
Chapter 1009

Chapter 1009
Facing Wei Shichong, who became hot after a word, Yi Tian made a decisive move, and secretly despised him from the bottom of his heart.I am also unlucky to pretend to be someone, but I have to pretend to be Pei Yuexiao.

Sure enough, Wei Shichong laughed loudly after making the move: "Seeing that you are probably an unknown person, how dare you pretend to be Master Pei. Although I am not very familiar with the Artifact Refiner Alliance, I have met Master Pei several times. This time, you have fallen, so don’t hurry up and ask the spirit weapon to be handed over, or don’t blame me for being ruthless.”

Yi Tian stretched out his hand and opened up a sword light to resist the opponent's spell, then curled his lips and said inwardly, if he pretended to be Sun Kai, he might be able to delay it a little longer.Looking up and looking at the other party's greedy face, he knew that today's matter would have to be decided before he would give up.

In fact, who would not be tempted to see a high-level spiritual weapon, I am afraid that the other party has already missed it.Now that I said that I slipped my mouth, I just found an excuse for him to make a move. Presumably, even if the other party really believed it, he would try his best to ask for a spiritual weapon.

It doesn't matter if you tear your face like this, Yi Tian raised the corner of his mouth and said: "There are many excuses for saying so much, since you want my spiritual weapon, you can get it yourself, don't pretend to be disgusting."

Hearing these remarks, Wei Shichong's expression changed. He didn't expect that he would not make the other party back down by using his name. It seemed that the person in front of him was very confident in his strength.

But how could No. 1 in the mid-stage of Transformation God show timidity in the face of an early-stage cultivator.Reaching out and taking out the spirit sword, he sacrificed it in his hand and then murmured something: "Change."

The three-foot green front was divided into four and sixteen in an instant, and after dozens of times of changes, it turned into thousands of thin lines covering the sky and covering the sky.

Yi Tian didn't show any signs of panic when he saw the situation, he could do this kind of exercise himself.But there happened to be a newly refined dragon scale shield in his hand, and he took this opportunity to test his defense.

Then he reached out and poured the one-foot-sized shield into his hand with mana, and then transformed it into a one-foot-sized shield in front of his body.After three breaths, the sword threads flew towards him, only to hear a dense "clinking" sound, those sword threads were blocked by the dragon scale shield without any surprise.

Wei Shichong, who was standing in the distance, had an extremely greedy look on his face at this moment, he knew the power of Lingyao Huaqian.Unexpectedly, the shield's ability to resist blows is so strong, and after receiving the easy move, it didn't move at all, and the shield didn't even have the slightest damage.On the other hand, it seemed that every move on his spirit sword had a gap in the blade.

Yi Tian looked at the dragon scale shield in his hand with satisfaction and appreciated its defensive power.In a blink of an eye, he glanced at Wei Shichong who was opposite him and said with a sneer, "Since you made a move, then take my move."

After speaking, remember the Taiyuan sword and draw the gourd directly, except for the exact same tricks.It's just that Wei Shichong's face became extremely ugly at this time, because he was also very familiar with this trick, and blurted out: "I know all the 36 disciples of the inner sect of the Scarlet Rain Sword Sect, and you are not among the [-] disciples in the transformation stage. No. [-] man, who are you?"

Yi Tian didn't answer, but just urged the Taiyuan sword to spread the sword wires and approached the opponent from all directions.Wei Shichong saw at a glance that the situation was not good and hurriedly changed his sword to make a move, and there was a rain of swords in the sky.

The sound of 'ding dong' could be heard endlessly, and after ten thousand sword threads intertwined with each other, the whole world shook.After the sword wire crossed, it cut the rocks below and around into countless pieces, and left hundreds of marks on the cliff.

Unexpectedly, Wei Shichong snorted a few times, and Youdao's sword thread finally broke through the defense and directly penetrated his elbow, cutting off his left hand, and turned it into meat in an instant.

The cultivator of Huashen naturally has the ability to regenerate a broken arm. Wei Shichong endured the pain and hurriedly backed away, then took out a ring and its back to block in front of him.He himself hastily stopped the bleeding, and then used his kung fu to transfer his aura to perform the art of regeneration of severed limbs.After ten breaths, a left hand grew on the elbow where the wrist had been cut off. The skin was as delicate as a newborn baby, and it was different from the skin color of other parts of the body at first glance.

At this time, Wei Shichong showed a look of fear on his face, and the person in front of him turned out to be using the direct method of the Scarlet Rain Sword Sect.And seeing that this posture does not require him to be weak, he then asked in a deep voice: "Who the hell are you? You must know that stealing the sect's direct martial art is a capital offense. You must have killed the sect's direct disciple and secretly learned swordsmanship. The suzerain will not forgive you!" over yours."

Yi Tian said nonchalantly: "If you kill you, no one will know what it is." As soon as the words fell, he once again sacrificed the Taiyuan Sword, but this time gathered thousands of sword threads together, condensed In a thin line, he rushed towards Wei Shi.

"Lingyao Huaqian, staring at Huasi, this is a trick that can only be learned by the true disciples of the sect. How could you do it?" Wei Shichong asked in surprise and anger.

"It turned out to be like this, thank you for clearing my confusion, you will be qualified to continue questioning me after you accept this trick," Yi Tian said disdainfully.

After a breath, the thin sword wire flew across the air, tearing the surrounding aura space in half, and wrapped a thin layer of vacuum around the sword wire, directly drawing ripples in the place where it flew over. .

Wei Shichong gritted his teeth and hurriedly reached out to take out two talismans, then spit out blood to activate them, and shot towards Yi Tian's place.

Unexpectedly, in such a situation, he did not try his best to defend, but took out the talisman to attack, which shows that the power of this talisman is not trivial.

With the sound of 'Zilla', the two spells staggered in the air and then ran towards the opponent. Yi Tian once again raised the dragon scale shield to stand in front of him, and this time the protective cover on his body was also opened at the same time.If this talisman was refined by a distracted monk, then he would have to pay a price to take it, and his face sank without daring to be careless.

There were two crisp sounds of 'bang bang' in the air, and the spell hit the target without any accident.Yi Tian just felt his chest stunned, as if someone had cut the dragon scale shield and hammered it a few times. After a while, the power of the talisman spell was slightly reduced, and it spread out and turned into sword silk to wrap himself directly.

A stabbing pain came from the back of the arm, and the sword thread pierced through the protective shield and hit the dark golden skin directly.Fortunately, I have not been lazy at all these years, and have practiced the Wanyuan body training technique to the second level of Dacheng.The surface of the skin on the arm revealed a dark golden luster, blocking the sword thread.As for wearing the moon-watching rhinoceros leather armor on his body, after a sweep of his divine sense, he found that those sword threads had sifted the clothes and were blocked by the leather armor.

As for those pains that came from places that were not covered by leather armor, although the defensive power of physical skills is amazing, this pain is because I have truly experienced the power of a high-level talisman.

Although the opponent couldn't activate [-]% of the talisman's power in a hurry, at least [-]% of it hit him.

After adjusting his breath a little, Yi Tian swept his spiritual thoughts across the opponent, only to see a vertical blood streak suddenly appear on Wei Shichong's face, splitting his whole body in two from the Tianling cover.It seemed that even the Nascent Soul couldn't escape, and Niwan Palace was really hit like this.

Later, I saw him muttering in his mouth: "Master will avenge me. You will be tortured for stealing Xuezong's secret and pass it on in the future." After speaking, his body softened and he fell down.

(End of this chapter)

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