I forced the master to be the leader

Chapter 26: Junior Brother, You Are Awesome

Chapter 26: Junior Brother, You Are Awesome
"Senior sister, can you be more serious when you read the secret language?"

"Is it because the younger brother is standing by and distracted the older sister?"

What Jiang Daqiao said in these few words was merciless and straightforward.

Poor Senior Sister Xiaoqing, after repeated attempts, she was always unable to get in, and finally couldn't help lowering her head and sighing:

"I'm so useless!"

Looking at the helpless expression on his senior sister's face, Jiang Daqiao couldn't help feeling a lot of emotion.

heh heh heh...

Senior sister Xiaoqing, who was as outstanding as you since she was a child, and who has been overpowering her junior brother by several heads, will have today!
Finally, in a certain field, the younger brother's savvy talent made senior sister Xiaoqing feel ashamed?

No, Senior Sister Xiaoqing can't even learn it, so why did he learn it so quickly?
Jiang Daqiao suddenly felt a little unconfident. Is there another possibility...

His ability to command ants is actually inherent. After all, it is possible to have any kind of ability in a traverser, but it has nothing to do with "The Whispers of the Noble Sinaya". It's just that the two met by chance?

Jiang Daqiao thought about it for a while, and only used more examples to rule it out and prove it. He looked around and saw a blue caterpillar crawling down on a willow tree nearby.

"Sister, where do you think this caterpillar went?"

"How do I know... He's coming home?"

"It's not like going home. You can see that he is full of thoughts. He must have something on his mind... Isn't it autumn now? This caterpillar is going to go to the underground grass and ask another caterpillar about the winter. .”

"How do you know about the bridge?"

Jiang Daqiao smiled: "You look after it, I told him not to ask."

After mumbling for a while...

The caterpillar stopped suddenly, was taken aback for a while, "looked" with its two antennae for a while, and seemed to sigh, "Forget it, I can't find anything out of it if I ask her!"

And then...the caterpillar turned around and crawled up again!

Xiao Qingxing's eyes widened and she exclaimed softly: "Junior brother, you are so amazing!"

Jiang Daqiao successfully accepted the admiration from his senior sister.

From this point of view, this ability of mine is in line with the description in "Secret Words of the Noble Sinaya" - "Using the Ant Soldiers Curse can also command the actions of small animals such as bees, reptiles, and snakes."

Judging from this result, it is more likely that I obtained this ability from the book "Secret Words of the Noble Sinaya".

But the sample size is too small, so I have to try other spells in "Secret Words of the Noble Sinaya"...

Jiang Daqiao opened the little book, and according to the instructions in the book, the "noble Xinaya people" cast spells in three levels, and Jiang Daqiao naturally chose the simplest first-level entry-level spells...

"Senior sister, look at me."

He raised his head and stared at the "Menhua" of the Iron Sword Sect in front of him. Apart from being too strict with his junior, his facial features and face were impeccable, and his figure was considered slender.

Xiaoqing's expression was a bit unnatural when she was watched by the "little" junior brother: "Daqiao, why do you keep looking at me?"

"Senior Sister Xiaoqing, please keep quiet."

Jiang Daqiao began to mutter for a while, but this time he read "Secret Words of Love".

According to Jiang Daqiao's understanding, by reading this spell, the friendship between seniors and brothers will be deepened, but how to deepen it, you will know by trying...

After a while, Senior Sister Xiaoqing's cheeks were flushed, and she looked straight at Jiang Daqiao: "Brother, Senior Sister is so hot..."

Jiang Daqiao was so frightened that he immediately lifted the spell with his mind...

This is so frightening.


Back to my little Dan Peak...

On the cornice protruding from the east side of the main building of Xiaodan Peak, there is a blue brick.

Sitting cross-legged on the blue bricks was a middle-aged Taoist priest, with long hair tied in a hoop on top of his head. In the misty mist in the mountains, he looked quite immortal.

The Taoist priest is facing east, and seems to follow some traditional gestures and rhythms...

The left hand twists the seven stars quickly, and the right hand slowly moves eastward to enter the temple, cross the river, and return to the mountain... and so on.

The Taoist priest with his eyes slightly closed is now absorbing wisps of aura that ordinary people cannot sense into his dantian.

Jiang Daqiao glanced at it, and thought twice. My master is "invigorated on happy occasions". He brought back a new alchemy furnace yesterday, and today he is full of energy.
Why don't you see you working so hard on weekdays?
Will the little book "Secret Words of the Noble Xinayan" also work for the old man in front of him?

Jiang Daqiao was immediately full of curiosity.

Of course...Even if he was beaten to death, Jiang Daqiao didn't dare to read "Secret Words of Love" to Elder Mine.

Jiang Daqiao pondered for a moment, then looked around...

Not long after, a two-finger-thick green bamboo snake reluctantly crawled out from the grass under the ground. It first poked its head around and vomited, and then silently climbed up to the roof along the pillars of the house, and came straight to the ore elder who was meditating. In front of him, the snake's head was raised high, watching the old man's every move curiously.

The ore elder who was refining Qi felt something strange. He opened his eyes and fell off the roof immediately in fright. He turned around with a kite in the air before he caught his body and landed gently.


Jiang Daqiao was suddenly satisfied with his current situation...

It's good to be an outer disciple. There has never been any competition among inner disciples, and there is no need to participate in the "going out to practice" activities organized by the sect.

With such a "government by doing nothing" master, even the mission of the sect can be ignored directly.

Maybe it was another master, and seeing him lying on the ground watching the ants, he would scold him a few words: "Cultivate hard, stabilize the realm well, and improve your own cultivation is the fundamental!"

The ore elder really never supervised his cultivation, did not inspect his cultivation progress, Jiang Daqiao could practice whatever he wanted.

Uh, Jiang Daqiao felt that he was too obsessed with the various spells in that little book...

He tried several first-level spells by himself, and it can be said that he gained a lot... It's a pity that he couldn't share this joy with his master.

There are 36 spells in "The Whispers of the Noble Sinaya...

"Water Avoidance Curse", "Correction Charm", "Corpse Curse", "Sealing Curse", "Harmony Curse"...

Among them, Jiang Daqiao was most interested in the "Corpse Curse". According to the description in the book, when the "noble Xinaya people" practiced the third-level secret language, they could use the "Corpse Curse" to drive the dead to walk.

Jiang Daqiao immediately remembered that at the inn that day, the master and the apprentice were forced by Liao Laosan and Lin Feng to treat the dead Hall Master Wei. If he knew the "Corpse Curse" at that time, why bother so much? Instructing Hall Master Wei to get up, he slapped Liao Laosan with his backhand...


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(End of this chapter)

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