
Chapter 121 Visit 2

Chapter 121 Visit II

Walking in the passage, a fireball on Yi Tian's right hand illuminates the surrounding area of ​​five feet. The road on the right looks twisted and twisted, but it is still a straight road in the long distance.The two walked for [-] quarters of an hour, but they still didn't realize that they had reached the end. Yi Tian realized that the further down he went, the lower his center of gravity would be, and the direction of the passage might be extending downward.

Nangong Qianyun who was following behind suddenly yelled, she accidentally lost her footing and leaned against Yi Tian's back.Yi Tian quickly turned around and helped her, only to see Nangong Qianyun's veiled face paused for a moment, then pointed to her feet embarrassingly and said: "I kicked a rock and twisted my foot."

Following her interactions, under the firelight, the plain embroidered shoes she was wearing under her green robe got stuck among some stones.Yi Tian asked her to stop for a while, and gently pulled her foot out.Then he helped her rub her ankle, and after seeing that there was nothing serious, he said, "It's all right, let's go on if we're all right?"

Nangong Qianyun nodded lightly, then brushed her bangs with her hand, stood up slowly and moved her feet, then said in a soft voice: "It's okay, let's continue walking."

After hearing the reply, Yi Tian was about to get up, and the light of the fireball in his hand swept across the place where Nangong Qianyun twisted his feet, and he saw a reflective spot.Take a closer look at the fireball with your right hand, and it is a brass plaque.Bending down, Yi Tian picked it up and looked at it. There was a word 'Calendar' engraved on the bronze medal.

After reading it, Yi Tian put away the bronze medal directly, thinking in his heart that this cave is not that simple, and he doesn't know what else is waiting below.

After getting up, he looked at Nangong Qianyun, and seeing that her feet were fine, Yi Tian said "Let's go", and the two continued to walk deep into the passage.

After a quarter of an hour, the two people who were walking in the passage heard a sound coming from the front. Yi Tian hurriedly signaled Nangong Qianyun to stop, raised the fireball in his hand and looked at it. The front seemed to be over.

The two quickened their pace and walked forward. After ten breaths, they went out of the passage, and saw a cave with a radius of more than ten feet. Yi Tian looked back and saw that there were three entrances to the passage.A few balls of fire flashed in front of my eyes, and it was Mo Tiexin and the others who came out from the two side passages.After looking at it, everyone looked relieved. It turned out that these three passages all lead to this big cave.

Mo Tiexin tapped on the wall a few times, and several bright spots appeared in an instant. Looking carefully, it turned out that a few night pearls were embedded in the wall, and the light from the fireball illuminated the entire cave.

The five of them looked at the cave, and there were obvious traces of artificial excavation.In the middle of the whole hall is a stone with a radius of one foot. There are four entrances on the stone walls around the opposite cave, and there is a stone carving in the middle.There are no doors in those four caves, but there are restrictions in front of each door. If these restrictions cannot be broken, no one can enter.

Mo Tiexin greeted everyone and walked to the stone platform in the middle, and then everyone gathered around to discuss what to do.Luo Zong was the first to speak as a formation master: "These restrictions are nothing more than defensive formations. As long as you find the nodes, everyone can break the nodes together."

Seeing that no one objected, Luo Zong also suggested that if there was any spirit treasure or elixir in it, he should choose one first.Yi Tian glanced at the complacent Luo Zong, but didn't speak.Mo Tiexin nodded and said 'OK', and then the five of them began to divide the work. Yi Tian, ​​Mo Tiexin, Nangong Qianyun and Zhou Huan stood in front of the four gates, each with spells ready .

Luo Zong, who was standing in the middle, took out the sky measuring ruler, formation-breaking plate and four forbidden-breaking cones from the storage bag. The prohibition of the two doors is superimposed and covered respectively, and then the prohibition breaking cone is used to tap into the formation eye of the breaking formation disk.

After the preparations were done, Luo Zong yelled: "Put the spiritual power on the forbidden awl to break the formation." The four of them were not soft on their hands, and directly sacrificed their spells towards the forbidden awl. fly away.Under the urging of spiritual power, the ban-breaking awl suddenly sank into the formation disk, and then saw that the superimposed formation disk and the restriction all responded.

On the restriction like a layer of light film, a point first appeared, and with the continuous injection of spiritual power, it gradually turned into a small hole, and then the small hole gradually expanded to the thickness of the mouth of a bowl.Luo Zong, who was standing in the middle, hit the four spells in his hands on the four formation plates after forming seals with his hands, and only heard a crisp sound, and the restriction in front of the four holes was broken at once.

The four people present were overjoyed when they saw it, and now they can go into the cave to check it out.It was eye-opening to see that Luo Zong broke the formation with Yitian. Although there are only ways to break the formation at the beginning of the formation, they are all broken after finding the node or the eye of the formation. It is not as neat as Luo Zong. Array-breaking method.

There are still capable people in this world, it really should not be underestimated, then Luo Zong has his capital to propose to take one thing first.

Mo Tiexin didn't talk too much, and asked the four of them to search for the things in the lower door one by one.There are seal characters written at the entrances of these four caves, Nangong Qianyun hurriedly asked Yi Tian to come forward to recognize them.Going forward, Yi Tian took a closer look, pointed to the four caves and said, "These four caves are pills, utensils, medicines, and methods. They should be the place where the owner of the cave makes alchemy, refines tools, grows elixir and practices kung fu. .” Then he asked Mo Tiexin how to find it.

After the four of them looked at it, they stared at Mo Tiexin expectantly. This time the treasure hunt was suggested by her first, so everyone took her as the leader.I heard Mo Tiexin say: "Let's start with 'Dan', everyone goes in together, and after finding something, take it out and share it together."

After seeing everyone nodding their heads, Mo Tiexin took the lead and went in, and then the four of them followed.Yi Tian walked at the end, but looking at Zhou Huan who was walking in front, he frowned suddenly, feeling a little strange, but couldn't tell.

An hour later, when the five people searched the three holes in front of the pills and medicines, everyone returned with a full load.Counting the elixir found in the cave, there are quite a few spirit weapons and elixir.Nangong Qianyun was in charge of distinguishing between pills and spirit medicines, most of them were foundation-building period medicine pills, and there were still a few barrier-breaking pills. After ordering, they divided the things into five piles, and Yi Tian checked the spirit medicines. device.

Although many spirit tools have been corroded after years of storage, they are still good to use as raw materials.From these spiritual weapons, Yi Tian sorted out four high-level spiritual weapons, a spirit sword that seemed to be usable, a white shield, an animal leather armor and a token.

After the two of them had divided them, Mo Tiexin glanced at the spirit weapon and frowned. The four spirit weapons meant that someone would not be able to share them all, and if they were not handled properly, it would cause disputes.That Luo Zong went up to look at it and offered to choose one first, Mo Tiexin also nodded in agreement.Yi Tian was only interested in the token with the 'Sanskrit mantra' written on it, but he didn't do much treasure hunting this time, so he couldn't open his mouth.

Each of the five elixirs could take one, and the remaining spirit weapon, Mo Tiexin, took the spirit sword without hesitation, and then asked Luo Zong to choose him to take the token, and finally Nangong Qianyun had no choice but to put away the shield.Yi Tian and Zhou Huan didn't get it, but they didn't say anything.

After the division was over, the five people entered the cave marked with Fa again. After walking in, they found that the inside was actually larger than the three caves just now. No.Some fragments of jade slips were scattered on the ground, and there were a few white bone skeletons lying down in the middle of the cave. Yi Tian checked the position and saw that someone was besieged by several people.But these people all died together in the end, which shows that the strength of the besieged people is obviously stronger than everyone else.

After hearing Luo Zong's cry, he pointed to a skeleton in the middle. The middleman only saw that the skeleton was wearing a storage ring.And there are storage bracelets on the wrists of the previous skeletons.

After a few people came forward one after another, Yi Tian looked around, and there was a mural carved on the wall, and the words on it were not seal script.After looking carefully, Yi Tian found that a little cold sweat was slowly lying down from his forehead. The inscriptions on it were actually the spells of Ming Wangdao, and a part of it was the "Ming Wang Turning the Cloud Hand" he had practiced. Looking down There is also the next one, called 'Rain Covering Hand'.

Ignoring the four people, Yi Tian hastily took out a roll of jade slips from the storage bracelet, and directly engraved it according to the writing on the wall.This thing is dispensable for others, but it can be used directly by oneself, and it is much more cost-effective than those spiritual weapons.

Seeing Yi Tian's actions, the other four people also looked around for four weeks, then turned around and continued to discuss how to allocate these storage bracelets.

That Luo Zong was even more outrageous, he directly took out a spirit sword from the storage bag, chopped off those storage bracelets and storage rings together with the skeleton hands, and threw the bones away after taking out the things.

After Yi Tian finished re-enacting, Luo Zong had already collected them and handed them over to Mo Tiexin.Yi Tian looked at it and shook his head, these skeletons were also monks in front of them, and they were kneaded by Luo Zong again when they died, so Yi Tian stretched out his hands to protect the space, cleaned up all the skeletons, and picked them up from the storage He took out several robes from the bracelet and wrapped them up.

Everyone didn't know what Yi Tian wanted to do when they saw it, they only heard Yi Tian say: "I'll go to the medicine garden to bury the bones." After saying that, they didn't care about the four of them, and went straight out of the cave.

After walking into the medicine garden, Yi Tian took out a spirit sword on a flat piece of ground and started digging. A three-foot-deep pit was dug with a cup of tea, and then he put down several packs of bones , and then buried the pit.

As soon as these tasks were done, Yi Tian heard a few people arguing in the initiative outside, and realized that something was wrong, Yi Tian hurriedly put away his two pieces and hurried back to the main cave.I only saw embarrassment on the faces of the four people. Turning around to look, I found that the three entrances that came in just now were covered by a thin layer of light film, just like the restriction of the four entrances just now.

(End of this chapter)

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