
Chapter 1140 Planning for the Second Coming to the Devil's Nest

Chapter 1140 Planning for the Second Coming to the Devil's Nest
A month later, Yi Tian also contacted Murong Longcheng of Murong's family under the help of Duan Yi in Wanghai Pavilion.At first, they thought that the Murong family was rooted in Qingfeng New City, but after Duan Yi's introduction, they learned that the Murong family originally made their fortune in Feiyu City.

There are many disciples in the clan who have entered under the gate of Feiyujianzong, and Murong Longcheng is a conservative faction in the clan.As for the branch in Qingfeng City, it developed rapidly after a person like Murong Zhenghong came out thousands of years ago, and seven No. [-] characters Liu Yijiang were joined.After a thousand years of management, it can be regarded as a counter-surpassing lineage.

As for Xiang Yitian, Xiang Donghui and even Duan Yi couldn't know about it.Fortunately, he finally found an insider, so he will definitely not let himself down when he comes to Murong Dragon City.

The three of them lingered in Wanghai Pavilion for a while and suddenly found a ray of light flying from the sky, circled twice above the attic before slowly falling down.When the light faded, a [-]-year-old monk appeared, bowed his head and bowed to all the people present: "Crimson Rain City Murong Dragon City is invited by fellow Taoists to visit."

The three hurried out of the door and returned their salutes one by one. Yi Tian glanced at each other. This person seemed to be in the middle stage of transformation, but his figure was about 40 years old.Moreover, the spiritual power fluctuations on his body already revealed a sense of decadence and death. If he guessed correctly, his lifespan would be less than 500 years.

As a result, he couldn't help being stunned. A monk like him has probably exhausted his potential, and he can't make any further progress in this life, so his face began to gradually age.

Thinking about Xiang Dongchen and Duan Yi beside me, they had broken through to the stage of distraction, and they were firmly established. Their whole bodies were full of vitality, and their faces remained the same as when they were 20 years old.

As for himself, his vitality is more than ten times stronger, so that his personal potential can be seen at a glance.But when the two introduced such a partner, Yi Tian frowned slightly, looked suspiciously, and didn't say much.

Shaoqing Murong Longcheng entered the Wanghai Pavilion with the three of them, everyone sat down one by one and started chatting, and Xiang Donghui poured a glass of wine for everyone.During this period, Yi Tian also noticed that the other party was constantly looking at him. It seemed that the four of them were chattering about irrelevant things there, but they were secretly preparing for the subsequent negotiations.

After three cups of wine, Xiang Dongchen presided over without hesitation, stretched out his hand to open the restrictive barrier and covered the four of them in it.Then Duan Yi knowingly turned around and introduced to Murong Longcheng: "This is Junior Brother Yi from Taiqing Pavilion, and he and Murong Feixue teamed up to enter the Illusory Realm recently."

"Junior Brother Yi is indeed a young talent in the Taiqing Pavilion, even my niece Murong Feixue fell into your hands," Murong Longcheng said with a solemn expression.

Yi Tian frowned, showing dissatisfaction on his face, and then replied lightly: "Fellow Taoist Murong, what you said is wrong. The downfall of your niece was affected by the demon core's self-explosion. Don't be wrong about that."

Xiang Donghui also knew the severity and hastily echoed: "Yes, yes, Junior Sister Murong died in the self-destruct, there is no doubt about it."

After a slight smile, Duan Yi said again: "This time the Murong branch family in Qingfeng City lost a pillar, and Murong Zhenghong will definitely be in a hurry. Without the sect of Taiqing Pavilion to help Murong's family in Qingfeng City There must be many obstacles to development.”

"Hmph, Murong Zhenghong's lowly servant girl is a concubine, and Murong Feixue is the proof that she stole a man. At this time, no one dares to mention my bloodline, but I don't shy away from it," Murong Longcheng said angrily.

After hearing this, Yi Tian's face tightened, so Murong Feixue might be Liu Yijiang's daughter, so he had formed an indissoluble enmity with a distracted Qi Xiu.

But on the other hand, the faces of the other three people were neither tight nor pale, as if they didn't think it was a matter.I heard Murong Longcheng continue to say later: "Don't worry, fellow Daoist Yi. When Murong Zhenghong was young, he was wandering around and brought Murong Feixue back after traveling abroad for many years. As for her hooking up with Liu Yijiang It will be hundreds of years later."

After hearing this, Yi Tian felt a little more at ease, but even so, he had an insoluble entanglement with Murong Zhenghong.Just as he was thinking about it, he suddenly interjected to Dong Hui: "Murong's family can be regarded as tarsus maggots lingering in Qingfeng City. My Disciplinary Department has long been displeased with their private business. It's just hindering Master Liu." For the sake of saving face, I didn't directly intervene, and now the chief lord personally persuades Uncle Liu, what we have to do next is to get rid of all the leaders of the Murong branch."

It turns out that the higher ups have long had the idea of ​​eradicating the Murong family, and this time with the leadership of the elders of the Disciplinary Department, it is certain that they will succeed in a single battle.

At this time, Yi Tian suddenly realized that he felt a little bit cheated. According to what they said, it would be a matter of time before they took action against Murong's family.And the opportunity is the beginning of Murong Feixue's fall in the illusory territory.

I always thought I was a chess player, but I didn't expect that I was just a pawn on someone else's chessboard.Such a gap made me feel panicked in my heart, but I was helpless thinking about it, since we have come to this point, there is only one way to get to the end of the black general Murong's family.

Presumably there was a trace of determination in his eyes, and then he asked, "I don't know when to do it?"

On the other hand, Duan Yi laughed loudly and said, "Why did Junior Brother Yi think of it at this time, he is not busy."

Murong Longcheng was also puzzled and asked: "This time senior brother Duan actively recruited me to Qingfeng City for this purpose, why did he change his mind temporarily now?"

Duan Yi said calmly: "There are only four of us in this operation, and the superiority's requirement is to execute them in secret, and then take away all the old poison nests of the Murong family."

"It's just the four of us," Murong Longcheng said in surprise, "Isn't this a little risky? As far as I know, the guards of the branch family are strictly guarded, and Murong Zhenghong's lowly maidservant is always surrounded by two mid-stage bodyguards who are always inseparable. And the entire family has twelve monks in the stage of transformation, how can we succeed."

"She won't keep all the cultivators by her side all day long, and we can also lure snakes out of their holes," Duan Yi stretched out his finger and said to Yi Tian: "With the younger brother presiding over the formation, we have a great chance of winning four against six."

"Why is it four against six?" Yi Tian asked puzzled.

"That's how she has two attendants and three children by her side, all of whom are in the mid-to-late stage of transformation," Murong Longcheng said, "These people are usually inseparable from her."

"To be precise, there are three monks in the late stage and three monks in the middle stage. In this way, we must rely on the power of the formation to win more with less," Xiang Donghui explained.

(End of this chapter)

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