
Chapter 1180 Refining

Chapter 1180 Refining
Back in his own cave, the prohibition behind him closed again, Yi Tian glanced over with a look of helplessness in his eyes.Although Patriarch Houtian promised that he would not be spying on him, the restrictions in this cave still exist.

Peeping or not is just a matter of words, but Yi Tian just wants a promise.

After entering the cave, I lost the feeling of being spied on secretly. I thought in my heart that as expected, the ancestor Houtian was still worried about himself and was secretly on guard, but now he saw that he was also very cooperative, so he calmed down and no longer cared about it. .

Sitting cross-legged in the middle of the cave, Yi Tian calmed down and thought about it, it seemed that this task was definitely not easy.And it shouldn't be the first time that these five monks in the body stage have gathered together, so what happened to the people who were sent in before.

Slowly thinking about it, it was also very thoughtful, and finally sighed in his mouth and secretly said in his heart: "It is estimated that few people who went in could come out alive, or use the cultivation base of roaring to refine the spirits of those fairy spirits." I'm afraid Qi has already crossed the hurdle of the Mahayana period. And there is still a road of no return in front of me, who knows what will happen in the fragments of the fairy world."

The only thing I can be sure of right now is to guess something from the performance of the disciples behind the green-haired patriarch.At that time, what appeared in that person's eyes was not eager revenge, but a spontaneous despair.

Presumably, he should know the inside story better than himself. Facing the predicament of a near-death situation, I am afraid that the desire for survival in his heart will be stronger than ever.As for the idea of ​​avenging your companions, you will forget about it at this time. After all, it is the default unspoken rule in the cultivation world that a dead friend will not die.

After putting away his thoughts, Yi Tian stretched out his hand and opened the forbidden barrier, covering a radius of ten feet around him.After all, starting to refine new spirit weapons will naturally reveal some hole cards, and these are exactly what I don't want Houtian to notice.

This time, he got three treasures that were just used to strengthen the spirit weapon, and the bone fork in the hand of Xumi Dou Taichung Mo was able to pierce his long-tempered dragon scale shield.This alone is enough to make myself vigilant. You must know that there are endless high-level spirit weapons in the world of the spirit world, and those colleagues must have received special care from the fit monks behind them.

Taking out Taiyuan Sword and Dragon Scale Shield and placing them in front of him, Yi Tian was secretly thinking about how to strengthen these two spiritual weapons again.Suddenly a thought flashed in his mind, Hou Tian dared to withdraw the spying and surveillance on him so confidently, he must have left behind.

I have done this to those low-level disciples before, and none of those involved can detect it on their own.After thinking about it, for the sake of safety, it is better to do a whole-body check on yourself first.

Fortunately, the sheltered Nascent Soul who had the seal in the Niwan Palace was not restrained in any way.After sending the divine thoughts, he scanned his body from head to toe.But after searching, I didn't find any abnormalities, and I didn't care if I had so many doubts in my heart, so I calmly investigated again.

After more than half an hour, a cloudy and uncertain look appeared on his face, and more than one place on his body was marked with tracking marks.There are two marks on the little finger and the ring finger of the right foot, one yellow and one green, so Yi Tian can't know that the yellow one belongs to the ancestor Houtian, and the green one should belong to the green-haired old monster.

I don't even know that I was marked for no reason, so it is conceivable that I still underestimated the strength of the monks in the fusion stage.But it's also good that after the two of them left the imprint, there were no other constraints. Now I know well that I can prescribe the right medicine.

Immediately removing the mark now is naturally the next choice, which is equivalent to making Houtian suspicious again.For the present plan, we should first wrap up those two imprints and wait until we enter the fragmented space of the fairy world before trying to figure out a solution.

After finishing all this, Yi Tian reached out and took out the fangs of the talisman, sacrificed a trace of true flame, placed it in the center and started to burn it.This fang fell from Houtian when he was at the peak of his distraction period, and the demonic power contained in it had long been exhausted by the yellow-haired lion.

Fortunately, the aura contained in the material of this fang has been preserved intact, so Yi Tian intends to refine it and integrate it into the Taiyuan Sword.After all, the Taiyuan sword has exposed obvious shortcomings after being used continuously for this period of time.

Although its sharpness far exceeds that of the same level, it is still a bit difficult to break through the protective shield of a monk in the distraction stage.Without prior preparation or close-range explosion, I dare not say that I can lightly suppress the monks in the distraction stage.

It took several days for the sacrificed True Flame Burning Fang Talisman to completely burn and compress it into bone fluid. Then he took out the Taiyuan Sword and gently manipulated it to stop in front of him, attaching the True Flame to it and directly refining it into juice.After fully merging the two parts of the treasure in his hand, Yi Tian is equivalent to re-smelting the Taiyuan Sword this time. After shaping, he still retains the original shape, and then he takes out the talisman and quickly inscribes it on the uncooled sword.

Since the blade is refurbished, the inscriptions on it must be replaced with a new set to match.A few days later, Yi Tian put away the enchantment around his body, manipulated the Taiyuan sword in his hand, and started experimenting in the cave.

The body of the new spirit sword is no longer the original bright yellow and translucent, but has a bit of pale white fang color.After controlling the spirit sword, he used Yao Ling Hua Qian, Ning Void Hua Real and other sword moves in a row, leaving several traces on his dragon scale shield in an instant.According to the quality of the Taiyuan Sword before, it is absolutely impossible to do this.

At the same time, Yi Tian also knew that such a sudden commotion in the cave would make Patriarch Houtian alert.Unsurprisingly, he didn't notice anything wrong with his divine sense, but he felt as if there were some invisible fluctuations passing by his cave quickly.

It's just that after half a moment, I didn't see any response from the ancestor Houtian, knowing in my heart that he was watching him and didn't hesitate.

After putting away the Taiyuan Sword, Yi Tian sat down again, sacrificed the protective barrier, and then shifted his gaze to the turtle shell and dragon scale shield.Putting these two items together is naturally to smelt them together. After all, it seems that the defense of this tortoise shell is not weak, and it is a heavenly treasure.

Thinking about it, the re-refined dragon scale shield should be several times stronger than before in terms of defense.

It may take some time to refine this defensive spirit weapon, but the glazed fangs on the other side don't know what to do with it.To be honest, I really dare not use this thing indiscriminately, after all, it is the fang that fell from the body of the ancestor Houtian after the fusion period.

The so-called thing has spirituality, even if it is refined into a utensil, it is unknown whether it can be used for oneself.It's like the spirit weapon that I refine will leave some back doors, but anyone who uses it against me will definitely be backlashed.

Think again and again, let's put it aside for a while and wait until the environment where Roaring Sky can't be sensed, then take it out for sacrifice.

(End of this chapter)

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