I forced the master to be the leader

Chapter 34 Lead the snake out of the hole

Chapter 34 Lead the snake out of the hole
Jiang Daqiao pulled the owner of Zhuge Zhuge aside, and tried to persuade him again, "The evil spirits are still hiding in the villa. At this time, the overall situation should be the top priority. It will not be too late to punish the housekeeper after the evil spirits are eradicated."

Next, Jiang Daqiao asked some more about Steward Yu's situation, and then ordered: "I still need to trouble the owner to arrange a secret room for me. I have something to ask Steward Yu."

Although Jiang Daqiao had long suspected that there was something wrong with Butler Yu, he believed that he could not be the Demon Cultivator, at most he was just a helper used by the Demon Cultivator. Be a helper.


Two guards led Butler Yu into the secret room and closed the door. There were only him and Jiang Daqiao in the room.

Jiang Daqiao was expressionless: "Butler Yu, please sit down."

Butler Yu was a little at a loss: "Xiao Daoist, um, the younger ones are fine."

"sit down."

Jiang Daqiao's voice was not loud, but his tone of voice was beyond doubt.

Steward Yu carefully sat down opposite.

The secret room was very quiet, so quiet that it seemed that the other party's heartbeat could be heard.

Steward Yu finally couldn't help it, and asked, "Does the little Daoist have something to ask the villain?"

Jiang Daqiao avoided answering, looked at the other party quietly, and smiled, "Butler Yu, do you dare to ask if your father and Lingtang are still alive?"

"Yes, my little parents are here, hehe..." The familiar flattering smile was still on his face.

Jiang Daqiao suddenly said coldly: "If you can't survive, will there be someone to send the two elders to die?"

"Xiao Daoist, you, what do you mean by this?"

"There are only the two of us here. If you want to be mean enough to me, I am also mean enough. Then I will ask you something. You can decide for yourself whether you want to talk about it or not."

Butler Yu looked up at Jiang Daqiao and finally nodded.

Jiang Daqiao asked, "Don't Steward Yu tell me that you don't know about the cellar under the East Wing."

Beads of sweat trickled down from the housekeeper's forehead.

"Currently, there are two roads in front of the housekeeper. How to choose is up to you."

Butler Yu finally raised his head: "Which two roads? I hope the Taoist leader will show me clearly."

Jiang Daqiao said slowly: "The first dead end, you don't say anything."

Butler Yu raised his head and glanced at Jiang Daqiao, with a look of horror in his eyes.

Jiang Daqiao continued: "The second way to survive, you tell me the situation under the cellar in detail, and you can't say half a sentence that is not true!"


Without spending too much time, Steward Yu followed Jiang Daqiao back to the living room, and explained the whole story...

These two demon cultivators sneaked into the abandoned cellar three months ago, and then easily captured Butler Yu, forcing him to take poison, and he had to go to the cellar to get an antidote every day.

These two demon cultivators have been stationed in the cellar of the manor for more than three months. They live in the cellar during the day, and the housekeeper delivers food and drinks. At night, when the night is quiet, they go to various parts of the manor to harm people.

The owner of the villa was listening, and suddenly asked sharply: "How do those two demon cultivators know which room those maids and my little girl live in?"

"Spare me, spare me..." Butler Yu immediately knelt down in front of Zhuge Zhuge Zhuge Zhuge, "Big Boss, please forgive me, I, I... the villain was also forced!"

"So, which room the second lady lives in, you also revealed it to Moxiu?"

Butler Yu kowtowed again and begged for mercy: "Those two evil spirits gave poison to the villain. If the villain doesn't obey their orders, they won't give me the antidote! The little one is sorry for the big boss, and the little one deserves death." , the little one deserves to die..."

Hearing this, Zhuge Zhuge's owner was furious again, screaming, and picked up a hatchet to chop at the housekeeper, Jiang Daqiao hurriedly stood up to stop him.

"The owner, please calm down. Although Steward Yu has committed an unforgivable crime, the most important thing at this time is to get rid of the two demon cultivators hiding in the cellar." Jiang Daqiao turned to Steward Yu again: "A big mistake has been made, me and Master is asking you something now, and I will give you a chance to make meritorious deeds, if you say something half-truth, my master will not spare you!"

Butler Yu hurriedly begged for mercy: "The little one dare not, the young one will never dare to tell half a lie again!"

Jiang Daqiao asked, "There are only two demon cultivators hiding in the cellar?"

Steward Yu said: "It's absolutely true. The young one was caught in the cellar more than three months ago. There were only two demons, one young and one older, who was crippled. And the young one brought them food twice a day. They are all meals for two people.”

Jiang Daqiao and the ore elder looked at each other and nodded.

"Is there any way to lure these two magicians out?"

"They hide in the cellar during the day and only come out at night. I don't know exactly when they come out, but..."

"But what, hurry up!"

"The villain has a way... I don't know if I can..."

The ore elder glared at him: "Say it!"

"The little one has to deliver meals to those two evil spirits on time every day. According to the requirements of these two evil spirits, the villain delivers food boxes to the entrance of the cellar every day..."

Jiang Daqiao's eyes lit up when he heard it, "Is it on time to deliver meals every day?"

Butler Yu said: "It's all on time. Today, because the young one is being watched by the nursing home, I haven't found the time. It's been more than half an hour since the agreed meal delivery time..."

Jiang Daqiao glared at him. He didn't expect Steward Yu to have anti-reconnaissance capabilities.

"Master, this disciple has thought of a plan..."


In the utility room at the northernmost part of the east wing, there is a movable slab near the corner, which is no different from the slate next to it unless you observe carefully.

Jiang Daqiao, who was wearing Steward Yu's clothes, followed the method Steward Yu taught him, using his fingers on the movable slate, pressing three fast and two slow taps five times.

Not long after, the stone slab moved and was slowly pushed away from bottom to top...

A head wearing a bamboo hat slowly protruded from the cellar, and Jiang Daqiao reckoned that the magician came up by a ladder.

Living in the basement for more than three months, and still wearing a bamboo hat?

The customs and habits of these magic cultivators are so different.

When the magic cultivator's head stuck out, Jiang Daqiao quickly turned his face away.

"So it's only at this time that the food is delivered?" The Moxiu spoke in a displeased tone.

Jiang Daqiao didn't dare to make a sound, but just stretched out his hand, meaning the antidote?

"Ask you something! Give me the food box!"

Jiang Daqiao didn't answer, and handed the food box to the other party, and when the other party was about to get it, he deliberately raised his hand...

The magic cultivator raised his hand and reached up, but he couldn't reach it...

He was slightly taken aback, as if he smelled something strange in the air, he immediately stretched out his hand and drew his sword!
The ore elder who was hiding at the side had already grabbed him and lifted him up, and then slapped him on the chest with a "bang".

The demon cultivator only had time to let out a "hum", before he could figure out what was going on, he was already shot dead by the ore elder!
(End of this chapter)

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