
Chapter 119 Invitation

Chapter 119 Invitation

When Yi Tian returned to the Heishui River, it was already dark. If he hadn’t met Gao Shou and the others who robbed Fengpeng all the way back, Yi Tian would not have known that there was such a thing in the Alchemist Exchange Conference in Fanxing City play.

I have explained everything that needs to be explained, and I am just waiting to collect the spirit stones. This is not only because I am optimistic about Liu Piaopiao, but also because I have confidence in the alchemy furnace I made.As long as Liu Piaopiao's level of alchemy is not too outrageous, the top three should not be too surprising, as for No.1, let's forget it.

That Zhu Chen from the Qihuangmen is the biggest obstacle standing in front of Liu Piaopiao. How could the formula of the barrier-breaking pill brought out by the ancestor of the Jindan from the Qihuangmen be cheaper to outsiders?

It shouldn't be a problem to place a double-sided bet this time, and that Nangong Qianyun is not a fuel-efficient lamp. Alchemy is obviously superior to Wu Xing, and I can't help but sweat for Wu Xing. Very difficult.

It's useless to think too much, I still have a lot of things to do in front of me.First of all, the refining of the formation plate needs to be done quickly, and there are more than 40 refining that need to be worked overtime.The second is my own cultivation. Although I have already touched the threshold of the middle stage of foundation establishment after the Thousand Needles Forest incident last time, I just missed the door.It is estimated that if there are no accidents, after the refinement is completed, it will be able to pass after another half a year of practice.

Now I still have some monkey wine in hand, this thing is better than medicine pill, and has less side effects, but I don't know if it will be different after drinking it after foundation establishment.I slapped my head and almost forgot about the monkey wine puree. I had already prepared the ingredients on my body, and I just waited for the wine to be poured into the pot.However, when brewing wine, you can’t always put it in the storage bracelet, you have to bury it in the ground, and you need to find a place with plenty of aura.

Looking around, Yi Tian smirked for a while, is it still necessary to look for places with abundant aura, isn't every place where arrays are set up.As soon as he said it, Yi Tian took out the refined formation plate, found it on several mountain peaks beside the Heishui River, set up the formation plate first, and then started his own wine making plan.

Six years later, in the town guard's mansion of Country Fong, Yi Tian sat with his legs crossed, opposite to the new guard Shen Peiqi, the two talked and laughed, and there were two wine glasses and a pot of monkey wine in front of them. Talking and laughing, are you talking about the situation of the Chiyang faction in recent years?Basically Shen Peiqi is talking and Yi Tian is listening.

The soul boys who joined the Chiyang Sect with Yi Tian all had successfully established their foundations after going through the trials in the secret realm eight or nine years ago. Among them, Xu Haoxian and Ye Ziyan are more famous.It is said that she is a new generation of Chiyang golden boy and jade girl, but according to Ye Ziyan herself, she doesn't like this name, saying that she always ranks with Xu Hao first to avoid being misunderstood by others, and she deliberately alienates him.

Thinking of the fact that Xu Hao was taken special care of in the woods back then, Yi Tian guessed that the hearts of these soul boys had long been cast a shadow, and it was appropriate that Xu Hao would not be seen first.

Then there was the alchemy competition at the Alchemist Exchange Conference in Fanxing City, Wu Xing, as the representative of the Chiyang Sect, won the No. 5 in terms of skills.After returning to the Zongmen, he directly removed the two characters of the last word, and became the true biography of Dantang. Ning Ning won the seventh place, and became the second true biography of Dantang after returning.

But after this incident, Ning Ning has been dissatisfied, always arguing to compete with Wu Xing again, but Deng Qingxiang, the head of the alchemy hall, has spoken, and will wait 20 years for the two to compete again in the middle stage of foundation establishment to determine the ranking.

Hearing this, Yi Tian was very interested, and asked casually: "Isn't there only one true disciple, why does Pill Hall have a second true disciple?"

Shen Peiqi also smiled wryly: "Who told Ning Ning that the backstage is hard, Ning Qingyuan, the head of your master's Qi Palace, went to intercede with Deng Qingxiang of the alchemy hall in person, and this is how the second true biography came about. The key is the head of the house, Yang Yanzi. He actually agreed, saying that the development of the sect is inseparable from Dantang, and promised to give them the same treatment. But that Ning Ning has been inquiring about you, and said that you are doing things unfairly, and all the good things are sold to others, waiting for you I will settle accounts with you sooner or later when I go back." After speaking, he looked at Yi Tian meaningfully.

Cold sweat broke out on his head, Yi Tian knew that the matter of Jiuxiao Tower could not be covered by paper, and Ning Ning must have known it, so he had to avoid it this time when he went back.Seeing that the scene was a bit cold, Yi Tian hurriedly urged Shen Peiqi to ask who was the head of the Fanxing City alchemy conference, but Shen Peiqi said that he didn't know, and asked Yi Tian to find out by himself when he had time.

Then Shen Peiqi said some interesting things about the sect: "After that Wu Xing got the true biography of Dantang, his two friends Tang Lin and Gao Shou actually booked the second floor of Tingyuxuan to celebrate him. All of my friends attended, not even Qu Yifeng. Ning Ning arrived uninvited and took Huo Jiawei up to the second floor, and then the two of them were playing tea-sprinkling on the second floor of Yuxuan. It’s enough to use up Ting Yuxuan’s three-month inventory.”

These days, Yi Tian was excited to hear it. This Ning Ning took the opportunity to vent her anger, and Huo Jiawei was an accomplice, but how did Wu Xing pay the bill in the end?Seeing Shen Peiqi's trickery, she felt itchy in her heart, and said quickly, "Hurry up and continue."

Who knows that Shen Peiqi had a silly smile, and she cupped her hands to thank Yi Tian, ​​and then said: "Wu Xing is an iron rooster and has no spirit stones to settle the bill, but he is very good at taking two friends. When he paid the bill, it was [-] spirit stones, and he gave it directly. I didn't ask for [-] yuan. I heard that the boss of Yuxuan was afraid of accidents, and every guest on the second floor gave a bag of tea when he went out, which can be regarded as discounting all the change." After speaking, he sipped his wine glass Showing a look of intoxication.

Seeing that Yi Tian really had the urge to go up and beat him up, this guy always plays hard to get when he gets to a critical point, it seems that he was also one of the guests present that day, so he urged him to make a long story short.

After putting away that lazy look, Shen Peiqi also bowed her hands to Yi Tian and said: "First of all, I want to thank Junior Brother Yi for his generosity."

After listening to this sentence, Yi Tian felt more sweat on his head, and then heard Shen Peiqi continue to say: "Gao Shou also announced on the spot that this celebration banquet was funded by you, Yi Tian, ​​and the purpose is to let everyone He had a great time playing. He also said that he had directly used the spirit stone that you instructed him to have. Everyone present at that time gave a thumbs up and praised Junior Brother Yi for his generosity, and Ning Ning even sprinkled an extra bag of tea for it."

Don't look at Yi Tian's face, but he is almost 40 years old after all, there is still something in the city, resisting the urge to get mad, Yi Tian just said: "Everyone just have fun. "

Immediately, she was about to go back to the sect to return to her life, but before she got up, she heard Shen Peiqi say: "Junior Brother Yi should stay outside for a year or two, and it won't be too late to go back when that Ning Ning is in seclusion."

"I'm in the middle stage of foundation establishment, am I afraid of her little girl?" Yi Tian replied angrily.

In the past few years, Yi Tian has also worked hard, brewing wine from the cliffs of the Heishui River, and burying it under the formation plate.Yi Tian was not idle along the way, except for setting up formations and meditating.

As early as five years ago, he was already in the middle stage of foundation establishment. In the past few years, he has not only practiced Xuanyang real fire and spiritual wood soaking techniques, but also practiced the magic formula of Ming Wang Dao. A magic trick called 'cloud turning hand'.

However, it was driven by wood-type skills, so when it was used, it was not white but blue, and its power was not bad, more than twice as strong as that of Zhong Yue back then.This kung fu still depends on the person who uses it. Ming Wang Dao's kung fu can be considered powerful, but the practitioners are too poor.

The Mingyang God Alchemy Jue found from He Shiwo is also very fast to practice. Compared with the three points of the Divine Consciousness obtained by Donghai City, the Mingyang Lianshen Jue is a move that focuses on the offensive of the Divine Consciousness .Except for the last move of Mingyang God Phantom Thorn, Yi Tian has almost practiced it, if his consciousness had been divided into three, he could have practiced it long ago.

Now Yi Tian's spiritual consciousness is much more refined than monks of the same level, and its scope is much larger than that of foundation-building monks, almost as close to that of early-stage Jindan monks.And with the growth of cultivation, there is still room for improvement.

On the contrary, it was the change of Asura. In the past few years, the dharma behind him has not made much progress, but the dharma has become a little more solid, and there has been no change other than that.

After listening to Shen Peiqi's words, Yi Tian wished to go back to Gao Shou and Tang Lin to settle accounts.Dare to use my share of spirit stones to play 'sprinkling calendula', oh no, it's sprinkling tea leaves. It has disappeared in recent years, and some people really dare to play on their own heads.

Immediately after Yi Tian got up and was about to say goodbye, Shen Peiqi suddenly heard Shen Peiqi say: "Actually, I have an invitation now, but it's a pity that the sect is involved in missions, and I really can't leave Country Fong for too long," and then I saw him blinking at Yi Tian He continued: "Good things will be cheaper for you. Let you go for me. The other party is a monk from the Xuanling Sect and the Iron Sword Sect. They said they want to find a formation master to help them explore a cave."

I saw Yi Tian shrugged his shoulders and said: "Don't be that Thousand Needles Forest again, I don't want to go to that kind of place again."

"Don't worry, this time is in the depths of Moyun Ridge, a place called Tiger Leaping Cliff. The people who go this time are all monks from the three sects, so it's fine."

"It wasn't a monk of the Xuanling Sect last time, and something happened later," Yi Tian said jokingly.

This time Shen Peiqi blushed and feigned anger and said: "Last time we deliberately put a long line to catch big fish. It's up to you whether you go or not this time. They paid 800 yuan in spirit stones. You don't want to earn it." , "After speaking, he took a storage bag and put it on the table.

Yi Tian was also very happy to have such a good thing. The spirit stones in his hands have been used like flowing water in the past few years. Every time he set up the spirit gathering array to practice, he would use up a batch.There are only a dozen middle-grade spirit stones left on him for emergency use. The [-] spirit stones at this time are really timely. Although it is only a drizzle, it is better than nothing.

And Yi Tian really didn't want to face Ning Ning so quickly, so as to save her from being entangled and troublesome.It's also good to go out to relax, and if you have the opportunity, you can find someone to practice your hands, preferably a strong player with some strength.

Thinking that Yi Tian was also eager to try, he took the storage bag and said something, I took this task, and was about to go out, only to find that there were only [-] spirit stones in the storage bag, and turned around and asked Shen Peiqi: "Why? The number is wrong."

But Shen Peiqi's answer was: "According to the rules, the intermediary takes [-]% of the handling fee, and I left you the whole number." Then she turned around and started to do her own business, and she said, "Come on, do it. I like yours."

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(End of this chapter)

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