Chang'an night watchman

Chapter 85 Into the prison!

Chapter 85 Into the prison!

Lu Changge's words were straightforward.

If it is found that what he said is true, then it may be true as he said, and Wang Jing is the one behind the scenes.

"Wang Jing, do you have something to say?" Ning Shanyue asked.

"After all, this kid still hasn't been able to show any evidence, and he deliberately framed this official. How can adults believe it?!"

Lu Changge said with a smile: "If you want evidence, okay, the Confucian way of speaking and thinking, Lord Wang has already seen it. Guess what you will say then?"

"Presumptuous! Without His Majesty's permission, Confucian people are not allowed to use magic techniques on court officials."

Wang Jing respectfully said to the three people sitting high on the stage: "Sir, this kid is making up stories and avenging private revenge. He is insulting the people of my three divisions. Please take him down!"

"Come on!"

Ning Shanyue said loudly, "Take down Lord Wang and put him in the dungeon!"

The two yamen got the order and detained Wang Jing on the spot. The latter's face was pale: "Sir, what do you mean, my lord!"

"I will report this matter to the sage, and ask him for approval to invite the great Confucian scholars to come forward. If Lord Wang is indeed innocent, he will be released after asking tomorrow. Why worry? Take it away!"

"My lord, my lord is wronged!"

The shouts drifted away, and Wang Jing was escorted from the court.

"You go and verify what Lu Changge said. If there is a half-truth, put him in jail too."

"It's an adult!"

The two officials of the Procuratorate left, presumably to interrogate the jailer and Mrs. Wang.

In the end, it was the disposition of the two prisoners. After consultation with several adults, it was decided to suspend the sentence and make a decision after the interrogation tomorrow.

Huh. Jiang Shili breathed a sigh of relief.

Under such circumstances, this kid was so calm, he forcibly turned the case over, and put the dignified minister of punishment into the prison!

He was almost scared to death.

Outside, seeing that Lu Changge was safe and sound, and walked out of the court in a hurry, the guards all felt a storm in their hearts.

Trespassed in court and was not charged?
"Thank you, Senior Chen."

Lu Changge clasped his fists and thanked him again.

"No, what General Yuan meant."

In the blink of an eye, Chen Mo had already left the Dali Temple and returned to the Yamen of the Night Watchman.

As soon as Lu Changge walked out of the yamen, Jiang Yunji and Ning Qinglan immediately greeted him with joy on their faces.

Since he can come out safe and sound, it should be a success.

"How about it?"

"How's it going inside?"

The two started asking questions at the same time, then stopped almost at the same time, and looked at each other, a little embarrassed.

"Wang Jing was thrown into prison, and tomorrow he will ask the emperor to ask the Confucian to come forward, and then he will be able to find out."

There is a Confucian Confucian that speaks the law, even the stone must speak the truth.

However, these great Confucians have always been ignorant of world affairs, so they must first ask His Majesty, and after His Majesty agrees, send someone to the academy to invite people.

The last time Silesheng appeared for Lu Changge was already a special case.


Jiang Yunji showed a reassuring smile, Big Brother Lu's hard work these days was worth it, if he didn't show up today, maybe the culprit behind the scenes would really get away with it.

"Yun Ji, Miss Ning, thank you." Lu Changge clasped his fists.

If it wasn't for them today, I wouldn't necessarily be able to get here.

After saying goodbye to Ning Qinglan, Lu Changge was going to go back to the night watchman's yamen first, and Jiang Yunji went back to the house, and the two walked together by the way.

With a sigh of relief, Lu Changge smiled and asked, "Tell me Yun Ji, how can I thank you this time?"

"Remember first, don't rush." ​​Jiang Yunji replied with a smile.

This time, she took a huge risk to help Lu Changge, and even nearly pulled the Jiang family into the water.

But the result is good.

As long as what Lu Changge said is true, then all of these are just acts, and not only will they not be convicted, but they will also be rewarded.

Lu Changge owes him a big favor to keep it well. He has such a strong ability, and the Jiang family will definitely not ignore it in the future.

"You really don't think about paying for meat?"

"Openly molesting a woman from a good family, do you want another time?"


The night watchman's yamen, the long night pavilion.

Chen Mo has already informed General Yuan of the future.

"This kid can always surprise people."

It is a great achievement to find out the collaborators and traitors!

No matter how stupid the emperor is, it is impossible to allow traitors at his doorstep!

Therefore, once the case is settled, not only will the night watchman not be blamed by His Majesty, he will even be in the light of Lu Changge.

"General, you told me to wait ahead of time, do you mean that Lu Changge will definitely break into Dali Temple?" Chen Mo couldn't help but finally raised this question.

Long before the opening of the three divisions today, he was ordered by General Yuan to wait, otherwise it would be impossible to appear to help just right.

Yuan Jingxi looked out of the window with his hands behind his back, which was in the direction of the city gate.

"He built a tomb for the Night Demon."

"For Night Demon?"

"Yes, and even gave Ye Mo's family a sum of money."

When Yuan Jing Salamander asked his subordinates to find out about this, he knew that Lu Changge would not give up.

"This kid Lu Changge is qualified to inherit Haoran Qi, haha."

When Lu Changge slowly returned to the yamen, the news had completely spread.

As soon as they came in, they were warmly welcomed by the Jingyang brothers.

"Wori, Lu Changge, you can do it, this time I played a wave of excitement."

"Brother Lu has not been convicted of breaking into the tribunal of the three divisions. If I refuse to accept anyone, I will accept you."

"That's too good, Lu Changge, I dare to say that the big bosses of the heavenly class would not dare to be like you, arrogant man!"

"Don't say anything, I'll treat you to a meal today, and tell us how powerful you are in court, and let's be cool too!"

Xuanzi-level was originally a low-level person, and now he is in the limelight in front of several high-ranking officials in the court. Just like watching Shuangwen, these colleagues also want to experience more.

Lu Changge said with a smile: "The conclusion is yet to be finalized. We have to wait until tomorrow. I will report to General Yuan first."

After reporting the news, Lu Changge was dragged by several colleagues to the wine shop for a drink, releasing all the pressure of these days.

After drinking until dusk, everyone said their goodbyes.

As Lu Changge walked on the road, he thought of many things. For example, he must thank Yaoguang and Haitang when he went back this time. If it wasn't for their help, he probably wouldn't be able to solve this case.

By the way, I have to go to see Senior Sword Immortal when I have time, and the arrogant practice cannot be left behind.

Suddenly, the hem of the clothes was pulled, and his thoughts were interrupted immediately.

There was a little boy in front of him. He handed over the things in his hand and said, "Big brother, someone asked me to give this to you."

Lu Changge's pupils shrank suddenly.

This is a piece of broken wood, with obvious signs of being chopped by a sharp weapon, and half of the word "jade" is engraved on it.

Yu'er's tomb plaque, carved by herself, did not expect that she would not be at peace after her death.

An uncontrollable anger welled up in my heart.

Someone is provoking me out of the city, Wang Jing is locked in the prison, who is it?

Lu Changge looked up at the sky, it was already dusk and the setting sun, the sky was dyed blood, and it would not be long before night fell.

The broken tablet is a warning, if you don't go, I'm afraid Yu'er's body will be dug up and insulted, and even cut it apart.

"and many more."

"Child, here are some pieces of silver, you can take it."

"Go buy a jar of wine first, and find the drunk who often lies on the street. You should know him, right?"

"Oh, I know that person. He often tricks people into drinking, and he has been beaten." The child replied.

"Yes, it's him. Tell him that Lu Changge has left the city."

"Keep the rest of the money for yourself, remember, you must do things well!"

After explaining this, Lu Changge immediately went to the stable to rent a horse, and hurried out of the city.

(End of this chapter)

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