
Chapter 1178 Deathmatch

Chapter 1178 Deathmatch
In Houtian Patriarch's cave, the visiting green-capped old monster made a bet for no reason, so Yi Tian had no choice but to accept it.The other party also took out a piece of heavenly treasure, which was mostly a lottery and made it impossible for the sky to get off the table.

But Yi Tian knew in his heart that he had to win this battle if he wanted to survive.On the one hand, it is to prove one's worth to Hou Tian, ​​and at the same time, it can win a certain amount of trust; on the other hand, it is to frighten the green hat old monster and his disciples.

I believe that in the near future, I will go somewhere to look for treasures with my disciples. If I can defeat the opponent at this time, then my danger will be less.

This trick of killing chickens and scaring monkeys is a last resort. At first glance, it seems that the wrong strategy of hitting the egg with the stone is actually the best strategy, but the prerequisite is to win the duel.

The reason why he dared to boast about Haikou was because the opponent's momentum was not strong. The light in Mo Ni's eyes just now explained everything.His strength seems to be stronger than his own, but he has no determination to fight to the end, and he may not do his best if he has concerns when he makes a move.

And since he is a clay pot and he is porcelain, the other party naturally disdains to confront him head-on.Combining the above factors, it has been able to recover its own disadvantages, and even said that the current situation is already stronger than the opponent, and it is really unknown who will win the battle later.

It seemed that Houtian was also aware of this, and there was a gleam of light in his eyes, even the way he looked at himself became a little different.Although this competition was brought up by the green-haired old monster, monks like them in the fusion period naturally value their momentum very much. After winning this game, even if Houtian is against the green-haired monster, the balance will naturally be tilted.

Not much to say, after the agreement between the two parties, Patriarch Houtian reached out and took out a white disc, gently letting go and placing it in the middle of the cave.Then he smiled and said: "This is Xumi Doujiangtai, you two come and get a jade token. If you admit defeat, you can crush it and send it out. Of course, if you crush the jade token at the same time, the person who comes out first will naturally It's a failure. Brother Lu Mao, do you think this is okay?"

"Brother Houtian is thoughtful, but if your people die on the battle stage, you will naturally lose," the green-haired old monster added from the side.

"That's natural," Houtian said with a smile, but the haze in his eyes flashed away.

Then he turned around and said to the two contestants: "These two, hurry up and get the fruit tokens, and hurry up to the stage."

Yi Tian just echoed faintly, took a step up first to get the fruit token, and then used his escape technique to fly towards the stage of Xu Mi Dou Jiang.After ten breaths, he came to a flat arena, and he seemed to be unable to see the edge at a glance.Spreading out the divine thoughts to the farthest point and sweeping over a radius of three thousand miles, I said in my heart that it is really loud.

This empty space seems to be no less than ten thousand miles away, and it is indeed an excellent place for confrontation.But it seems that I am at a disadvantage. There are flat lands all around here, and there are no mountains, rivers and other terrains. My formation is completely useless again.

Just as he was thinking about it, he suddenly discovered that someone had fallen two thousand miles away from the entire building, and it must be that Mo Ni.Being involved in this dispute by oneself is very helpless compared to the other party. The other party immediately locked the other party with divine sense, and then rushed over and cast escapism.

Yi Tian smiled at the corner of his mouth, first the figure shook violently, and then instantly divided into three identical figures, and then two of them disappeared in the void.

At this time, the green-hatted old monster who was watching from the outside face tightened and shouted in a deep voice: "I don't know where Brother Houtian found the help. It seems that it is only in the late stage of transformation, but it is actually extremely cunning. To use such a substitute technique, even I can't help it." It was difficult to distinguish the real body for a while, it seems that my apprentice seems to be at a disadvantage."

Hou Tian's face remained unchanged and he said: "Human monks are stronger than my Yaozu Duoyi, and Yi Tian can be confident that he will go all out with his late stage cultivation base to fight against the god-distracting Mo Sniper. Could it be that Brother Lumao? Do you think the disciple will definitely lose?"

"Who knows the result if you haven't fought before, keep reading. If your people are vulnerable, don't blame me for rinsing your jade teeth," the green-haired old monster hurriedly replied, but his momentum seemed to be different from before. So strong.

When the two were talking, Xu Midou general Yi Tian and Mo Ni had already met on the stage, and after seeing each other from a distance, Mo Ni took the lead.He reached out and took out a set of colorful shells, which turned into several auras to protect his body, and when he saw Yi Tian, ​​he stretched out his hand and sacrificed the shells in his hand.

After several 'swish, swish, swish', those shells flew hundreds of feet away in the blink of an eye and split Yi Tian's figure apart.But before Mo Ni could react, a figure of Yi Tian appeared on his right side out of thin air, holding a sword in his hand and was about to make a move.

Mo Ni's face was shocked. It was extremely thrilling to be approached at such a close distance. Although his cultivation base was slightly higher, he did not have much advantage in melee combat.With a flick of his hands, he sacrificed the remaining shells around him and turned them into light blades to chop them.

But the second blow also failed and a ripple appeared behind him, and then Yi Tian's real body, who had been holding the Taiyuan sword for a long time, suddenly appeared.

Apart from anything else, he swung the Taiyuan sword and turned into thousands of filaments, which exploded nearby.In such a short distance, Lingyao Huaqian's power is fully displayed.

Immediately, successive crackling and cracking sounds came from it, a sword spark appeared in front of Mo Ni, and then an extremely powerful spiritual pressure burst out, pressing his body firmly to the ground.

Yi Tian's hand did not allow the opponent to have the slightest chance to breathe. He stretched out his ten fingers and flicked the nanmuzi that was tightly held in the palm of his left hand, and poured it towards the ink sniper on the ground.

After the blow fell to the downwind, Mo Snipe also hurriedly sacrificed his spell defense, but suddenly the defensive cover on his body was pierced by several sword threads after being plotted against, and then pierced through his body. The donated blood splashed out along the small wound Immediately dyed his half body red.

Fortunately, he was also in the eighth-level low-level monster distraction stage. After he panicked, relying on the difference in cultivation, he stood up hard, and stretched out his hand to touch his upper body, instantly restoring the needle-like wound to its original state.

It's just that he sprayed out a lot of blood donations and his momentum weakened for a while, then he put his hands together and sacrificed a harpoon-shaped spiritual weapon to attack Yi Tian.

The harpoon split the void in an instant, and Yi Tian stretched out his hand to block the re-practiced dragon scale shield in front of him as if facing a formidable enemy. With a 'bang', he fell back thirty feet away from being hit with his shield and man before stabilizing his body.

It's just that Yu Jinzhen's hands that came from above the Dragon Scale Shield almost couldn't hold it, and it wasn't that easy to block a full blow from this eighth-level monster.

The green-capped old man who was fighting on the outside laughed and said: "The winner is already divided, Brother Houtian, call your human assistant to come out, lest Mo Sniper lose his life under heavy hand, you will have no one to help. "

Ancestor Houtian's expression was not only serious, but he said: "It's really time to end the game. Mo Ni is dead and the winner is already divided, so I will be disrespectful to your things, Brother Lumao." Emerald Fangs.

After speaking, Xu Midou stood motionless on the ground with Mo Xiao on the stage, and his body was indeed covered with thorns and vines, one of which was inserted straight into the back of his head.

(End of this chapter)

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