
Chapter 1211 Channels

Chapter 1211 Channels
After Yuanren's explanation, Yi Tian has a new understanding of the Buddhist world. In this world, spiritual stones and other cultivation materials are second only to those things that Buddhist monks use for cultivation or to earn merit. This can be exchanged for a big price.

I have a lot of magical weapons in my hand, and if I take them out in exchange for merit, it will be more than enough.But it's useless in such a small place. The highest-cultivated hospitality monk in the two courtyards is about the same as himself, so it doesn't make much sense to take it out.

The goal now is to go to Shenguan City, which is the largest comprehension town nearby.If you want to go to Daleiguang Temple by way, that is the place you must go first.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian didn't hesitate to ask how to get to Shenguan City, and then gave Yuan Ren the magic blade in his hand as the price of the inquiry.

After he left, Yi Tian calmed down and meditated. According to the information on hand, there were only a few ways to go to Shenguan City. One was to walk like those ascetic monks.Obviously this is impossible, and I can't afford to waste a few years on the road.

The second is to fly directly to Shenguan City, but there will be many difficulties and obstacles along the way.The most troublesome thing is to check the map. From Liangyuan City to Shenguan City, you have to pass through the territory of foreign races.

These alien races are also very knowledgeable, and they will not stop them well compared to ascetic monks who walk on foot or Tantric monks who come and go.But it is very harsh for spiritual practice or other monks of other races.

If he bypassed the territory of alien races and then invaded the territory of monsters, he certainly didn't want to make troubles.

After thinking about it, I decided to take a walk in the city to see if it was possible to find someone to go with me, at least find someone who knows the way to lead the way.

After thinking about it, he changed into the appearance of Ku Toutuo and went back to the street to the area where the aliens gathered.

After a while, I came to the bustling market, and I looked at the shops opened by foreigners on both sides of the street.Fortunately, the scripts in the Buddhist world and the spiritual world are the same, and these foreign races also went to the countryside to learn the local scripts.

After Yi Tian walked through several shops, he could clearly understand the functions of these shops, but he did not find a shop that needed to be escorted.

After random inquiries, I found out that there is a special Tongwen Hall in the alien gathering area where many monks can contact.During the period, there are also many tasks for people to cooperate, such as crossing the alien area. There are also many tasks.

After walking a few streets, Yi Tian turned into a small alley, removed his disguise and resumed his lineup before walking out from the other end.After passing a few streets, I arrived in front of the Tongwen Museum. I looked up and found that there were many foreigners here.There are three or four spiritual practitioners like myself, and more are monks from other races with weird looks.

Most of the people who come and go are monks in the Nascent Soul stage, and there are very few people who are as cultivated as myself.Seeing only three or four people back and forth, Yi Tian still restrained his cultivation to the early stage of transformation, and then walked in.

I saw densely packed quests on the wall of Tongwen Hall. After scanning through them with my spiritual sense, I checked carefully and found that only one out of ten of them was suitable for me.Among them, there was one item that caught my attention. I walked up to stare at it, and it was the escort mission issued by Qingfenglian, the largest merchant in Shuangyuan City.

It is required to hire three monks of the transformation stage to travel through the alien area and escort the warship of the caravan to Shenguan City.Yi Tian thought about it and felt that this task is suitable for his current needs, and the whole cycle is only ten days and a half months.The biggest advantage is that there is a guide and you can travel on a merchant ship.

After thinking about it, he went straight up and expressed his request to the disciple on duty in the Tongwen Hall.For the high-level monks, these on-duty disciples were naturally respectful, and soon took Yi Tian to a quiet living room.

After sitting here for less than a moment, in the midst of divine thoughts, he realized that someone was rushing towards Zhengzheng, and when the door opened, a girl from a foreign race walked in with red skin all over her body, and a pair of pointed ears sticking out.There was an inch-long sharp horn on his forehead, and he looked at Yi Tian with arrogance and asked, "Are you the spirit monk who wants to take the task?"

"Exactly, but the young lady seems to be from the hell realm. I never thought that she could do business in the Buddhist realm. I admire you," Yi Tian replied lightly, and he felt a rush of sulfur as early as when the other party approached the living room. The breath of fire.Among the hundreds of clans in the spirit world, only the barbarian tribe in the hell world has this characteristic. Although the girl in front of her has only two one-inch-long horns on her forehead, her identity is definitely not simple.

I have read the classics of hundreds of races in the spirit world, so I can still recognize these alien races. I heard that the ranks of the horned tribes are distinguished by the number of horns on their foreheads.Since the person in front of him has two horns, he is no longer an ordinary clansman.

Then he only heard the other party say with disdain on his face: "You are a bit knowledgeable in spiritual cultivation. This seat, Wan Jiaolan, is the vice president of the Manjiao Chamber of Commerce in these two courtyards."

"Yi Tian, ​​a casual cultivator in the spirit world, at the early stage of transformation into a god."

"You don't know how strong you are, a casual cultivator. I heard that Chi Wuji from the Lihuo Palace in the spiritual world is a bit powerful among the cultivators who transform gods. It's not just you who are better than him?" Wan Jiaolan teased.

"Friend Equator's strength is almost in the early stage of distraction, and there is naturally a gap between me and him. I don't know what kind of monk Miss Wan wants to find to accompany her on this trip?" Yi Tian curled his lips and replied, obviously because of his attitude. dissatisfied.

Wan Jiaolan didn't seem to take Yi Tian's performance seriously at all, and then nodded and said: "Since you want to take on this escort mission, you should go through the formalities first, and meet at the airport in the east of Shuangyuan City three days later. The fleet will not wait until Si time at most. If you miss the departure time, the deposit you paid will be confiscated directly, you should be clear about this."

Yi Tian snorted coldly and said: "Don't worry, I also want to save some energy to go on the road, so I can take a ride with the wind. As for the journey, I will perform my duties according to the agreement in the guard contract."

Facing his own sarcastic remarks, Wan Jiaolan didn't take it seriously, it seemed that he already had two Apotheosis cultivators as a reserve army, so he was full of confidence and didn't take them seriously.

After he left, Yi Tian went directly to the Tongwen Hall under the arrangement of the disciples on duty to pay the deposit, which was a full [-] top-grade spirit stones.Looking at the receipt and jade token in his hand, he couldn't help but think about why he had to pay so many spirit stones.It seems that the items from the Chamber of Commerce escorted this time are worth a lot. After the task is completed, there are three times the rewards, and the rewards can be exchanged for spiritual weapons or magic weapons.

After walking out of the Tongwen Hall, Yi Tian felt that it was necessary to go to the Manjiao Chamber of Commerce to find out the truth, otherwise, it was not his style to be sold and kept in the dark.

(End of this chapter)

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