I forced the master to be the leader

Chapter 1 We Xiaodanfeng, we can't break up no matter what

Chapter 1 We Xiaodanfeng, we can't break up no matter what

The sunshine of this day is full of vigor and hope, however...

At this moment, Jiang Daqiao, who was hurrying on the Tieling Ancient Road, had black lines all over his face.

"Your teacher, Little Pill Peak, has disbanded!"

I just heard what two sect disciples said on the road.

Your division just broke up!Your entire sect has disbanded!

Must be a rumour,

Someone must have deliberately discredited his teacher, Xiao Danfeng!
He had only been down the mountain for three days, so how could his family have disbanded?
Besides, Xiaodanfeng's feng shui is so hardcore...

Jiang Daqiao comforted himself while talking to himself:
"Xiao Danfeng, no matter what, we can't break up the gang!"

As he spoke, he tightened the burden on his shoulders, and quickened his pace, adding a bit of determination to his confused and anxious face.

After a while, the rugged mountain road at the foot of Jiang Daqiao turned into a bluestone step road, and the ancient Tieling road leading to the "Iron Sword Gate" became more and more open.


"Master, brother! I'm back!"

Jiang Daqiao shouted excitedly as soon as he entered Xiaodanfeng's courtyard gate.

No one answered! ?
He quickly ran to the practice room in the west courtyard and shouted: "Master! Brother!"

"Brother, where are you?"

Jiang Daqiao rushed into the east courtyard, and there was no one in his brother's bedroom, but he quickly noticed...

The bedding on the brother's bed is gone!
Could it be that during the three days when I went down the mountain, the Xiaodan Peak lineage really broke up!

Jiang Daqiao is a disciple of Xiaodan Peak under the Iron Sword Sect. Three days ago, he was ordered by his master to go down the mountain to do errands. Who knew that when he returned to Xiaodan Peak, there was no one in such a big sect!

Could it be...

Jiang Daqiao threw the burden on his shoulders to the ground, ran all the way to the alchemy room in the north courtyard, opened the door and looked, heaved a sigh of relief, curled his lips and said:

"Master, you are here... Uh, why are you still sleeping!"

He opened the window of the pill room to let in air, and asked, "Where is my senior brother?"

The person called Master was a middle-aged Taoist priest, who was sitting up on a bamboo recliner, opened his eyes like a dead donkey, and yawned a long time:
"I'm looking for your senior brother... Daqiao, you don't have any senior brother anymore, um, you can see for yourself."

My brother is gone? !

Jiang Daqiao suddenly felt his head buzzing. Looking in the direction of Master's finger, there was a crumpled note on the short table next to him.

He quickly picked up the note and opened it, and there were two crooked lines written on it:
"Please resign—

There are so many sects in the Nantu Continent, I want to go and have a look.Thanks to Master for his cultivation in the past few years, but sweeping the yard every day is really not suitable for me.

Tell Junior Brother Daqiao for me, and ask him to forgive me for taking a step ahead. "

The inscription is: "Disciple Jinqiao".

"This treacherous guy swore a few days ago that he would accompany me to clean the yard until the end of time!"

Jiang Daqiao immediately became angry.

"Master, where did Brother Jin Qiao go? I must bring him back!"

"Where are you going to catch up? You left yesterday morning, so what if you catch up?"

The middle-aged priest sighed, shook his head and said,

"Hey, people's hearts are gone, it's really hard to lead the current disciples!"

At this time, Jiang Daqiao really wanted to tell his master, can you be more mature in your old age...

If people's hearts are scattered, isn't that because of your incompetence as a master?

The "unexamined" middle-aged Taoist priest in front of him is the leader of Xiaodan Peak, and he can also be regarded as an elder of the outer sect of Tiejianmen, known as the ore elder.

Alas, no one would dare to believe it. As one of the twelve veins of the Iron Sword Sect, Xiaodanfeng, since last month, there are only three masters and apprentices left in this vein of Xiaodanfeng.

One for Master, one for Brother Jinqiao, and one for him, Jiang Daqiao.

It's all right now, I went to the bottom of the mountain and came back, and my senior brother Jin Qiao also ran away, which made Xiaodan Peak, which was already extremely underpopulated, even more stretched...

From today onwards, I am the only disciple of Little Dan Peak?
From today, I chop wood alone?

From today on, I'll pour the vegetables alone?

From today on, I will clean the yard and Dan room by myself?
From today on, I will wash and cook for Master alone?

Jiang Daqiao's head got dizzy thinking about it, and he glanced at his master. It was obvious that senior brother Jin Qiao's sudden departure had hit him hard.

Originally slovenly, neither heroic nor mighty, the ore elder had sunken eyes and looked devastated. It looked like he hadn't eaten today.

"Master, let me cook for you." Jiang Daqiao said, got up and went out.

"Wait..." The ore elder waved his hand,

"Daqiao, don't be too busy cooking. Your senior sister Xiaoqing came this morning and said that she would bring food... Well, I have something to tell you as a teacher."

"Master, just give orders!"

The ore elder took out a small purse from his arms and shook it in his hand, as if it was a bit heavy.

"Daqiao, it's rare that you've stayed with Master... almost 20 years,

Master doesn't have anything left for you, so just take this little money for you! "

Jiang Daqiao always felt that something was wrong with his master. Listening to this... It seemed like he was explaining the funeral?
"Master... what's wrong with you? You must not seek short-sightedness!"

"Hmm...cough, what are you guessing?

Not so, not so... Why have you never seen such a big storm?

Well, as a teacher, let me tell you straight, let Xiao Danfeng break up! "

Jiang Daqiao glanced at his master. Sure enough, the official announcements all started from rumors. Did his master announce that Xiaodanfeng had closed down?
"This little money is considered a little bit of Master's kindness, it's rare that you left it alone until the end..."

When saying this, the ore elder wiped the corners of his eyes with his dirty robe sleeve.

Judging from what my master meant, Xiao Danfeng, the teacher's sect, went bankrupt and liquidated?As the disciple who stayed to the end, he still has a "severance pay"?
"Master, I don't agree to break up!"

Jiang Daqiao absolutely could not agree to Xiao Danfeng breaking up. When he spoke, he stared at his master with an expression of "I swear to live and die with Xiao Danfeng".

The ore elder smiled wryly and said: "Okay, okay, our Xiaodan Peak is not a big sect, it's just an outer sect of the Iron Sword Sect, and you don't need such a big determination. Come on, take this money !"

Jiang Daqiao said seriously: "Master, I'm serious. From the day I entered Xiaodan Peak, I have regarded the master's gate as my home.

The teachers are here, and the disciples are here!If Shimen is not there, Jiang Daqiao will not be alive! "

Jiang Daqiao's words were impassioned and loud, which could be regarded as an expression of his true feelings.

The ore elder raised his head and looked at the disciple in front of him, his two small eyes rolled...


Jiang Daqiao met his master's gaze and continued:

"Not only can our Xiao Danfeng not be disbanded, but we also need to develop Xiao Danfeng into the strongest branch of the sect...

In short no matter what, our little Danfeng can't disband no matter what! "

The ore elder pondered for a moment, then suddenly looked serious: "Daqiao, are you really going?"

"As long as disciple Daqiao survives, he will never abandon Xiaodan Peak, and never let Master guard the mountain gate alone here!"

Jiang Daqiao's expression was resolute.

"So good, so good!"

The ore elder stroked his messy beard and nodded frequently: "Disciple Daqiao!"

"The disciple is here!"

"As expected, you didn't disappoint me. In fact, as a teacher, I just wanted to test you...

Since you don't agree with the disbandment of our Little Pill Peak, then...you can rest assured as a teacher, and I will never treat you badly as a teacher in the future! "

Jiang Daqiao looked up at Elder Ore, his master's eyes were full of sincerity at the moment, but who the hell knew...

Every time my master teases people, the expression on his face is also very sincere.

Maybe this time it came from the heart, after all, if he also left Xiaodan Peak, there would really be no one to help him clean the yard and the alchemy room.

Jiang Daqiao poured a glass of water and handed it to Master.

"Master, wait for me here, I'll get the burden, and report to you one by one about the trip to the county town to do errands."


Walking out of the alchemy room, Jiang Daqiao breathed a sigh of relief, and his own words finally "saved" the teacher's door for the time being.

No matter what, Xiao Danfeng couldn't break up the partnership, not because of Jiang Daqiao's loyalty to Xiao Danfeng, but because of this...

A "task" is involved.

Jiang Daqiao is not from this world, he crossed over from Blue Star.

He came to this otherworldly continent, not for inspection and sightseeing, but with a special mission.

The task book is written in his mind, as long as he closes his eyes, he can see a small screen in the back of his mind. On the screen, it is written in five-point Song typeface——

[Project Fudan: Comrade Jiang Daqiao is now entrusted to support your master ore elder to become the head of the Iron Sword Sect in Nantu Continent within five years]

At the end of the sentence on the screen, the punctuation was not marked, and the cursor at the end of the sentence was still blinking.

Jiang Daqiao wondered if there was a person who was thinking about the next wording, and would continue to type at any time.

However, it has been more than half a year since Jiang Daqiao traveled to this world, and the words on the screen have never moved.

Jiang Daqiao was puzzled...why didn't he continue to type?

Is it over?

Or stop changing, just the eunuch?

Jiang Daqiao is unknown.

As a Blue Star person, he was inexplicably transmigrated to this other world continent, and was forcibly given an extremely absurd and almost impossible "task"...

Jiang Daqiao's first reaction was not anger, but deep shock.

He was only "invited" to a training class, and the other party could "arrange" him to another world in the class.

And it seems that he knows the sect he belongs to, his master's lineage, and every move like the palm of his hand.

And so far, I haven't even figured out the other party's name, which unit, whether it is an overseas force... a little bit.

It is conceivable that the opponent's strength is definitely not something that he can fight against, it is simply a crushing dimensionality reduction suppression.

As for the task of "Project Fugging the Egg", it seems that it is indeed an impossible task on the surface, but since the "superior" has arranged it like this, then there must be his reason...

To become the "chosen" person and lead such a complicated project, in a sense, I think highly of him and think he has some ability.

In short, do what you are told by your superiors to the best of your ability, don't ask why, and don't bargain...

As a person who came from Blue Star and was once a moderately successful person in the business world, Jiang Daqiao believed that this was the minimum awareness of a migrant worker.

Maybe the higher-ups saw that I had a good attitude, but the line on the screen suddenly started to change again...

Or arrange for a noble person to help, and it will be enough for him to benefit endlessly.


 Mengxin + seedlings need your care, every click, collection, and every ticket is the driving force for the hot pot to move forward.

  Take a bow and thank you all.

(End of this chapter)

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