I forced the master to be the leader

Chapter 13 Yin and Yang 9 Needles

Chapter 13 Yin Yang Nine Needles
"It's a little dark, I need some light..."

When Hanzi Liao said this in a low voice, it was more like talking to himself.

I saw him take a deep breath, bend his palms slightly, and slowly turn them in front of his chest, as he muttered vaguely...

A suspended blue fireball suddenly appeared between the two palms. The fireball rotated rapidly and made a whirring sound, as if it contained great energy.

Jiang Daqiao felt the heat wave hit his face, and he knew it was a very powerful fireball technique.

Then, Liao Hanzi's right hand suddenly merged into a sword finger, and he swung lightly forward. The hovering fireball instantly turned into the shape of a small sword, and flew into the air at a leisurely pace.

The sword-shaped flame slowed down in the air, and lightly streaked across the row of candles on the wall, making a soft crackling sound. Seven candles had been lit, and then the sword-shaped flame disappeared invisible.

Jiang Daqiao's heart trembled... This fireball technique seemed to have reached the state of being able to control it freely, but it was used by a seriously injured person. It can be seen that this man surnamed Liao has a very high level of cultivation.

But how high?If there is a fight, can my master beat this Liao?

Jiang Daqiao stole a glance at the ore elder, his master's face was sinking, and he didn't show much expression.

After the performance of this volley of wax, the man surnamed Liao hehe twice, his eyes moved back and forth on the elder of the ore and Jiang Daqiao, coughed twice and said:

"Which priest will heal the wounded?"

The ore elder clasped his fists and said, "Pin Dao has brought wound medicine with him, and he knows a little bit about acupuncture."

"Very good, very good!" Hanzi Liao stared at the ore elder and said in a deep voice:
"Anyway, if you are able to cure illnesses today, you will be an immortal priest. If you are unable to save people today, don't blame me, Liao Laosan, for being ruthless!"

Jiang Daqiao was speechless, what the hell is this Liao Laosan, he was beaten up, and then he vented his anger on their master and apprentice?

Besides, if you are beaten, you say you were beaten, why do you have to lie and say that you fell off the bed, can you fall like this if you fell off the bed?

Hearing the tone of Liao Laosan, as if he was going to eat his master and apprentice, Jiang Daqiao was a little dissatisfied immediately, who is not a Qi refiner?
He glanced at his master, still without much expression on his face, calmly asked Jiang Daqiao to put down the medicine box, opened it, and took out a small packet of medicine for knife wounds from the medicine box.

"Master Liao, don't worry. From Pindao's point of view, the blood from your wound is bright red, and there is no sign of poisoning. Apply some medicine for knife wounds made by Pindao, and you will recover after a few days of rest."

Then Liao Laosan took the medicine for the knife wound, laughed and said:
"It's a pity that I'm not the patient you want to see today. If it's just a flesh injury, you don't need to bother the Taoist priest to do it yourself!"

Jiang Daqiao was taken aback when he heard that, isn't this the person who needs to be treated today?
These two senior brothers are like old sows wearing bras, one set after another.

Liao Laosan sneered and said, "Today, we invited the Taoist priest to see our hall master. Brother Lin Feng, you should quickly lead the Taoist priest in to see the hall master's injury!"

As he spoke, he tore off the cloth strips on the wound and poured the medicine powder on the wound.

"Master, please follow me!"

Although Lin Feng said "please", he pointed the dagger at the two of them, walked to the corner of the house, pushed lightly with his hand, and there was another wooden door.

It turns out that this guest room is a large suite with a room in it.

Entering the back room, I saw a person lying straight on the bed, covered with a quilt, and a big puddle of blood was dripping under the bed.

The ore elder's complexion sank, and he immediately stepped forward to feel the pulse of the "Hall Master" on the bed.

Jiang Daqiao put down the medicine box. As the Taoist master's disciple, he couldn't be idle. He boldly stepped forward and touched the hall master. His limbs were cold and his fingers were stiff. Isn't he already dead?

This...sent to the emergency room of Los Angeles No.
At this time, Liao Laosan had already bandaged the wound by himself, and tried his best to follow into the back room.

"Our hall master will ask the Taoist priest. Don't blame me, Liao, for speaking rudely. Whether the two of you can get out of this door today depends on whether you have the art of rejuvenation, Taoist priest!"

Saying that, Liao Laosan sneered.

Jiang Daqiao immediately went into a trough, who are these people!
The situation in front of you is like carrying a dead person to the attending doctor in the emergency room. If you are cured, you are a good doctor. If you are not cured, you will die.

Is there still a king's law?

The ore elder still looked calm, didn't pay much attention to it, and put his ear on the hall master's chest after finishing his pulse.

After a long time, the ore elder finally raised his head, coughed twice but didn't speak, as if he was thinking about something.

Liao Laosan stared at the ore elder:
"How is it, Daoist?"

The ore elder looked at the hall master, then at Liao Laosan, and said slowly:

"The wound is deep, and the breath has been cut off. However... the problem is not too big, but it is inevitable to spend more pills. I am afraid that 1000 taels of silver is not enough."

When Jiang Daqiao heard it, why did his master increase the price halfway?
Also, the matter of rescuing the hall master...is there any drama?
Liao Lao San was also slightly taken aback when he heard this:
"The Daoist said that the problem is not big. It means that our hall master can be saved?"

The ore elder nodded, and his tone was very sure: "It can be saved!"

Originally, Jiang Daqiao saw the cold body of the hall master, thinking that he had betrayed his master today, and was regretting it, but now according to the tone of his master, the hall master in front of him turned out to be...
Can it be saved?

Before that, he also visited the elder of the ore, and he also saw the elder of the ore cured people, but he still hadn't seen a dead person being brought back to life.

It seems that I still don't have a comprehensive view of the various abilities in this world?The understanding is not deep enough?

Seeing his master's confidence, Jiang Daqiao immediately gained confidence and said to Liao Laosan and Lin Feng:
"You two heroes, please don't worry, if my master says there is no problem, then there must be no problem. In fact, let me tell you, this is not the first time my master has encountered this kind of injury!"

Lin Feng's eyes widened after hearing this: "Your master, Taoist priest, have you encountered this kind of patient before?"

Liao Laosan's tone immediately became respectful, bowed slightly and said:
"Then please ask the Taoist priest to rescue us as soon as possible. As long as we save our hall master, our brothers will kowtow to you a hundred times. In addition, the money is not a problem. You need to pay as much as you want, just ask!"

The ore elder waved his hands and said, "Saving the dying and healing the wounded is the job of the poor. You two heroes are welcome, but I have one condition for the poor!"

"What conditions?"

"Because your hall master's pulse condition is very weak, Pindao has to use the Yin-Yang Nine Acupuncture handed down from his family. When the acupuncture is performed, no one else can be present except my apprentice to help."

Liao Laosan stopped doing it as soon as he heard it.
"You apply your needles, and I won't steal your yin and yang nine needles. This is our hall master. You treat our hall master's illness. Why can't we just watch from the sidelines?"

The ore elder spoke very hard this time: "This is a rule passed down from our ancestors, no outsiders are allowed to watch when the Yin-Yang Nine Needles are applied, please bear with me.

At present, the hall master's life is at stake, so please get out quickly, so as not to delay the poor rescue! "

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(End of this chapter)

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