
Chapter 1045 Imprint

Chapter 1045 Imprint
In Extreme Illusionary Realm, Luo Ziyan showed her might after getting the sun and moon brilliance wheel, and even suppressed the magic dragon on the spot.Moreover, it was beaten out of its body, and finally it was directly confiscated.

Later, he stopped Yi Tian, ​​who was trying to escape, and after some scrutiny, he picked up the topic and asked Luo Que's whereabouts directly.

I knew in my heart that the other party would ask this question, but I didn't know their relationship.On the balance, I still feel that there is no need to fabricate reasons and lies, and it seems that there is no need to do such useless work in front of the cultivator of Huashen.Quite a few cultivators who transform themselves into gods have mystic powers and can directly sense the power of the other party's soul during a conversation.

If there is a slight false element, it must not escape their eyes. Knowing this matter, Yi Tian does not intend to add misunderstandings, and everything depends on how he responds.

"I learned Luo Que's Asura Transformation Technique, but I'm not his heir," Yi Tian thought for a while and replied directly: "And Luo Que died at my hands. If it wasn't for him, the place where I am That world will not suffer disasters for thousands of years."

Unexpectedly, after hearing this, Luo Ziyan relaxed and said casually: "It's okay to die, but the king of the province happened to take action to clean up the house."

Unexpectedly, the biggest anxiety in his heart was easily taken away, and Yi Tian was also stunned.But then he asked, "Why did you save me? Don't tell me it's for the sun and the moon, that would be insincere."

Luo Ziyan didn't answer directly, but tentatively said after circling in the air: "Since you have mastered my family's kung fu, you can be regarded as a member of this king's family, why don't you come back to the Asura realm with me."

Yi Tian didn't change his face after hearing this, but he was very curious in his heart.When he didn't show his Dharma body image, Luo Ziyan chased him all the way, it seemed like he was going to kill them all.But now his attitude has turned 180 degrees. I really don't know what kind of medicine the other party is selling in the gourd.

And now such a virtue can't be done by himself, but after thinking about it, he realized that it might have something to do with the appearance of his Dharma body.

After thinking about it, he replied directly: "I still have something to do in the spirit world, and I have not passed through the thunder disaster of entering the world. The trip to the Asura world can be done after the cultivation base reaches the distraction period."

Luo Ziyan's face darkened, and she thought for a while and said, "Okay, it's up to you to decide. But what are the attributes of the three heads of your Asura dharma body? I see that your combat power has not improved much, and it seems that you haven't. Touch the real purpose of this dharmakaya."

Speaking of this matter, Yi Tian had an idea in his heart. To be honest, he found out from the handwriting left by Qin Mingyue, the son of the former Ming king, that the Dharma body he cultivated was different from his. The three heads were Tranquility and Tranquility respectively. Peaceful and wise.

This is probably the reason why Luo Ziyan felt compassion.It's just that I don't know if a situation like mine is considered unusual in the Asura world.

But listening to Luo Ziyan's words, she didn't seem to force herself to go back to the Ashura Realm together, which is a good thing.But what is the real purpose of the dharma body image, looking at the other person's expression, Yi Tian said in a cliché, "My dharma body image shows tranquility, peace and wisdom. I don't know what your opinion is."

After hearing this, Luo Ziyan showed a clear look on her face, and then said: "Sure enough, my trip was worthwhile. I didn't expect to find not only the long-lost sun-moon brilliance wheel, but also a new one in the spirit world. Clansman." He stretched out his hand and brought over the storage bag in his hand.

Yi Tian didn't pretend to take it, and after taking it, his divine sense went deep into it and found that it was a very evil magic blade placed in it. Sure enough, Luo Ziyan took a spiritual weapon and sent it back.After putting away the storage bag, he stared at Luo Ziyan for a while before asking: "Why do you come to the spirit world to take risks as the princess of the Ashura clan? How can the royal clan of Asura trust you to come out?"

Luo Ziyan smiled and said: "You are a descendant of the Asura clan, and you are no different from ordinary people under normal circumstances. As long as you don't deliberately reveal your identity, you will be fine. And hiding in the king's city will not benefit you from improving your cultivation base."

"I thought that when you travel as a royal family, you will always be escorted by a few monks in the fit period," Yi Tian said jokingly.

"That's natural, but Aunt Lin won't always follow me, but I won't leave her thousands of miles away," Luo Ziyan said with a smile.

Sure enough, there is a backer, if I really put my heart down and risk my life for my life, it will be a waste of effort.There are endless treasures on people's bodies, even if they can't help themselves, they can temporarily protect themselves, and when the bodyguards arrive, they will have no strength to turn over.

But now it seems that Luo Ziyan didn't show any malice, but Yi Tian's heart was full of energy.Since I rejected Luo Ziyan's proposal, I don't know what plans she will have in the future.

I saw Luo Ziyan reached out her hand and quickly made a seal in front of her, and then raised a white and simple charm, and at the same time exhaled a breath of true energy from each of the three mouths and injected it into it.After finishing the sacrifice, he nodded towards himself, and in an instant, the magic talisman flew across the void and flew directly to the top of his head and sank into his forehead for an instant.

Yi Tian found that there seemed to be a mark on his three foreheads, and it disappeared quietly later.I was wondering, and suddenly heard Luo Ziyan say: "Although you are a member of my clan, but you are living abroad, I am afraid that you may not be able to ask for help if you meet people of the same clan. The mark I gave you can prove your identity. If you are outside in the future When you meet your own people, you can command them."

"Order?" Yi Tian asked suspiciously.

Luo Ziyan realized that she had lost her words and hurriedly corrected: "I am asking for help. Anyway, you can rest assured that this mark will be of great benefit to you. If you go through the thunder calamity of entering the world and complete the things you want to do in the spirit world, you can go there." The Asura world came to me, then I can teach you the correct way to use the Dharma Body Image."

Yi Tian just nodded indifferently, the mark on his forehead was equivalent to being labeled.Normally, he would not show it to the outside world, but he was still not at ease in his heart.The ghost knows what effect this mark will have on him, maybe in the future his whereabouts and even every move will be monitored by Luo Ziyan.Thinking of this, I felt uncomfortable, but I tried to ask: "With this mark, can you easily find me?"

Luo Ziyan gently took off the crown to reveal her forehead, only to see a mark similar to her flashing.I only heard her say: "This mark can sense the existence of the other party, and if the life is dying, it can also notify the other party."

"Will other Asura people also be imprinted by this?" Yi Tian continued to ask.

I saw a slight shame on Luo Ziyan's face and said: "This is only used by people outside the clan. Well, after today's business, we will meet later." After finishing speaking, she put away the aura, turned around and flew towards the entrance .

Yi Tian breathed a sigh of relief after she flew out of the detection range of his divine sense, and touched his forehead that the mark was still there.After putting away the photo, I took out the mirror and looked under it, and found that the mark slowly disappeared into the skin of the forehead.Although I don't know whether it's a blessing or a curse, but I've finally dealt with it, I secretly remember the style of this symbol in my heart, and after I go out, I will go to the Zongmen Chuangong Temple to find information.

(End of this chapter)

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