
Chapter 128 Sword Tomb 3

Chapter 128 Sword Tomb III

On the second floor of the knife tomb, Yi Tian and the three of them talked about the situation. The place where they are now is violently windy. If everyone finds a good relic, go directly to start comprehending it, and there is still plenty of time.

Guan Mingyi patted Yi Tian on the back and said, "Junior Brother Yi is also thanks to you to get down to the second floor so quickly. In the past, it took seven or eight hours."

"Senior Brother Guan is polite, and my younger brother is also a little bit sympathetic, but why don't you go any further, maybe there is a better saber intent ahead?" Yi Tian also lured the three of them in an orderly manner.

Yao Rui shook his head and said that he was satisfied coming here, the wind in front of him was too fierce, he could just find a suitable knife around here and directly comprehend the knife intent.

Guan Mingyi nodded directly, and then told him to pay attention to safety, then turned to look at Wu Min and asked, "What do you mean, Junior Sister?"

"Naturally, we should move forward until we find the sword intent that suits us." Wu Min replied with firm eyes.

The three of them then fully opened their defensive covers and walked forward against the howling wind.

The second floor of the knife tomb is more than twice as small as the first floor. Standing at the exit, you can see the entrance of the third floor from a distance. Yi Tian has seen the map before, and there is a ten-foot platform at the entrance of the three cities. Sword Tomb and Sword Tomb, that is to say, if there is no accident, you can meet Jianzong's team there.

As for what Mei Yingxue said about having a competition, Yi Tian didn't take it seriously even if he came back again. He just felt itchy when he saw the entrance of the third floor, but he felt that it was a waste of time to go to find out.

The three of them walked all the way, and Yi Tian still induced Guan Mingyi to go to the entrance of the third floor from time to time, who knew that this guy only said: "I want to find Qijue Dao to comprehend the meaning of Thunder Sword." After speaking, he ignored people, Just go by yourself.

Turn around and look back to see that Yao Rui is already sitting in front of a saber. After activating the jade token in his hand, a light mask is formed covering the person and the saber together.

Guan Mingyi also turned around to look at it, and then showed a hint of envy and said, "He has found what he wanted, and he is now enlightening. As long as he realizes [-]% or twelve hours, he will be sent out naturally," said A trace of fortitude appeared in Wan Wan's eyes, and the protective shield on his body was also strengthened by three points, and his action speed also accelerated.

Looking at Wu Min who was walking behind, her face was pale, and she was still struggling to support herself. The wind on the second floor was indeed a bit fierce for the monks in the early stage of foundation establishment, and it consumed a lot of spiritual power, but in her eyes His resolute look didn't change at all.Yi Tian took out a bottle of Haoqi Yuntian wine from the storage bag and handed it to Wu Min, signaling her to drink it leisurely.

After waiting for ten breaths, Wu Min's condition obviously improved a lot, so he followed Yi Tian and continued to move forward.And Guan Mingyi in front has already walked a long distance away, and seems to have found his goal, and is heading there.

Five hours later, the stone tablet at the gate of the Sword Tomb also lit up, and the disciples of the Sword Sect were also overjoyed. Although they were a little behind in time, they were still behind, and there were at least seven hours left for them to use.

Yi Tian and Wu Min, who were walking behind, also exerted their full strength. Although their cultivation bases were not related to Ming Yiqiang, the two were determined in their hearts.The two kept a distance of one zhang, one behind the other, and slowly moved forward, at a much slower speed than before.And the further you go, the stronger the wind becomes.

When the two walked more than half the distance, they saw Guan Mingyi laughing wildly in front of them. They found a thick horizontal knife and sat down in front of them. Then they took out the jade card and activated it. They stayed in the mask and began to understand the thunder knife agree.

Wu Min walked all the way and kept observing the spiritual artifacts stuck on the ground around her. Although all of them looked good, she didn't stop. She just found out that none of them were suitable for her, so she followed closely. Yi Tian walked behind him.

On the contrary, Yi Tian, ​​who was walking in front, was very happy, and led Wu Min towards the entrance on the third floor, passing Guan Mingyi on the way, and saw him staying in the mask, with his eyes closed, and a little starlight on his forehead kept flickering So, it should be enlightenment.

It took the two of them half an hour to walk to the entrance of the third floor. As soon as they reached the platform, the feeling of howling wind suddenly disappeared.Yi Tian felt a burst of relief, sat down and took out a few spirit stones to restore his spiritual power.Wu Min on the side was also in a trance for a while, and she didn't come across a relic that satisfied her along the way.

This trip to the saber tomb was wasted. If Wu Min chooses it casually, if the saber intent does not conform to the Dao heart, it will have a great hindrance to his future cultivation.If a golden core is formed, then the heart demon test will definitely be difficult to pass.

Seeing Wu Min's dejected look, Yi Tian also comforted him and said, "Isn't there another chance in front of us, go down to the third floor and directly get the relics of monk Yuanying, if it doesn't work, then it can only be said that it is Wu Min. Min has no fate with this sword mound."

After hearing Yi Tian's words, Wu Min's eyes also brightened, how could he give up lightly before the last moment.

Yi Tian looked at the situation at the entrance of the third floor of the Sword Tomb. There were obviously two doors, but as long as Yi Tian managed to break the restriction of one door, he could feel the recoil from the other side.But time kept passing, and Yi Tian didn't think of a solution for half an hour.

Wu Min who was on the side looked anxious, but there was nothing he could do on the surface.Suddenly, Wu Min received a message from Enemy Nine through the Zongmen Jade Card, so he directly told the other party the situation here. After receiving the reply, Wu Min stood up and said to Yi Tian: "The people from Jianzong are coming soon. Time to figure it out together.”

Seeing such a situation, Yi Tian had no choice but to nod his head, and he had to wait for Enemy Jiu to come over.

A moment later, I saw Enemy Nine staring at the slowly moving figure of Jianqi Gangfeng, and it took a full half an hour to reach the platform and meet Yi Tian.But what surprised the two of them was that Mei Yingxue came with her. Looking at her tired face, she must have cheered up after hearing the summons and carried it over.Yi Tian didn't know why this woman cared so much about the French competition, there was no need to be so strong.

The four discussed at the door, and Yi Tian told Mei Yingxue about his discovery, but she didn't pay much attention to it.On the contrary, because Mei Yingxue was overwhelmed by Yi Tian again, her expression was terribly cold. On the contrary, Yi Tian felt as if he owed her several thousand spirit stones.

After inspecting the two doors, Mei Yingxue said to Yi Tian: "Just now you took the lead on the second floor, so let me break the formation first this time."After finishing speaking, ignoring Yi Tiantong's disagreement, he took out seven silver needles from the storage bracelet, held them in his hands, and walked forward to start looking for the forbidden nodes.

Enemy Jiu and Wu Min couldn't help much, so they had to wait by the side.Mei Yingxue took out an hourglass and put it beside her, and saw that nearly [-]% of the sand in the bottle had flowed down, until the time left for herself was running out.

Immediately, Yi Tian saw that Mei Yingxue made a decisive move after seeing the restriction on the sword grave, and the silver needles in her hand flew out one by one, hitting the restriction on the door accurately, only to see that the light film seemed to be blocked It bulges out quickly when it is inflated, forming a big bubble shape, which is about to burst.

Mei Yingxue also had a happy face, and looked back at Yi Tian, ​​only to find a burst of suspicion on his face.Suddenly the three of them heard Yi Tian's cry: "Get out of the way."

Enemy Jiu and Wu Min reacted quickly, and they hurried to the distance. Yi Tian also launched Blast Flash with all his strength and ran to the other side.He only saw that the forbidden bubble suddenly deflated after rising to a certain level, and the counterforce of the forbidden directly rushed towards Mei Yingxue.Although the protective cover blocked most of it, the reflected silver needle pierced through the protective cover directly.

Mei Yingxue was hit by three silver needles all at once, and blood flowed out along the needles.Wu Min hurried up to support her, pulled out the silver needle, took out Jinchuangsan from the storage bracelet, and attached it to the wound.Although the bleeding stopped immediately, everyone looked at Mei Yingxue's pale face, the backlash from the restraint just now hurt her.

It took me a while to come back to my senses, Mei Yingxue looked at the restriction in front of her and shook her head weakly and said, "My seven needles to break the divine prohibition can't break this restriction. It seems that my Sword Sect is a relic of the third level. Yes," he said, saluting Qiu Renjiu with an apologetic expression on his face, and said: "It is also my fault for hindering Junior Brother Qiu's chance, I hope Junior Brother will not let it happen." After saying that, he took out the jade tablet and crushed it, A halo enveloped her whole body, and after three breaths, Mei Yingxue was sent out of the Sword Tomb.

Enemy Jiu just curled his lips, and then said: "I'll go back and find a suitable spirit sword, so I won't play with you." Then he turned around and prepared to go back.

Before the first one was released, I heard Yi Tian teasingly said: "If you leave, you will really miss the treasure of the third floor. It's okay for you to be useless, and you will miss the future of your sister Wu, and you will regret it for the rest of your life in the future." .”

Wu Min and Qiu Renjiu's eyes lit up, and they turned their heads to look at Yi Tian, ​​and they hurriedly said, "Do you have a solution"?
Scratching his head, Yi Tian smiled and said, "I'm not sure, but I'm also [-]% sure, do you want to take a gamble?" After speaking, he waited for the two people's answers.

Wu Min nodded without thinking, and then looked at Yi Tian.And Enemy Jiu looked at Wu Min with expectant eyes and agreed with gritted teeth.

Since everyone has a common goal, then this matter will be easy to handle. Yi Tian also made an agreement with the two of them. If it succeeds, Yi Tian will also go down to have a look, but the two must keep it secret and cannot reveal the third layer of Yi Tianxia. matter.Wu Min and Enemy Jiu have no opinion on this point, and they swear by their heart demons that they will never mention this to the fourth person.

Seeing that the two cooperated so well, Yi Tian was not polite anymore, and directly took out two magic-breaking arrays and two forbidden-breaking cones from the bracelet, and after giving the forbidden-breaking cones to two people, he controlled the two with both hands. The formation disks were nailed to the gates of the Sword Tomb and the Sword Tomb respectively. When the spiritual power of both hands was released together, the formation disks were slowly inserted into the restriction.

A moment later, when only one face was left on the Dharma plate, Yi Tian yelled at Wu Min and Enemy Jiu: "Put the forbidden awl into the center of the formation-breaking plate, the blade will break the sword grave, and the sword energy will destroy the knife!" tomb".

After the two looked at each other and nodded, they switched positions with each other. After injecting the energy of the sword into the forbidden awl, they pressed the forbidden awl directly into the Taiji point of the broken formation disk.And Yi Tian took out a bottle of wine from the storage bracelet with the third strand of divine consciousness, poured it directly into his mouth, the surging spiritual power nourished the dantian, and sent strands of spiritual power into it. Taking advantage of the momentum, he forced the two formation-breaking factions into the restriction.

(End of this chapter)

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