Chapter 28 Zhuge Villa
"Welcome to the head of the ore road!"

"Ore Daoist, you have worked hard, please!"

As soon as the carriage stopped, a group of people immediately came to pick it up. The middle-aged fat man at the head was the member Zhuge mentioned by Deacon Song.

Xiao Danfeng's master and apprentice got off the carriage, both wearing navy blue cassocks and lotus crowns on their heads.

In addition to carrying the burden, Jiang Daqiao also held a copper-skinned beast-head staff in his hand. This is an important prop for the "Ore Taoist" to open the altar today, and he and the Taomu sword are in charge of evil spirits along the way.

The elder of the ore gave Jiang Daqiao a wink, and Jiang Daqiao immediately understood, called Zhuge Zhuge aside, and said in a low voice: "Villa Master, in order not to attract the attention of evil spirits, don't mention my master's name, let alone Tie For the master of Jianmen, just treat it as an ordinary Taoist priest."

Zhugezhuang Zhuge quickly nodded in agreement.

The two masters and apprentices make some extra money outside the sect. They have always only wanted profit but not fame, and they need to be low-key and low-key.

"Master Zhuge, you don't look very well!"

Jiang Daqiao's words were not meant to scare people. Although Zhuge Yuanwai was fat, his Yintang was black and his eyes were bloodshot. He looked like he hadn't slept well for many days.

Master Zhuge sighed, "Who says it's not? Someone Zhuge didn't hide from the two Taoists. The mansion has been haunted by ghosts for the past few days. Everyone in the mansion is in panic. As the head of the family, I How can I sleep peacefully?"

Jiang Daqiao immediately said loudly: "Villager, please don't worry, as long as my master comes, no evil spirit, no matter how powerful, will dare to come out to harm people!"

As far as exorcising ghosts is concerned, confidence is more important than anything else, so whether it is successful or not is another matter, first give the victim a reassurance.

Zhuge Villa.

There are four large gilt characters written on the tall plaque, and the vermilion gate is next to it. There is a huge stone beast on the left and right of the gate, with protruding eyes and a ferocious expression.

The villa occupies a huge area, hidden among the green bamboo trees. There are probably dozens of new and old tile-roofed houses, and there are many pavilions interspersed among them.

There is an endless stream of servant girls and servants coming and going in the manor, some are salting eggs, some are weaving, some are cooking miso...

When these people saw Fatty Zhuge, they all stopped what they were doing, and even an old woman who was holding glutinous rice cakes immediately stopped and stood aside, bowing and saluting...

"Villager Wanan!"

"The owner is auspicious!"


It is worthy of being one of the most prominent big families in these ten miles and eight townships. The regulations and etiquette of Dazhuang Garden are reflected in these small details.

But Jiang Daqiao soon noticed that the huge manor was unusually quiet. The moment these servant girls raised their heads, they all had uneasy expressions on their faces, and even a trace of fear in their eyes...

Could it be that there is really some powerful evil in this manor?

Zhuge Zhuge led the two masters and apprentices through a corridor and through a circular arch. In front of them was a quiet courtyard. The ore elder stopped suddenly, looked around for a while, and slowly frowned.

Master Zhuge was startled when he saw this, and quickly asked softly, "Daoist, did you find anything?"

"To tell you the truth, Master," the ore elder nodded slightly, his face solemn: "There are a lot of evil spirits hidden in your mansion!"

"The Taoist has already seen the evil spirit?"

The owner of Zhuge Zhuge was both surprised and happy when he heard it. What surprised him was that there were indeed dirty things in the manor. What made him happy was that the Taoist priest could tell that there was evil at a glance. Get rid of it.

At this time, Jiang Daqiao echoed the situation: "Master Zhuge, don't you see that there are several strands of black air surrounding the roof?"

Zhuge Zhuge looked in the direction of Jiang Daqiao's finger. Although he didn't see anything, he didn't know what was going on...

Unexpectedly, this Taoist priest's apprentice is so young, and his Taoism is so advanced, he can see dirty things at a glance, and he is full of awe for these two Taoist priests, and secretly said: "It really is Elder Yan from the Iron Sword Sect. The Taoist priest recommended is more reliable, and I will never trust those charlatans in the future!"

The so-called "teacher and apprentice are of one heart, their profit cuts money", go out to get some extra money, this simple coordination of words is already quite tacit for the two masters and apprentices of Xiaodanfeng, even a look and a gesture seem superfluous .

"Hello, owner!"

"The owner is auspicious!"

"Two priests, please take your seat!"

The two "Tao Priests" entered the inner hall under the leadership of the Zhuge Zhuge Zhuge, and immediately the servant girls came forward to greet them, and the guests and the host were seated. After a while, brewed tea was served in front of them.

"I don't know if the two Taoist priests have any taboos?" After the host and guest enjoyed tea, Zhuge Zhuang Zhuang ordered the housekeeper to go to the kitchen to arrange meals for the two Taoist priests, and insisted on cleaning up the dust for the two Taoist priests who came from afar.

The ore elder immediately got up and said: "Mian, Mian! Let's open the altar first!"

This is the rule of the ore elders when they go out to do things. Take people's money and help them eliminate disasters. Do things first, then eat. Only when things are done, can this meal be eaten with peace of mind.

Master Zhuge saw that the elder of the ore was determined, so he had no choice but to give up.

Jiang Daqiao glanced at his master, the ore elder nodded, Jiang Daqiao cleared his throat, and began the process of exorcising ghosts...

"According to the rules of exorcising ghosts by our master and apprentice, we first need to find out the situation of all the personnel in the manor, and ask Zhuge Zhuge to inform us in detail."

The ore elder was taken aback for a moment, although he didn't know what the disciple was doing with such gossip, but he let him go.

The owner of Zhuge Zhuge came one by one...

There are seven people in the master's family, a couple, the old father is still alive, and there are two sons and two daughters, the eldest daughter has married out, the second daughter is still in the boudoir, the two sons are still young, and they are educated in the Zhuangyuan private school. An old man was reading the scriptures with his word recognition.

Jiang Daqiao thought for a while and asked, "Elder Zhuge hasn't taken a concubine yet?"

The owner of Zhuge Zhuge heard this with a smile and said: "It's ashamed to say that although Zhuge is the owner of a village, he is actually a hard worker. He is exhausted every day just taking care of the inside and outside of the estate... ..."

Zhuge Zhuge counted silently, and then continued: "In addition, the housekeeper, nurse, maid, long-term worker, and horseman in the villa add up to 140 five people."

Jiang Daqiao sighed inwardly, and couldn't help feeling worthless for the owner of the manor in front of him, so what if he had a lot of money?What about the ten thousand hectares of fertile land?
"May Zhuge also ask the owner to give a detailed account of the ins and outs of the evil spirit's harm?"

Master Zhuge panicked when he heard the word "evil evil", "I don't know if the two Taoist priests have heard of ghosts pressing the bed?"

"Ghost press?"

Elder Ore and Jiang Daqiao immediately relaxed after hearing this. It seems that the two masters and apprentices have taken on a good job today. They did not expect that the "evil spirit" that made the whole family nervous in the manor was just a "ghost pressing the bed" .

Jiang Daqiao said calmly: "Elder Zhuge, please, order your subordinates to call all the people who have been haunted by evil spirits."

Master Zhuge asked, "All of them?"

Jiang Daqiao said: "Just call all the people who have been haunted by evil spirits."

Zhuge Zhuge called the housekeeper over and whispered a few words, the housekeeper nodded in agreement and left the living room.

(End of this chapter)

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