Chang'an night watchman

Chapter 88 Is Yuanyuanyuan Wrong?

Chapter 88 Is Yuanyuanyuan Wrong?

Dawn, morning.

When Lu Changge opened his eyes and woke up, his aura had dissipated. He stood up and moved around a few times, but his normal actions were fine.

If you change to the ordinary ninth rank, you will have to rest for at least half a month if you suffer such a serious injury, but the eighth rank's physical body has already begun to emerge from the ordinary, and he can recover [-] to [-]% in one night.

After a big battle last night, the place is already in a mess, with broken branches, fallen leaves, and broken sawdust everywhere.

Lu Changge took some time to sort it out.

Sun Chen's body was thrown elsewhere by him. Since the blood of the dead can also alleviate the poison of the devil, it was chewed to pieces last night and he couldn't bear to look directly at it.

Leaving behind a piece of cloth for the night watchman, Lu Changge returned to Chang'an City.


The blood-stained Lu Changge was stopped on the spot at the city gate, and the soldiers were like a formidable enemy. Finally, he was released after holding his hands high and basking in the sun for a long time.

As soon as Lu Changge returned to the Yamen, a group of night watchmen drew their swords at each other.

"Don't get excited, brothers, my own people, where are the night monsters in broad daylight?"

"Wori, are you Lu Changge?"

"What are you doing here? You're covered in blood. Could it be that you killed someone?"


Lu Changge didn't say much, and went straight to Changye Pavilion to report the situation.

On the seventh floor, in addition to General Yuan, there is another mysterious night watchman, who seems to be reporting some information.

When he saw Lu Changge's appearance, even Yuan Jingxuan was a little surprised.

After yesterday, I thought that the night demon case would come to an end, but what happened to his appearance that he just experienced a death battle?

"What did you do?"

"Returning to the general, besides Wang Jing, there is also a person in our yamen who is a collaborator and traitor. It was he who colluded with Wang Jing to provide the devil's blood, which led to the night demon case."


Yuan Jingxun is naturally not omniscient.

He has many spies and wide-eyed eyes, so he can strategize, but naturally there is also information that cannot be obtained, such as news from Xichu.

"Mysterious character-level night watchman, Sun Chen, his subordinates fought with him outside the city last night, and they were killed on the spot!" Lu Changgehui reported.

As soon as these words came out, the other night watchman was dumbfounded on the spot.

This is a huge amount of information!
Sun Chen was a collaborator and traitor, and was killed by a brat with a yellow character?That's the real Seventh Grade.

This kid is not awake, is he?
Yuan Jingxi was not too surprised by the fact that Lu Changge surpassed the rank, rank is not everything, not to mention that Lu Changge has already learned the arrogance of the sword fairy, so it is not impossible.

"Tell me what happened."


Lu Changge told all the ins and outs of yesterday.

After speaking, he presented the cloth with the word "Xuan" written on it.

It was really killed. It was reported that this night watchman had been working for many years and had a lot of experience, but Lu Changge's vision was completely refreshed.

Not only did you leapfrog the ranks to kill seventh-rank strongmen, but you even spent a night outside Chang'an City. You said you only have eighth-rank?
Ghost letter!
"By the way, General, does His Majesty agree to interrogate Wang Jing?" Lu Changge asked.

Yuan Jingxi shook his head.

"Don't agree?"

"I agreed, but Wang Jing died in the prison last night. All eight guards, including the guards, were killed, leaving no one behind."

After listening, Lu Changge was stunned on the spot.

Wang Jing was silenced.

This means that he is indeed a traitor and has not caught the wrong person.

But it also means that there are other traitors in Chang'an City, and they don't want Wang Jing to speak.

"Can you kill everyone in the prison, is the prisoner really so powerful?"

"At least five grades."

Compared with night watchmen above the fifth rank, that is, at least the earth level, and may even be a strong man at the sky level!
In this way, all insiders are dead.

There is no longer the slightest clue to investigate and deal with people hiding in the dark.

After a long silence, Lu Changge asked again, "What should Song and his wife do?"


The killing of Wang Jing proved that he was indeed inseparable from the case, which confirmed all of Lu Changge's speculations that he was the one who forced Dr. Song to death.

In this way, the treatment of Dr. Song's family will naturally be lighter, but it is also difficult to escape.

"They are innocent, and it is a good thing that they can save a life."

"I will report to Your Majesty early tomorrow. You have done a great job this time, and you should be rewarded."

The so-called rewards are not very attractive to Lu Changge, he hurriedly asked: "Then will this case continue to be investigated? Having a traitor is a hidden danger to Wuling after all."

"Lu Changge, this general allows you to go home and recuperate for ten days. You don't need to spend this time in the yamen, go ahead." Yuan Jingzao served tea to the guests.

"Paid time off?"

After subconsciously asking, Lu Changge felt that he was out of control, and he was about to be rewarded, so he still cared about this little money?
"When I didn't ask. This subordinate will leave."

Before leaving the yamen, Lu Changge specially changed into clean clothes, otherwise he would scare his family to death when he went back like this.

In Jiang's mansion, Bai Mowei was drying clothes in the yard.

"Morning girl."


Bai Mowei immediately dropped what she was doing, hurried over and asked concerned: "Master, where did you go last night? Why does your face look so bad?"

"It's okay, it's okay, I'm just busy in the yamen."

Lu Changge waved his hand, he still chose to keep the fact that he almost died last night, for fear that this girl's little heart would be scared to cry if she couldn't take it.


The cute maid nodded, "Then, have you eaten breakfast, young master?"

"Not yet, give me a hot spot. The yamen is fine these days. I'm going to enjoy life at home."

"Okay, I'll go right now."

At dusk, the Jiang family's father and daughter all returned.

Jiang Shili had just returned from the Metropolitan Inspection Institute, and his heart was filled with excitement. As soon as he got off the carriage, he walked quickly to find Lu Changge.

Just got the news today, Wang Jing was silenced.

This means that everything Lu Changge said in court is true, and he reversed this major case with one person!

The crime of trespassing will not be corrected, and there will be no meritorious deeds.

He even got to follow him.

This kid is simply big-hearted, and ordinary people really can't do such a crazy thing, so it is impossible for Lao Lu's son to be a mediocre person, and his vision is indeed correct.

"Long song, long song!"

"Why, uncle, why are you in such a hurry?"

Jiang Shili patted him on the shoulder excitedly: "If it weren't for you, I'm afraid this would have become a big unjust case. This is a great shame for the Metropolitan Procuratorate. Well done! I didn't expect you to investigate by yourself. With so many clues, His Majesty will definitely reward you tomorrow morning."

Why are you so excited? Uncle, you just betrothed your daughter to me, and we will be a family sooner or later.

Lu Changge said with a smile: "Uncle won the prize, I was also lucky, and Yun Ji and Miss Ning also helped a lot."

"No, I have to tell Lao Lu about this, so that he can be happy too!"

During dinner, Jiang Shili praised Lu Changge a lot, and even Mrs. Jiang gave her admiring glances.

Although she is a woman who doesn't know much about this matter, she knows that Lu Changge went straight to the third division and single-handedly found the real culprit. She even mentioned it intentionally or unintentionally when chatting with the other wife today.

You may not believe it, but since Lu Changge is my master's friend, I have long thought that he is extraordinary, and now it seems that he is indeed a young and talented person.

The other wives were envious when they heard that, and said one after another: "Mrs. Jiang, is he married now? If not, my little girl is of the right age."

As soon as this topic was mentioned, Mrs. Jiang's response was not salty, and she declined one after another.

"Come to Changge, eat more, this is delicious."

"Thank you, Auntie."

"You're welcome, we're all family."

With a kind smile on her face, Mrs. Jiang kept serving Lu Changge delicious food, ignoring Jiang Yuanyuan who was looking forward to it.

"Mother, mother"

The little guy tugged on his mother's sleeve in aggrieved manner, pouted and said, "I like this too."

"You know how to eat every day? Look at how round this face is!"

" gave me this name, is Yuanyuanyuan wrong?"


Master Jiang and Madam Jiang looked at each other, but they were speechless.

(End of this chapter)

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