
Chapter 1278

Chapter 1278
Half a day later, after walking out of the restaurant, Yi Tian parted ways with Kong Ling, and the evil spirit on the nine-section Zen stick was just the remnant of the spiritual power on Kudala's extinguished electric finger.

I have already experienced it in the land of the fall, and his spiritual power is mixed with Buddhist and magic skills, so ordinary Buddha power has no effect on him at all.

Fortunately, for me as a craftsman, I only need to eliminate the original aura on the spirit weapon and re-warm it.

He has already used Nanming Lihuo to remove all the aftertaste on the nine-section Zen staff and reinject a new trace of Buddhist power, and then return it to the ethereal and explain the way to it with him.

The latter is naturally able to understand the problem, but fortunately, after the aura is eliminated and reset, there is no trace of the breath of the electric finger left.As for the level of the nine-section Zen stick that has fallen after this battle, it can be raised back through a long period of warming.

Kong Ling didn't care about it at all when he raised it. Everyone had a tacit understanding to put all the big prophecy behind them and never mentioned it.

I also like to deal with smart people. Later, the two exchanged their cultivation experience and understanding of Buddhism.What surprised me was that Kong Ling's attainments did not seem to be inferior to Senior Brother Chen's, but he didn't even attend the last release ceremony.

If he had come forward on behalf of Minglun Temple at that time, it would be unknown who would win Wenbi's first name.

After going out, Yi Tian recovered his original appearance and put away Ku Toutuo's appearance. After walking around the city, he found out that this place is called Nirvana City, which means Nirvana after entering the Buddhist sect.

There are many disciples of Daleiguang Temple in the city to maintain it. Foreign monks and foreigners can seek a place in the city after paying enough fees, or open shops, or sell pills.

But in Nirvana City, you are not allowed to do anything at will, and those who want to go to Daleiguang Temple to pay homage need to go through the special passage of Nirvana City, except for the monks of the integration period and above.

Because there are too many people coming, the special passages in this city are limited every day.Naturally, those with my level of cultivation can take special passages, but most low-level monks can only wait in line on the main road.

After flying to the front of the passage and falling down, a disciple of Daleiguang Temple rushed forward to hear the news and said, "May I ask if you want to enter the temple?"

After seeing the visitor, Yi Tian replied indifferently: "Exactly, I don't know if there are other rules for entering the mountain gate to worship and rest?"

The Zhike monk hurriedly replied: "But all monks or ordinary people can walk in the temple to train their minds, no matter who they are, as long as they can complete the journey, they can naturally enter the temple."

Following the direction of Zhike monk's finger, Yi Tian glanced over, and saw that there were many monks and ordinary people lining up in a long line, preparing to pass through the barrier one by one.

Turning around, he asked, "I have something important to do and I want to meet Senior Brother Yizhen, so I would like to ask the little master to make it easier for me."

"Since he is a close friend of Abbot Yizhen, I should have been personally received by my resident elder, but the abbot has been in seclusion for many years and I have not received an edict. I am afraid that I have disappointed seniors," Zhike monk replied respectfully.

"It's okay, let's find the little monk Xuanwu," Yi Tian said casually.

"Master Uncle Xuanwu is in the temple, please go to the temple in a confused way, senior." After speaking, Zhike monk stretched out his hand and pointed to the empty road next to his mouth.

Yi Tian swept across the place with almost no one going in and out. It is estimated that there are not many visiting monks in the distraction period.Immediately, he extended his hand and thanked him, then the figure leaped over and walked in from the entrance of the Asura Path.

Little did he know that after taking him away, the Zhike monk hurried forward and sealed up the same road marked with confusion, and finally took out the communication jade talisman, wrote down what happened here, and sent it out.

Walking on the confused road, Yi Tian walked slowly and steadily, thinking about the strangeness of this road.Walking on it always feels like something is going to happen.

Sure enough, after walking for three or five miles, I suddenly felt that the steps under my feet became heavier.Looking down, there seemed to be runes on the ground, but after stepping on it, I felt like there was a heavy burden on my body.Although it's not a big problem for me now, but I don't know how much is left in the road ahead. Yi Tian immediately worked hard to lighten the burden on his body, and then ran forward quickly with his feet.

Not long after walking, suddenly there was a phantom in front of him, and when he got closer, it was indeed the appearance of Kong Yun.Immediately, I was stunned, but I realized that it was just an afterimage when I saw the tea after delivery.

After ignoring so many passes, he continued to walk, and after another three or four miles, he saw a figure in front of him.When he got closer, he saw the appearance of Najudala, so far Yi Tian was terrified.Sure enough, there is a problem with this road. The people on it are all the people I have worried about, but I don’t know if I will meet anything on the road behind.

I only heard Kudala shouting loudly: "Boy, there is a way to heaven. If you don't go to hell, you have no way to come in. Today you can't get out."

After all, there were movements in his hands, but Yi Tian didn't notice the slightest murderous intent, and immediately ignored him and continued walking down the road after jumping over.

On the journey ahead, I met Houtian, the green-haired old monster, Qilinzi and others one after another. I knew that these were all people who had appeared in my heart and worried about it. Every time I passed by, I just looked on and glanced at them, and then brushed away. pass.

In the second half of the walk, I saw Patriarch Wuye, knowing that he was just a sliver of obsession in my heart, but Yitian slowed down his walking speed a little and glanced at him intentionally.

Only Patriarch Wuye reprimanded him: "When will you move into Lihuo Palace? Have you forgotten the agreement you made with me back then?"

Yi Tian stopped for a while and replied casually: "The patriarch is here and the disciples have never forgotten the admonition. After this matter, I will definitely rush back to the spirit world and go to the Lihuo Palace to investigate." After finishing speaking, he ignored the image of the patriarch Wuye Reaction took a step forward again, but at this moment, he suddenly felt a little burden in his heart and a subtle change in his mood.

Just imagine that this should be the situation where I have vented my long-suffering thoughts in my heart. At this time, Yi Tian's face was solemn and secretly worried about what kind of person he would meet in front of him.

After walking a hundred feet, he turned his head and looked at the figure of Patriarch Wuye. When he turned his head again, he saw the figures of the master of precepts and the devil prince Qiu Yu standing on both sides of the road in front of him.

Walking forward, without waiting for the two to speak, Yi Tian bowed to the two of them respectively: "I've thought about what the master entrusted, and the Arhat Hall that I took in will definitely return the spiritual treasure to the original owner, so please don't worry about it."

Then he turned his head to Qiu Yu, the devil prince, and said, "Seniors have their own opinions in the world, and the younger generation will patrol the trails to find out what happened to the seniors and make it fair to the world." Go straight ahead.

 Thanks for the monthly ticket of Shiliang Waterfall
(End of this chapter)

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