
Chapter 1099

Chapter 1099
Cuiping Valley was originally a quiet and remote place, and the spiritual energy here is not very strong, it is on the edge of a small spiritual vein for a day.

But places like this are places where casual cultivators like to gather. There are countless spiritual veins in the spiritual world, and there are countless regions derived from such branches of spiritual veins.

Flying towards Cuiping Valley along the way according to the map, Yi Tian also changed the Zongmen's costumes for fear of revealing his identity, and then brought the cloaks and masks needed to enter the black market.

It took less than half a day to reach the sky above Cuiping Valley, but in his spiritual thoughts, he realized that there were already people waiting in the valley.Counting carefully, there are two people fighting in the valley below, and their cultivation bases are about the same as their own in the middle stage of transforming gods.

Moreover, these two people also noticed their arrival at the first time, and after a flash of inspiration, the figures of the two appeared one after the other to sandwich themselves in the middle.The two men were tall, short, thin, and fat, holding a crescent shovel and a meteor hammer in their hands.The face is full of protruding flesh, and it seems that they are all dressed in full battle repair.

I don't know who the other party is, but since Xi Tianying asked me to come here to meet him, I won't miss the appointment without reason.

After thinking about saluting first and then talking about the origins of these two people before making plans, he bowed his hands and said: "I don't know why you two are here. I was invited by a friend to meet here. I don't want to disturb you."

The tall man in front of him said, "Laozi is Hou Yannuo, one of the Seven Heroes of Pojun Mountain. His name is Yu Xiong, and he is my brother. You are definitely not a good person if you dare to show your real body."

"The Seven Heroes of the Pojun," Yi Tian muttered, thinking of the identities of the Seven Heroes of the Pojun mentioned by Duan Yi before, so it seems that these people in front of him are all brothers of Xi Tianying.

It's just that I found that Xi Tianying probably has a strong master's determination, which is not comparable to ordinary casual cultivators.He didn't talk too much with them at the moment, just said in his mouth: "I was invited by Xi Tian to come here, you are his brothers, so you know when he will arrive."

"Brother Xi, how is it possible to disclose our hiding place to others at will, you boy, don't talk about it. You look like a spy from the sect, if you are really invited, why don't you dare to reveal your identity," said the fat man behind Yu Xiong said disdainfully.

"It's not that I dare not reveal my identity, it's just that it's not the time yet. Besides, is this the way of hospitality for the seven masters of Pojun Mountain? You must know that Brother Xi also treats me with courtesy when he sees me," Yi Tian saw between the other party's words Zhongman is full of Jianghu habits, so he directly changed his strategy and communicated with them in another way.

Sure enough, the thin Hou Yannuo in front of him stretched out his hand to stop Yu Xiong's words, and then flew up to look him up and said, "Since you have received a summons from Brother Xi to come to the appointment, you must have a token in hand."

Reaching out and shaking Xi Tianying's summoning talisman, the faces of the two finally eased a lot after seeing each other.A little later, Hou Yannuo said again: "Since we are friends of Brother Xi, we will naturally treat each other with courtesy, but it seems that your Excellency is not going to show your true face, which is a bit too contemptuous of us."

At the very least, casual cultivators need to show their true colors to show their sincerity, and Yi Tian naturally knows this.But now the form is different. If you expose your identity rashly, you may be exposed after the explanation is seen by others.

At the moment, he just clasped his hands together and said, "I can't reveal my identity for the time being. I hope you two will forgive me. You will know after you meet Brother Xi."

Before I finished speaking, I suddenly felt a strong wave of spiritual pressure from the northwest flying towards this place. After careful investigation with my spiritual sense, I found that it was the Lord who came.

He smiled immediately and said: "Brother Xi is here, let's discuss it later." After speaking, he turned his head and looked in that direction.

After hearing this, the expressions of the other two people also extended their divine thoughts to investigate, but Hou Yannuo said suspiciously: "Why didn't I find out, are you lying to me?" With a happy expression on his face, he continued: "Come here, it's still about a thousand miles away."

Then he turned his head to look at Yi Tian with a hint of fear in his eyes, obviously the strength of his spiritual consciousness is not above the same level.

Not half an hour later, I saw a ray of light flashing across the sky and galloping towards Cuiping Valley. After flying to the front, I found the three people in the air.At this moment, he glanced at his divine sense and shouted: "They are all here, brother Yi, this is my two brothers who are heroes in breaking the army."

Yi Tian stretched out his hand and arched: "Brother Xi is here. I just chatted with these two fellow Taoists when I arrived a little earlier. It's just that my identity is sensitive so I can't directly reveal my identity. Please forgive me."

Xi Tianying nodded, and then the two of Yu said to each other: "Brother Yi is a good friend of mine, and he fully supports the business we are doing this time. We are all on our own. He must treat each other with courtesy and don't lose courtesy."

Hearing what Xi Tianying said, Hou Yannuo and Yu Xiong were shocked. Naturally, they knew what they were doing. It turned out that the person in front of them was the entrusted proprietor and said respectfully: "It turns out that Master Yi is in person. Sorry for the disrespect. Loose cultivators usually pay more attention to the power just now, please forgive me."

"It's okay," Yi Tian waved his hand and said, "You should be cautious in everything when you go out to walk the rivers and lakes. This time, it's my inconvenience to reveal my identity to make you brothers worry too much."

"Okay, I'm a mother-in-law," Xi Tianying said carelessly, "I've distributed all your stuff for you, except for a batch of necessary ones, I've separated the rest from the black market. I just don't know how Mr. Jian How did Qing find out, this time he seems to be staring at me and chasing me fiercely."

"Brother Xi, your strength is no match for him, and Jian Shaoqing may not really dare to fight you if you think about it," Yi Tian joked.

"Isn't he just relying on the magical weapon in his hand, there is really nothing that can suppress me except the spiritual weapon," Xi Tianying said angrily.

Looking at Yi Tian in a blink of an eye, he smiled again: "Brother Yi, didn't you send me a message to say that you brought me something, I wonder if it is a good weapon."

With a chuckle, Yi Tian reached out and took out the spiritual weapon, and gently sent it over. Then he explained: "Dragon Tooth Blade, refined from the whole Thunder Dragon bone. It is four feet three long, four inches six inches wide, and thick. Two inches and one point, the handle is seven inches long and three inches thick. It is completely made according to your body proportions."

Xi Tianying reached out to take the Dragon Tooth Blade, waved it a few times, and then injected spiritual power into it.Immediately, a sound of dragon chant came out from the blade and at the same time scattered the dragon's power, matching Xi Tianying's own aura, Zhenhou Yannuo and Yu Xiong trembled a few times before maintaining it.

"What a powerful Longwei, so even if he meets Chi Wuji, he will have the strength to fight," Xi Tianying said with a big laugh.

"It's not that powerful, I didn't add the Lilong Soul, otherwise the level of the spirit weapon can reach the high level or the top level of the earth level," Yi Tian said lightly.

As soon as the words came out, all the people present had incredible looks on their faces. Xi Tianying was fine, but the expressions of the other two changed drastically, and there was a look of admiration in their eyes. It’s in your hand, Fellow Daoist Yi is really amazing.”

 Thanks to Yang Jiayilang, book friend 13101123406886, the monthly ticket of Shiliangfei Waterfall
(End of this chapter)

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