
Chapter 1223

Chapter 1223
Shenguan City is a comprehension town under the name of Shenguan Temple, and its scale is only about the same as a human-level comprehension city in the spirit world.

Since entering Shenguan City, Yi Tian has been walking around for a while, and later found that the area occupied by this place is about half smaller than that of Luoxia City back then.

Looking at the entire city, it is built on medium-sized spiritual veins, but half of the spiritual vein resources are occupied by Shenguan Temple.Moreover, it is the part with the most abundant spiritual power, so the remaining part used to build the city is naturally much smaller.

Fortunately, the alchemy and talismans here are all complete, and under the abbot of Shenguan Temple, it can be regarded as closed in an orderly manner.

After searching around, I found out that the abbot of Shenguan Temple is about the middle stage of distraction. Although he belongs to the Mahayana lineage, he is located in a remote place not far from other major temples. All the temples are from ascetic monks, so it is comprehensive Strength is not strong.

Only then did Yi Tian understand in his heart that it's no wonder that Kong Xing from the Minglun Temple in Daxue Mountain dared to plot against the Manjiao Chamber of Commerce, and it was because of its weak foundation.If it was replaced with something from the Daleiguang Temple, I am afraid that Kong Xing would not dare to make a move even if he had the courage.

After getting enough rewards from the Manjiao Chamber of Commerce, Yi Tian didn't want to rely on them anymore to avoid Wan Bo's nausea and scruples.After walking around in Shenguan City, I found out that there is indeed a long-distance teleportation array in the city.It's just that this formation is in Shenguan Temple, if you want to use it, you must first report to the abbot of Shenguan Temple. "

After Yi Tian thought about it, he felt that there was no way it was worth trying. At worst, he had a straightforward talk with the abbot Zen master and stated that he would take the road to Daleiguang Temple. At most, he would spend enough spirit stones in advance.

There are only himself and the abbot among the monks in the distraction period in this city. Yi Tian then converges his cultivation base to the appearance of the early stage of transformation, and then finds the direction of Shenguan Temple, then strides towards it. go.

The management of the entire Shenguan City is not very strict, and apart from some law enforcement monks in the Nascent Soul Stage, there are very few monks in the Transformation Stage.

When Yi Tian came to the gate of the lower mountain of Shenguan Temple, some monks came to hear the news, and they were polite when they saw his cultivation.

Yi Tian briefly stated the purpose of his trip, but when the Zhike monk heard that he was going to borrow the teleportation array, his expression became tense.After looking it over and over again, Jishou said: "This senior, only the abbot Zen master can open the teleportation array of this temple."

"So please give me a convenient recommendation, I will be very grateful," Yi Tian replied politely.

The Zhike monk had a troubled expression on his face, he hesitated and mumbled what he wanted to say but he didn't dare to speak out.Yi Tian was also a little angry when he saw it, and shouted in a deep voice: "Since this is the case, there is something unspeakable, is it true that the abbot of your temple has gone out for something and has not returned yet?"

"The abbot is currently practicing Zen in the temple," the Zhike monk replied: "I don't know what the seniors will do. The once-in-a-thousand-year relieving ceremony will be held here. The abbot will definitely go there once he accepts the invitation. Now he is actively preparing for the battle."

"Prepare for the battle," Yi Tian showed a little suspicious look on his face. It seems that this mind relief session was mentioned by Monk Kong Xing before, and it can be regarded as a grand event here.If the abbot of Shenguan City also received the invitation, it would be a bit famous, but it's a pity that he continued to borrow the teleportation array, and if he forced his way in, it would naturally cause some trouble.

After thinking about it, he found an excuse to resign from the Zhike monk and walked down the mountain.After walking only a few miles, he found a place where no one was around, and directly cast his magical powers to cover his figure.

Then he returned directly along the garden road, and after walking to the gate of Nashenguan Temple, he glanced over and found that Zhike monk was still sticking to his place.After lightly passing by him, he went directly to the road up the mountain.

His own cultivation base is high and his two realms naturally come and go freely. After walking half a mile on the mountain road, he suddenly found that there is still a famous place here.This winding mountain road seems to be blessed by Buddha power, and the spiritual power consumption gradually increases as you go up.

After thinking about it for a while, Yi Tian hurriedly changed his skills to slowly run the power of the Da Ri Zhen Jing in his body. After walking for two days, he found that the original heaviness on his body slowly disappeared.

Immediately, Yi Tiantian took a step and rushed towards the location of the Shenguan Temple on the mountain.After a while, he passed the gate of the inner temple and came to the front of the Daxiong Hall.

The cultivation base of the monks here is only at the level of the Buddha's infancy, and they dare not open their spiritual thoughts to investigate for fear of showing their feet.After bypassing the main hall, you will come to the corridor in the back courtyard, and through the corridor is the dining hall for the monks.At this time, it seemed that there were still some young monks cleaning up inside, and Yi Tian didn't want to disturb them, so he walked directly towards the monk's room at the back.

After walking through a few rooms quickly, I found that there was no one in the room. I calculated the time and most of the monks were listening to the lectures in the front hall.I was thinking about what to do next, and suddenly there was a weak wave of spiritual pressure sweeping over the monk's room.Yi Tian was surprised that the opponent's strength was about in the mid-stage of distraction, but fortunately he restrained his breath and used his magical powers, so he should not have been noticed.

Conversely, after thinking about it, a clear expression appeared on his face, that person must not be the abbot of Shenguan Temple.Naturally, there is an ulterior secret to sneaking in so sneakily, and after thinking about it, the pace of his feet gradually accelerated, and he followed closely in the direction where the spiritual pressure wave left.

A moment later, when he walked around the back mountain hall of Shenguan Temple and came to the forbidden gate, he carefully checked the remnants of spiritual power in the sky, and he was sure that the other party must have broken in.

Scanning the surrounding area, he found that there was no trace of forcibly breaking the restriction, and said in surprise, "I'm sorry, it seems that the person who broke in should be familiar with the way."

Suddenly, there was a ripple of spiritual power in the restraint, and Yi Tian was shocked immediately, this is the rhythm of the action.Immediately, he took out the formation-breaking awl and the formation disk, and the green light flashed in his eyes. The person who performed the pupil technique found the forbidden node, activated the formation disk and inserted it directly, and opened a gap of one and a half feet with the formation-breaking awl. The figure jumped in from it.

Once inside the restriction, one could clearly feel the violent fluctuations in the surrounding spiritual power.Containing his breath, he rose into the air two feet away from the ground, and then used the escape technique to rush towards the forbidden area.

After turning a few turns, I saw a thatched hut at the end of the path from a distance, and two monks were standing in front of the hut, confronting each other.

Yi Tian didn't dare to scare the snake, but quietly walked to the side until he was thirty feet away from the two of them, and then relied on the terrain to cover his whereabouts.

After carefully looking at the two people, the one in front of the hut was a 30-year-old monk in a shabby robe, sitting cross-legged on a futon with his hands folded.

In front of him was a fat-headed and big-eared monk dressed in fancy robes, but Yi Tian noticed that this person's attire was very similar to that of Monk Nakong Xing.

I only heard the fat-headed and big-eared monk shouting: "Liaochen, it is useless for you to forcefully occupy the seat of the Xinxin Puja. It is good that the booklet is handed over, and it would be honorable for me to participate on behalf of Shenguan Temple."

"Of course, junior brother didn't expect you to be able to say such shameless words. Didn't you leave Shenguan Temple a long time ago? Why are you returning to the temple to fight for this place now?" The monk sitting cross-legged in front of the hut replied unhurriedly. road.

 Thank you Laohuotang for the monthly ticket
(End of this chapter)

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