conducts a routine identity questioning.

Fortunately, people from the Metropolitan Procuratorate often came and went in and out of the punishment department in the past two days, and these yamen were also used to it. When Lu Changge reported his identity, he let go, and did not dare to make things difficult.

However, this gate is only the first hurdle, and it is not difficult to get in, but the prison of the Ministry of Punishment is an important place for idlers to avoid entering, and then it is the real difficulty.

"Sir, wait!"

Lu Changge was stopped just after walking a few steps. He turned around and asked impatiently, "What's wrong?"

"The prisoner has just been taken away, what's the matter with your lord?" The yamen questioned while looking directly at Lu Changge, like an eagle's sharp eagle eye scrutinizing its prey.

"Bold!" Lu Changge shouted immediately, "The Metropolitan Procuratorate is investigating the case, do you still need to report everything to you?!"

"Subordinates dare not, adults please come in"

With a wave of his sleeves, Lu Changge stepped into the door unhurriedly, and only quickened his pace until he was out of sight of several people.

Damn, you are so suspicious as a gatekeeper, and it has raised the blood pressure of labor and management!

Lu Changge had already inquired about the location of the prison in the Ministry of Punishment in advance, and it was not a secret, so he soon arrived at his destination.

Lu Changge cleared his throat, slowed down, and came to the gate of the prison.

"Who is coming!"

A head of the jailer holding a long knife with a face full of flesh stepped forward and asked in a cold voice.

Sure enough, the prison guards here are not as polite as the yamen guarding the gate. When they come up, they ask questions, and those with a slightly poorer psychological quality have to show their true colors on the spot.

"Lu Haoran, the Censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, came to the prison to investigate the case, and he won't give way!" Lu Changge's face was cold and stern, his head held high, and his tone was not cowardly.

He believed that a mere head of a prison guard would not remember what officials were in the Metropolitan Procuratorate.

"Investigate the case? The culprit has already been taken away. I wonder what else the adults are investigating?"

"The Metropolitan Procuratorate suspects that the culprit did not commit suicide because of fear of crime, but had other secrets, so get out of the way! If the progress of the case is delayed, this officer will ask you!" Lu Changge's tone was high again, full of pressure.

The head of the prison guard was silent for a moment, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he asked in a deep voice, "I don't know if you can bring an investigation order?"


Lu Changge looked sullen, "What if I didn't bring me when I came here, don't you dare to stop me from investigating the case!"

The panic in my heart is indeed panicked, but the tone must not be half-cowardly, not even trembling, once there is an abnormality, it will be discovered.

In this performance, Lu Changge could give himself ten points, but he still underestimated the other party.

"Come on, get it for me!"

With a wave of the jailer's chief, a group of jailers with long knives rushed forward and surrounded Lu Changge.

Damn, all the people in the punishment department are so capable?

This can't be fooled.

Lu Changge glanced at the people around him, his hands were still steadfastly behind him, his tone was like a lingering cold wind, biting and icy.

"Okay, today I want to see who dares to move this official!"

"A group of guard dogs can't think of it!"

"Tomorrow, the Japanese official will play your majesty, and none of you should try to get rid of it."

In the most dangerous situation, say the harshest words.

Lu Changge must not be exposed here. Once he is arrested by the people of the Ministry of Justice, he will be charged with trespassing in the prison of the Ministry of Justice.

"What are you afraid of? If something goes wrong, I dare to break into the prison cell without a token. Take it!" The prison guard shouted again.

Crap, this little guy is so arrogant?
Is the Ministry of Justice your father?

Lu Changge was scolding his mother in his heart, when a clear drink suddenly came from behind.

"Stop it all!"

Lu Changge turned his head to look, and was stunned on the spot.

Both Jiang Yunji and Ning Qinglan are here, what are they doing here?
The head of the prison guard immediately stopped his subordinates. He did not know the "adult", but he knew the two women.

Because they are so famous.

One is the daughter of Lord Ning, the second grade of the prefectural court. Recently, I don't know how many dignitaries in Chang'an city want to curry favor with them. The other woman with extraordinary appearance is the daughter of the fourth grade of the prefectural court, Lord Jiang. It's also word of mouth.

The daughters of the two high-ranking officials of the prefectural court finally stunned the jailer chief.

"I don't know what the two young ladies are doing in the punishment department?" the jailer asked respectfully and clasped his fists.

"You dare to stop the investigation by the Metropolitan Procuratorate, you are tired of living!" Jiang Yunji's face was frosty.

"Miss, but there is no token"

"Shut up!" Ning Qinglan interrupted the head of the jailer, and said coldly, "If you dare to stop, I will definitely tell Daddy what happened today, but I'll see how the lords of the punishment department deal with it, and how do you look up. explain."

This time, he was finally silenced.

If the adults of the Ministry of Justice are blamed, the people below must be held accountable.

Looking at it from another angle, being able to get the assurances of these two young ladies at the same time proves that this person is not an unidentified gangster, and it is easy to track down if something goes wrong.

Moreover, the important prisoner has already been taken away, so even if he is let in, it will not affect much.

"Why, aren't you going to do something to this official?"

Lu Changge's clamor at this moment is no different from a fox and a fake tigress. However, these two tigresses have high status, they really stunned people.

"Let go!"

Following the order of the jailer's leader, his subordinates put away their knives and let go, and he himself entered the cell with Lu Changge.

Lu Changge looked back at the two girls gratefully and entered the prison of the Ministry of Punishment.

Passing through the dark and damp corridors, looking for them one by one, he finally found the crime scene, opened the cell door, and walked in.

The large blood stains on the ground had dried, forming large black blood spots, and the same was true on the walls.

Since Uncle Jiang said yesterday that the autopsy result was suicide, it proves that there is no trace of homicide on his body.

What Lu Changge has to do is to profile according to various environmental factors here, and try his best to imagine and restore the scene at that time.

Wait, there seems to be something wrong with this wall?
(End of this chapter)

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