
Chapter 12 Happy Birthday

Chapter 12 Happy Birthday
The biggest happy event for the White Horse Gang this month is that the leader Wang Gui is 50 years old this year, and everyone in the White Horse Gang held a birthday banquet at Sihai Casino to celebrate his birthday.

All the neighbors received invitations and sent people to congratulate them.

According to the rules of the White Horse Gang, if those small merchants and hawkers have a light gift list, they will suffer in return.

For a time, these people who came to congratulate them in the North City of the West City brought gifts in large and small bags, for fear that they would offend the White Horse Gang and have a hard time in the future.

But there are also happy people, and Yi Da of Yiji Grain Shop is one of them.

His nephew became prosperous in the White Horse Gang, and the gang leader Wang Gui took special care of the grain shop and the winery business.

So Yi Da prepared a generous gift and sent it to Sihai Casino by ox cart.

On the night of the birthday banquet, a row of white horses in front of the Four Seas Gambling House was full of enthusiasm, decorating the entire facade with joy.

Big red ribbons carrying lanterns hung high on the doors on both sides of the casino, and the sound of firecrackers at the door continued.

All the people who came to congratulate him entered the inner hall through the main entrance, and went to salute today's birthday king Wanggui.

The servant brought by the subordinate also took the red envelope in the steward's hand and went to the side hall to drink a glass of wine.

The lobby of Sihai Gambling House has all the gaming tables removed today, and there are Eight Immortals tables all around. Each Eight Immortals table is still covered with red cloth, and red hydrangeas are also wrapped around the eaves and beams.

The leader of the gang, Wang Gui, was sitting at the head of the main table, dressed in a wedding robe, and the people who came to congratulate Wang Gui one after another.

Wang Gui was also polite, and everyone greeted each other with a few words to win over people's hearts.

After Yi Da met Wang Gui, he found Yi Tian, ​​and after a few chats, Yi Tian hurriedly sent his uncle back to the grain store.

Yi Da didn't think much about it, and after a few glasses of wine, he left with his men.When Yi Tian saw his uncle gone, he felt relieved for a while. This birthday banquet was not as simple as it looked.

Ever since Ren Kui came back from inquiring about the news, Wang Gui and the others have become concerned, and the various abnormal behaviors of Qingzhumen indicate that there must be something wrong.

The spies placed by the White Horse Gang at Qingzhumen couldn't find out what happened. Even Tu Jiaojiao only found a few people from Li Minda, the pharmacist of Qingzhumen, through Xu's second line.

Tongsha, who came to the play hall last time, was also there, which was in line with the news that Ren Kui had heard.These people haven't come out since they entered the Xuji Pharmacy, and Wang Gui feels the more suspicious they are, the more disturbed they are.

It's a pity that I can't find more accurate news here. Xu Kaishan of Qingzhumen failed to attack the Xiantian realm a few years ago. Will he invite someone to help refine the medicine to remove the dark disease this time, so as to prepare for the next attack on the Xiantian realm? Unknown.

After all, Xu Kaishan is the confidant's big trouble, and the high-end combat power of the two sects is the foundation of the decisive victory.

After discussing with the three leaders of the White Horse Gang, they decided to lend Wang Gui a birthday banquet, and sent an invitation to Qingzhumen to see their reactions.

Since the last dart incident, the White Horse Gang has been hiding at home, but they have not seen any reaction from the other party.

Wang Gui, who is used to being a strongman, feels that there is no way to prevent thieves for a thousand days. It is better to deliberately reveal flaws and give the opponent a chance.

Set up an ambush here to see if the other party is a raptor crossing the river.

The main backbone of the White Horse Gang had already passed the gas before. On the bright side, the three gang leaders were sitting in the Four Seas Casino, and secretly Wang Bao and Ren Liang led a team to lurking in the opposite door Limanxiang and the shops along the street.

It's fine tonight. If there is any dispute, the people who keep the Qingzhu Gang will not be able to return to the West Market.

Ren Kui was drinking wine in the back hall, but today's fine wine didn't seem to have the usual taste, and Yi Tian was also absent-minded when he saw him drinking.

The two received a message from Wang Gui early this morning, and they wanted to recharge their batteries in the back hall.

In case Qingzhumen came over to play tricks on the table, it would still be up to Ren Kui to come forward to settle it. The so-called losers don't lose, Wang Gui can't lose either.

Yi Tian was also muttering in his heart. It is important to have no intention to count, but this time I don't know what tricks the other party will have.

Looking at Ren Kui's appearance, anyway, when Ren Kui came up first, he just went to make up for the leaks, and he felt calm when he thought of this.

It is also a last resort to send Yi Da away quickly, Yi Tian still hopes that his uncle can stay away from this circle.

Tonight, if the Green Bamboo Gate does not come, it will be a feast without a good feast, and there will definitely be a fierce confrontation.

Just as he was thinking about it, he heard the doorman shouting his name aloud: "Li Minda of the Qingzhumen Association congratulates the master of the white horse gang and the king of the gang, such as the East Sea Shounan Mountain."

Yi Tian turned around and stood up, thinking that the righteous master was coming, while Ren Kui signaled to him to stay calm and take a look at the situation first.

Looking through the crack of the door, there were more than a dozen people coming to the Green Bamboo Gate. Li Minda took the lead and stood behind the two incense masters, Zhang Liu, and only Tong Sha who was looking around in the crowd.

A tall and thin man standing next to him looked at Wang Gui and the others with a look of disdain, as if they didn't care about any group of people.

After hearing Wang Gui and Li Minda exchange a few words, they were sitting at the main seat, without even saying a word to look at the seat, waiting for the next paragraph.

Li Minda was not irritable, he smiled elegantly, stood lightly opposite Wang Gui, and ordered his staff to present congratulatory gifts.

The man hurriedly placed the brocade box in his hand in front of Wang Gui respectfully.

Under Wang Gui's gesture, Ren Binghai opened the brocade box, only to see a blank piece of paper in the box, with the words "Sihai Casino" written on it.

Wang Gui laughed jokingly after reading it: "Brother Li, this joke is too big, this cosmopolitan casino belongs to the subordinates, how can it be a congratulatory gift".

Li Minda cupped his hands without embarrassment, and said in a calm and unhurried manner: "Qingzhumen knows that today is the fiftieth day of Gangzhu Wang, and the gangmaster specially ordered us to bring 1 taels of silver to win the entire Four Seas Casino as a congratulatory gift to Gangzhu Wang. .” After speaking, he stood aside calmly.

The entire Four Seas Gambling Hall fell silent for an instant, and everyone was looking at Qingzhumen and the others as if they were fools.

The three leaders of the White Horse Gang had their faces sinking like water, and they winked secretly.

Ren Kui, who was sitting in the back hall, was awe-inspiring after hearing this, and Yi Tian was also worried. He wanted to use 1 taels to win Sihai Gambling House, which can lay golden eggs. body.

Wang Gui waved his hand, and everyone hurriedly cleared the hall. After placing the gaming table and equipment in the center, they said, "Please come on stage. If it's Mr. Tongsha in the back, then you don't have to." At the end, he did not forget to remove the stage.

The people in the Green Bamboo Sect were silent as if an old monk had entered the meditation, and Tongsha who was standing behind was flushed.

The last time I was here, I was already ruined by someone, so I definitely can't go up this time, so I tugged on the sleeve of the tall man next to me after speaking.

Yi Tian heard the tall man say something strange: "Let me meet the masters of the casinos from all over the world." After speaking, he walked up and sat opposite the gambling table.

(End of this chapter)

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